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Guest Peter James

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Guest Peter James

After making enquiries I have to admit Frank may be right in that may be possible for someone to claim more than the maximum 3 days supply of food in a year from foodbanks because the security checks are not very onerous.


We have charities for the young (the easiest one to market as children in need are so photogenic that celebs like Terry WigOn promote them and get them the most money)

We do have charities for the old

We have charities for women.

We have charities for ex-forces

We have charities for people with medical complaints

We have charities for people with certain religions

We have charities for birds and animals

We have charities for preserving old buildings

We have charities to promote sport

Etc etc etc….

But what of destitute people who don’t fit into any of those categories?

The only charity I know that doesn’t exclude anybody is foodbanks

Which means their resources are so stretched they have to restrict people to a maximum of 3 days supply of food in a year.

But how do you enforce that?

Some people would rather go hungry than claim from a foodbank, how much more humiliation can you put them through with security checks? – and bear in mind that whatever security checks you introduce you have to persuade VOLUNTEERS to carry them out

And I think they must be desperate to make more than one 3 day claim from a foodbank anyway.


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Anyone who says food banks are not needed and are not a very important part of the modern world is very , very wrong

The new Samsung phone is now out and have you seen those curved 3D TVs ?

They like beer and fags are not cheap ! If charities won't help buying these essentials then what option do folk have other than going to food banks ?

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Peter James - 2014-06-02 9:35 AM

After making enquiries I have to admit Frank may be right in that may be possible for someone to claim more than the maximum 3 days supply of food in a year from foodbanks because the security checks are not very onerous.

But what of destitute people who don’t fit into any of those categories?


There is one charity for them which I know of (and contribute to) Peter, It's called 'Centre Point' and they do excellent work -- but mainly in London, I think -- but during my Social Work career ( and, prior to that, when I dispensed various social security benefits for the ( then) DHSS), I was also aware of the stirling efforts of the Church Army (who run hostels for the homeless) and the Salvation Army -- wonderful people -- it is Just a pity that they seem to need to believe in Fairy Tales to be a member of said organizations!

My gripe about charities and their publicity is the proliferation of dog/animal charities, of course!

I have ceased patronising our local Morrison's ever since they have been promoting a 'Food Bank' for dogs -- dreadful! What a terrble waste of resources/energy! If dogs need to be cared for in a home/kennels, etc. the should all be painlessly and rapidly 'put down' -- end of story!

As for destitute/desperate people and food banks -- yes, I was part of the 'system' which 'filtered' out requests for such assistance when I volunteered/worked for various Citizen's Advice Bureaux in Wiltshire and Somerset for over 20 years. I am sure that the odd one or two 'conned' me and my fellow workers out of more than the 3 'helpings' of free food that the Trussell Trust (and others) recommend, but -- desperate people, who have often been deprived of their rightful state entitlements, often for spurious reasons,resort to desperate measures.When society is dogged by conniving bankers and other capitalist con-men surely we can forgive those at the bottom of the pile -- however they got there? There is far too much personalised condemnatiom and not enough good-hearted compassion these days, in my view.


"'nuff said"



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antony1969 - 2014-06-02 11:40 AM


Anyone who says food banks are not needed and are not a very important part of the modern world is very , very wrong

The new Samsung phone is now out and have you seen those curved 3D TVs ?

They like beer and fags are not cheap ! If charities won't help buying these essentials then what option do folk have other than going to food banks ?


That's not at all funny, Antony -- just pointless >:-(



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Guest Peter James

You are absolutely right Colin.


I questioned the motives of people who are doing very well for themselves and want to collect other people's money to give to populist charities in their own name. For that I was castigated all over this forum.


But people who are so destitute they are reduced to going to foodbanks as a last resort, are fair game it seems :-(

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