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But doesn't the Miles to Go calculation depend on the driving style during a given number of previous miles?

In my experience this is not a very accurate indication of the actual 'miles' remaining in the tank.



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Its only a forecast based on the rate of fuel consumption to date. As at the moment the computer has no data about the route, rate or manner of driving the driver still has to watch the fuel gauge.


Still not to worry ,the day when you just tell the vehicle where you want to go and let it get on with it are not far off and it will probably go in and refuel itself as well.


But why bother when by that time virtual travel will mean we do not need to leave home and we can all become the ultimate couch potatoes.

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It's amusing to start off a journey with, say, 500 on the range meter, trundle down the road a few miles and see it go up to 600! now if only I could maintain that style of driving I'd never have to buy anymore diesel :D

I do tend to leave the display on 'range' as I find it difficult to judge the amount of fuel left at lower levels with the gauge, and if say heading for home it can make it easier to decide the options you have regarding stopping and filling up or leaving it for another day, but this still requires some mental calcs as to how far to go and how hard the engines been pushed compared to expected up ahead.

p.s. i should point out that we have a 120L tank, so the gauge is a bit more difficult to judge compared to vehicles with smaller tanks.

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We also have a 120ltr tank and you are quite right - the "Range" calculation can not be relied upon.


I have noticed that whilst the needle is over the half way mark the "Range" goes down quite slowly but once under the half it drops like a stone.

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Gram - 2014-06-23 7:58 PM


How much fuel/miles remaining when the range says zero, anybody tried it?




The lowest I've had the range meter is 70miles, then the 'low fuel' light came on, it was about 30 miles from home and I chickened out and topped up, took just under 100L so had around 90miles plus a gallon to spare.

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