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Mel B

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Hello all! Just got the free internet on line so having a play. Currently in Germany, last night we were at Bad Berka or Big Bertha as we refer to it! Now in Mellrichstadt somewhere below Weimar! We spent a good few days in Holland and has some stonking weather, temperatures over 30 at time ... yes really! We've had very little rain during the day, just the odd bit of drizzle, usually over within a few mins, with heavier doses overnight at times but otherwise it's been lovely and sunny most of the time.


We really enjoyed Holland despite it being quite flat and found some nice little villages to look at and lakes and sea to potter by/in/on. We went up towards the top of Germany and along the coast heading East but got fed up of most of the beaches being 'no dogs' and those that did allow them being expensive to go on at a least 3 euros each for us!!!


We've seen some markets in Holland and German, a floumarkt which we enjoyed and a more antique type one too. At at Dutch one I was looking at a bag and the lady said I could have it (I think it was a freebie with something) - it is perfect for our two 5L slimline water carriers to go into.


Now we're in Germany we are trying to resist the urge to buy the lovely ice-creams ... so far we've had 3 lots ... I'm attempting NOT to turn into a German beer keg shape but Chris is doing a VERY good impression of one already!


We've seen a few creatures on our travels including the deer, a stoat/weasel, shrew, loads of eagles/buzzards, alpacas/llamas (I don't know which is which!), a fox ... and the most unusual an ostrich which was in someone's garden!


We've had the bikes out once for a nice ride round in one of the villages we stayed at in Holland and they performed very well in a headwind and also up a steep slope. Chris got excited when he overtook some Dutch cyclists!!!


The dogs are loving it and Tazzy keeps doing a donkey impression as she doesn't want to come in when we go out with her ... she just likes to sit outside on her lead and would happily stay outside all night if we'd let her I'm sure.


I hope you are all behaving yourselves, I'll log on again when I get the chance.




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