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Huttoft in the news again!


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longbarn - 2014-06-14 9:13 PM


a)So why not put up Parking Meters? The council are crying out for funds.


b)By Laws like every where else could stop people staying more than 48 hours.


Hi longbarn...


a) Presumably because barriers are *cheaper to install and maintain and can't be ignored?

(*well, they should be, if they're not cut down...)


b) "Policing" By laws would cost...


This quote, taken from the following link, sums up a lot of these situations...


"Unfortunately, some people don’t seem to have realised that if you abuse a good thing, someone will create a new rule to ban it..."


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There is no solution to this type of problem because so many seem to have entrenched perspectives and there is unlikely to be any scope to gain a consensus on what should happen.


The sign is very clear to me and so, sadly, I cannot feel any sympathy for those who ignored it unless the sign was hidden away out of sight.


This country has a form of democracy that allows local people to make decisions on issues that directly affect them. We may not agree with them but is it right that outsiders ignore local decisions?


I have an open mind on overnight parking but I would vigorously object to people regularly parking their motorhomes, or any other vehicle, that detracts from my enjoyment of my local area and brings little benefit to me. I guess that makes me a NIMBY but then I'm not alone.


For what it is worth, I don't wild camp.

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-06-15 9:15 AM


longbarn - 2014-06-14 9:13 PM


a)So why not put up Parking Meters? The council are crying out for funds.


b)By Laws like every where else could stop people staying more than 48 hours.


Hi longbarn...


a) Presumably because barriers are *cheaper to install and maintain and can't be ignored?

(*well, they should be, if they're not cut down...)


b) "Policing" By laws would cost...


This quote, taken from the following link, sums up a lot of these situations...


"Unfortunately, some people don’t seem to have realised that if you abuse a good thing, someone will create a new rule to ban it..."



How would policing By laws in respect of motorhomes cost anymore than cars? :-S.................issuing a fixed penalty notice takes the same time to write for a camper as it would for a car ;-)............



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pelmetman - 2014-06-15 10:34 AM


How would policing By laws in respect of motorhomes cost anymore than cars? :-S.................issuing a fixed penalty notice takes the same time to write for a camper as it would for a car ;-)............



Who said it'd cost more to "police" Mhs, that it would to "police" cars?...


The problems they seem to be having here is folk ignoring the official signs and "overnighting" in live-in vehicles(campervans, MHs etc), not cars....


One would assume that the bulk of car visitors, would drive home come evening/night time?...


Or are we now saying that they should employ someone to check these car- parks at 10 or 11 o'clock at night?

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I thought you had left? ..............................But I'm closer to Huttoft than you nar nar nan nan nah ............and the Councillor on the telly saying he'll seek to confiscate the campers of those non payers of fines.......is my Councillor ................and even worse I voted for him..........even worse he's a ,,,,,,,,spit Tory ......................Well there was no UKIP option ....................



I,m not much further away, We pay our council tax to Boston.

We would do our weekly shopping to and from Huttoft. Gas, DIY, Petrol, Garden Center and Food.

Went to Horncastle once, Large car park outside Tesco East Lindsey Council, same one,£30 Fine, No motorhomes in small print. Small camper never got a ticket. We were in the box, they were not.?!!!!!

All Car parks the same in Horncastle so beware. Try Boston, its a lovely town, large market Wed. and Sat., but no sea to look at. Good parking.

No use going to the Caravan Club site at Sutton on Sea, No parking at Huttoft.

We keep well away now, go SW. May have to pay for parking but its reasonable £4 for the day.

Their loss.

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-06-15 11:18 AM


pelmetman - 2014-06-15 10:34 AM


How would policing By laws in respect of motorhomes cost anymore than cars? :-S.................issuing a fixed penalty notice takes the same time to write for a camper as it would for a car ;-)............



Who said it'd cost more to "police" Mhs, that it would to "police" cars?...


The problems they seem to be having here is folk ignoring the official signs and "overnighting" in live-in vehicles(campervans, MHs etc), not cars....


One would assume that the bulk of car visitors, would drive home come evening/night time?...


Or are we now saying that they should employ someone to check these car- parks at 10 or 11 o'clock at night?


Well I dare say a council parking bod would appreciate a bit of overtime ;-)...........and they could even charge motorhomes for parking over night to recoup the cost 8-).............now that would be progress eh? :D......


In the mean time I'll spend my money abroad :-|........



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pelmetman - 2014-06-15 12:18 PM


In the mean time I'll spend my money abroad :-|........



Yes but surely, the inability to "holiday" on some sea front car-park or Prom' or the lack of a UK "aires" network are not the only reasons you(and others) go abroad, are they..?


Of cause they're not..


People go abroad for the weather, the change of scenery, change of culture etc ..and because , "it's abroad"..


When ever these sorts of threads pop up, folk coming out with "..that's why I go abroad.." is a bit disingenuous, as they'd be taking their vans "abroad" even if the UK did have aires etc.. ;-)


Implying otherwise is like saying holidaymakers only go abroad because the UK doesn't have guest houses or hotels.. ;-)

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Guest peter
Had Enough - 2014-06-14 9:35 AM


peter - 2014-06-13 9:11 PM


I bet most of the complaints come from local overpriced campsite owners


Oh dear, here we go again. Do you have any evidence for this? I can assure you that most campsite owners are too busy running their campsites to worry about a few wild campers, who they know will never use their sites anyway.


Most complaints of this nature come from residents or walkers, bird watchers and the like.


Your comment about overpriced campsites shows your stance on this perfectly! How do you know they are overpriced,? have you dome comparisons with other sites in the UK? Or perhaps it's just your inbuilt anti-business bias rearing its head again?


I've just left a lovely site on the Dordogne. It was €16 under the ACSI scheme. Terrific value I'm sure you all agree but it's only so low because the site is desperate to fill spaces in the low season.


The price for a family of four with one dog in the high season is fifty euros!


You will find this in many of the better French sites, the prices in summer go sky high as they've a very short season and they have to make real profits then, and in the UK the season is even shorter.


I fully understand why many British towns don't have aires. There are good reasons that have been explained again and again.


I do feel though that there could be more latitude on overnight parking, especially in places like this. However we just know what would happen. People would set up camp for a fortnight and if overnighting was legal the gypsy travelers would move in.


Our biggest problem is the small minority of tight-fisted motorhomers who would abuse the privilege and spoil it for everyone else.


Councils would have to employ enforcement officers to ensure that it's not being abused and then we're into more costs, which the ratepayers wouldn't like.

(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)



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This will run and run, but a factor not mentioned is that local councils are scared stiff of travellers taking over sites and not being able to move them on for months and at great cost. How do they differentiate between travellers and more up market "wild campers" ?

This just doesn't happen in France where the gendarmes don't have to wait for court orders, appeals, or solicitors, they just move them on so local councils feel confident in providing facilities for overnight stops.

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-06-15 1:23 PM


pelmetman - 2014-06-15 12:18 PM


In the mean time I'll spend my money abroad :-|........



Yes but surely, the inability to "holiday" on some sea front car-park or Prom' or the lack of a UK "aires" network are not the only reasons you(and others) go abroad, are they..?


Of cause they're not..


People go abroad for the weather, the change of scenery, change of culture etc ..and because , "it's abroad"..


When ever these sorts of threads pop up, folk coming out with "..that's why I go abroad.." is a bit disingenuous, as they'd be taking their vans "abroad" even if the UK did have aires etc.. ;-)


Implying otherwise is like saying holidaymakers only go abroad because the UK doesn't have guest houses or hotels.. ;-)


As you know we have had our camper since 1992, so I have a fair idea of how things have changed in the UK over that period ;-)....................and parking a camper anywhere near a tourist attraction in the UK has become a right PIA *-)............coupled with the virtual impossibility of being able to just set off without pre booking your pitch weeks and sometimes months ahead 8-)...............


When you cross the ditch Pepe your'll discover what motorhoming is all about B-).............





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pelmetman - 2014-06-15 9:23 PM


...and parking a camper anywhere near a tourist attraction in the UK has become a right PIA *-)............coupled with the virtual impossibility of being able to just set off without pre booking your pitch weeks and sometimes months ahead 8-)...............


*When you cross the ditch Pepe your'll discover what motorhoming is all about B-).............


I don't disagree Dave..

But the UK has never had "aires" has it...and it has always been more 'site(caravan?) orientated..and we all know how hard and/or expensive it can sometimes be to park a car in the UK, so just why would some expect the situation to get easier when wanting to "overnight" in a 6-7-8mtr "motorcaravan"?.... :-S

(as for "I just want to be able to park like a car" comments, well, were not driving "cars" are we.)


It's this constant "..It's not fair..they're picking on us..", victim, mindset that some MHers seem to display, that I find unproductive.

All too often we hear " ..I want to..it's why I bought it...", instead of "..I would like to be able to, but appreciate that it may not be possible to .." ;-)

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-06-15 9:23 PM


As you know we have had our camper since 1992, so I have a fair idea of how things have changed in the UK over that period ;-)....................and parking a camper anywhere near a tourist attraction in the UK has become a right PIA *-)............coupled with the virtual impossibility of being able to just set off without pre booking your pitch weeks and sometimes months ahead 8-)...............


When you cross the ditch Pepe your'll discover what motorhoming is all about B-).............



Utter nonsense. Every year we explore a region of Britain that we don't know well. For example instead of flashing through to Cornwall recently we had a few days in Wiltshire, Somerset and Bristol.


We have never had to book a site in advance and have used a combination of CC sites and CLs.


We usually go in late June or early July and I accept that some weeks later it may be more difficult.


However, it's no different in France! Try getting an aire in a hotspot in late July or August. Try just rolling up to a site in a popular spot at the same time. They are invariably booked up.


Of course in the middle of nowhere, like a municipal in the middle of Brittany (but not the coast) you may have more luck, but in the UK you'll have no problems just rolling up to a site in the Highlands of Scotland.


Pepe is absolutely bang on about the anti-British brigade, of which you've become a prominent member. You go abroad because of the weather and the different culture and if we had aires in the UK you'd still go abroad.


It's a pity that you can't be truthful about the reasons you go to France and it's a pity that you have to stoop to this knocking of your own country.


Yes, France is better for motorhoming. Because of its weather and attractions it gets ten times more foreign motorhomers and caravanners than the UK does, so it has to cater for them.


Your comment about only finding out what motorhoming is all about when you cross the water is as pointless as telling someone that they'll find out what sunshine holidays are all about when they go to Majorca. Yes, of course they will, I think we all know that!


We've had some superb holidays in the UK from the Outer Hebrides to Glastonbury, but for our long holidays we go to France or Spain or Croatia and we go because it's warmer and different, not because of anything lacking in Britain.




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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-06-16 8:22 AM


We have never had to book a site in advance and have used a combination of CC sites and CLs.



Of course you've never had problems Frank.................as I suspect the campsites clear before you :D........


We have only just rejoined the CC club purely because our tugger friends wanted to go to Oban, they were badgering us to confirm dates back in February for July :-| ....................and I recall availability of CC pitches a perennial bug bear.............unless this lot are deluded too ;-)......




four green stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by QuinnJeanQ Quote | Report

hi,does anyone else out there find it annoying that when trying to book mid week to mid week dates its near on impossible because the sites are usually full for 1 night only which is a saturday, but the rest of the week its near on empty, i do not know the answer to the problem but feel that the club should look into this as there must be a lose of revenue,and i appreciate that we are all members and have different needs, but surly there should be a number of pitches available for longer stays and not for just one night, thinking caps on caravan club..JQ




TheAdmiral, Caravanner From Dyfed

five red stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by TheAdmiral Quote | Report

Week-ends are full of blockbookers.






Lenchen, Caravanner From Fife

four red stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by Lenchen Quote | Report

Yes this has happened to us on several occasions.




jimoz44, Motorhomer From Norfolk

two green stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by jimoz44 Quote | Report

This is one of my pet gripes with the club. This has been going on for years. We are lucky enough to be able to take quite a few week/2 week breaks each year, but time and time again we cannot get the w/ends. Very frustrating we are beginning to wonder if it's worth keeping our membership which we have had since 2004Sad




grahamsomersham, Caravanner

five green stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by grahamsomersham Quote | Report

The club never seem to be very good at pitch utilisation. It is a supply and demand situation with the demand being at weekend and the surplus supply being weekdays. There has been a token effort at offering midweek discount on some sites but to be more proactive and charge extra for weekends would upset a lot of one nighters. Who do you upset, the people who want a longer stay but are fewer in number or the people who want one or two night stays who create the imbalance. If the airline system of fluid pricing was implemented it would lead to better utilisation and more revenue but a lot of people who book one nights or at last minute getting pee'd off.


Personally I would love to see fluid pricing as it would suit me to hunt about for the best deals, however it would mean paying in advance to secure the booking.


Just think about it a few years ago airlines had fixed prices and were hemoraging money and now the successful operators are those that took on the fluid pricing model and fly with a seat occupancy in th 80 - 90 % band.


Whoops now I have alianated 90% of CC members.....Sealed




crissy, Caravanner From West Midlands

four red stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by crissy Quote | Report

There have been endless discussions on this point. There are some people who live locally to particular sites and block book weekends throughout the season.


Last year the club introduced a penalty to people who cancel less than 72 hours before they are due to arrive but apart from this they seem unwilling to address the problem.


I've followed several of the threads on this point but cannot recall seeing any indication that the club intended to address what many people see as a major issue.


When I made the same point I was told by a poster to either not use club sites or to move off at weekends so block-bookers could use them!



IainM1970, Caravanner From West Lothian

two red stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by IainM1970 Quote | Report

The figures published by the club showed this mythical block booker is just that ... a myth.


My view is we are all CC members of equal footing so a one night booking by one member is just as important as a three week booking by another and would not like to see any limits imposed.


Frustrating at times sadly but there seems like no fairer option.





two red stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by GT60Dave Quote | Report

Not always being able to get what you want when you want it can be annoying and frustrating......unfortunately it's just the way it is sometimes.







four green stars

Posted 10 March 2013 by QuinnJeanQ Quote | Report

hi, i can see that quite a few member are fed up with the situation too, the club REALLY REALLY need to address this issue, i know its difficult ,however if the club folded ...heaven forbid ..due to lack of revenue because of empty sites except for saturday nights ,where would we all be then, private site could not sustain their business with this type of booking system,


Just to add ;-)................for our month in September all we've booked is the chunnel B-)

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-06-16 7:32 AM


pelmetman - 2014-06-15 9:23 PM


...and parking a camper anywhere near a tourist attraction in the UK has become a right PIA *-)............coupled with the virtual impossibility of being able to just set off without pre booking your pitch weeks and sometimes months ahead 8-)...............


*When you cross the ditch Pepe your'll discover what motorhoming is all about B-).............


I don't disagree Dave..

But the UK has never had "aires" has it...and it has always been more 'site(caravan?) orientated..and we all know how hard and/or expensive it can sometimes be to park a car in the UK, so just why would some expect the situation to get easier when wanting to "overnight" in a 6-7-8mtr "motorcaravan"?.... :-S

(as for "I just want to be able to park like a car" comments, well, were not driving "cars" are we.)


It's this constant "..It's not fair..they're picking on us..", victim, mindset that some MHers seem to display, that I find unproductive.

All too often we hear " ..I want to..it's why I bought it...", instead of "..I would like to be able to, but appreciate that it may not be possible to .." ;-)


Our councils could quite easily allow overnight parking, without providing facilities as we can all manage for 24 to 48hrs without them, unfortunately there is no willingness amongst our legions of jobsworth, as they prefer to take the easy option of putting up height barriers rather than tackling the real issue...........Travelers/Gypsies *-)..............



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Don't fully agree there Dave...It's all to easy to blame it all on " travellers"...

As has been shown on this and other forums umpteen times , "motorhomers" are more than capable of overstaying their welcome and therefore c*cking things up, all on their own...

eg Aberystwyth etc




..and even the much talk of "abroad" :



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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-06-16 9:05 AM


Had Enough - 2014-06-16 8:22 AM


We have never had to book a site in advance and have used a combination of CC sites and CLs.



Of course you've never had problems Frank.................as I suspect the campsites clear before you :D........


We have only just rejoined the CC club purely because our tugger friends wanted to go to Oban, they were badgering us to confirm dates back in February for July :-| ....................and I recall availability of CC pitches a perennial bug bear.............unless this lot are deluded too ;-)......



Just to add ;-)................for our month in September all we've booked is the chunnel B-)


Nice to know that your silly and childish sense of humour is still boring everyone to death.


So when do all these people want to book? April, May or perhaps it's actually July and August?


And I've booked the tunnel for the third week of August because when we get to Annecy the sites will be emptying, but try rolling up without booking a fortnight before!


And don't I recall you moaning that you can't get a pitch in Spain in the middle of winter? How dreadful, I don't see you slagging off Spain because of that.


But what puzzles me is how the CC site at Oban is 'badgering you to book a pitch? How do they know you're going? Unless of course you've mentioned that you're meeting friends there and you'd like to be close together? So the site suggests that you make sure of this by booking early but such is your attitude that you accuse them of 'badgering' you!


Unless of course it's your friends who are badgering you so as to ensure that you can be pitched together? Hardly the fault of the CC!


I can guarantee how much you'd be moaning and slagging off the club if you just rolled up to Oban and couldn't pitch up close to your chums.


For the record I've toured the Highlands many times over many years, mainly in summer, and never booked once.


You've decided that you don't like the CC and with all the zeal of a reformed smoker you now seem to spend half your time on here whinging about it. Give us a rest please.


It started when you realised that the club, an ultra-successful multi-million pound organisation, actually has the temerity to pay decent wages to highly skilled professionals to do the day to day running and, evil of evils, these men wear suits! How dare they!


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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-06-16 10:08 AM


Don't fully agree there Dave...It's all to easy to blame it all on " travellers"...

As has been shown on this and other forums umpteen times , "motorhomers" are more than capable of overstaying their welcome and therefore c*cking things up, all on their own...

eg Aberystwyth etc




..and even the much talk of "abroad" :



Agreed Pepe, a small minority of motorhomers do out stay their welcome *-).................But the problem could be alleviated if the councils actually "Allowed" a 24 or 48 parking, then the abusers of the system could be given a fixed penalty notice ;-)..................and as most motorhome owners actually have a fixed address unlike Gypsies they can be be pursued for non payment of fines :-|..............


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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-06-16 10:18 AM



Nice to know that your silly and childish sense of humour is still boring everyone to death.




Your exaggerating again Frank *-)...........................


































Your still breathing :D .................






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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-06-16 10:18 AM


It started when you realised that the club, an ultra-successful multi-million pound organisation, actually has the temerity to pay decent wages to highly skilled professionals to do the day to day running and, evil of evils, these men wear suits! How dare they!


Correction Frank ;-).....................Its because they have the temerity to call themselves a ......CLUB 8-).....



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pelmetman - 2014-06-16 10:34 AM


.But the problem could be alleviated if the councils actually "Allowed" a 24 or 48 parking, then the abusers of the system could be given a fixed penalty notice ;-)..................and as most motorhome owners actually have a fixed address unlike Gypsies they can be be pursued for non payment of fines ..


Fair points Dave..

but I would like to assume(and it just an assumption), that with these types of long running issues, at some stage,someone, somewhere, would've at least totted up a few figures (and checked out any *legal implications) to see if allowing and charging for overnighting was feasible(and worth the risk?)....and as not that many councils do, maybe it just isn't? :-S

(..and if these overnighting MHers were really such a financial asset to the area, surely local businesses and the council would be clambering to keep them around..?)


*Hasn't it been mentioned before that by allowing overnighting on car parks, it gets into the realms of planning /change of use etc?

If so, maybe that's why we've tended to have a "it's tolerated", rather than "it's allowed" approach to this type of informal overnighting?

...and it's only when the selfish make their mark that the, already existing, "laws",get acted upon... :-S

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-06-16 11:25 AM


(..and if these overnighting MHers were really such a financial asset to the area, surely local businesses and the council would be clambering to keep them around..?)



How would the local businesses know?.....................do any of us mention to the shopkeeper or cafe owner that we're visiting in a motorhome :-S...........Its not quantifiable, so the councils take the default option of banning us all, because its easier than dealing with the genuine problem of travelers and gypsies :-| ............



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pelmetman - 2014-06-16 12:26 PM


pepe63 - 2014-06-16 11:25 AM


(..and if these overnighting MHers were really such a financial asset to the area, surely local businesses and the council would be clambering to keep them around..?)



How would the local businesses know?.....................do any of us mention to the shopkeeper or cafe owner that we're visiting in a motorhome :-S...........Its not quantifiable, so the councils take the default option of banning us all, because its easier than dealing with the genuine problem of travelers and gypsies :-| ............



Eh?..How would they know?...The same way that any half clued up business/shop/pub that benefits from increased turn over from a campsite, would know!... :-S

( ..and the same way as we're always being told that businesses on the Continent benefit from "Aires"... *-))..


So, now to you and your "Gypsies"..

Are these issues at this Huttoft carpark down to "Gypies"?..No

Were they the ones causing the issues on the Welsh coastal resorts?..No...


Whitby?..No.... *-)

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-06-16 12:56 PM


pelmetman - 2014-06-16 12:26 PM


pepe63 - 2014-06-16 11:25 AM


(..and if these overnighting MHers were really such a financial asset to the area, surely local businesses and the council would be clambering to keep them around..?)



How would the local businesses know?.....................do any of us mention to the shopkeeper or cafe owner that we're visiting in a motorhome :-S...........Its not quantifiable, so the councils take the default option of banning us all, because its easier than dealing with the genuine problem of travelers and gypsies :-| ............



Eh?..How would they know?...The same way that any half clued up business/shop/pub that benefits from increased turn over from a campsite, would know!... :-S

( ..and the same way as we're always being told that businesses on the Continent benefit from "Aires"... *-))..


So, now to you and your "Gypsies"..

Are these issues at this Huttoft carpark down to "Gypies"?..No

Were they the ones causing the issues on the Welsh coastal resorts?..No...


Whitby?..No.... *-)


At Huttoft the problem appears to be travelers of the New age type...........unless Gypsies have taken to driving double decker buses ;-).....................my reference to gypsies was with regard to their annual visit to Skegness which the authorities turn a Nelsons eye *-).................no mention of their vehicles being impounded by the council I wonder why that is? :-S...........



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The problem wasn't overnighters it was people living there all year round that created the problem, it's these who have spoiled it for everyone not the council.

Decent motorhome people take their waste (all colours) home before emptying them.


Its always the few who spoil it, a bit like the dog owners that use the terrace to exercise their dogs and never clean up after them.


The tide only washes animal or human feces away on spring tides, the rest of the month it washes it further up the beach where the kids play.



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