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Breakdown phone numbers.


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Just a reminder, find out how to phone your breakdown or insurance emergency numbers from whichever country you are visiting. I just had a leaking fuel filter housing in Ireland. I had written down all the relevant numbers, so I thought! The breakdown number was an 0800 one, which you can't use from a mobile phone, the other numbers wouldn't ring as I couldn't find the code. So I had to phone my daughter at home to ring up for me.

(Do you know what the national emergency number is for Ireland/France/Spain etc.?)

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......or in the UK, 101 if it's not a dire emergency, like reporting a break in, or 111 if it's a medical emergency but not life threatening.

If you dial 112 or 999 in these cases you get asked to hang up and re-dial.

( not a lot of people know this)

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help! i don't like to admit my lack of brainpower, but try as I might, I cant understand this post. :$

isn't the 112 number for national emergency services?

wouldn't you call your insurer on the number they give you for euro emergencies, which always is preceded with the 0044 code, wherever you are ??

what am I not getting 8-) :$

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help! i don't like to admit my lack of brainpower, but try as I might, I cant understand this post. :$

isn't the 112 number for national emergency services?

wouldn't you call your insurer on the number they give you for euro emergencies, which always is preceded with the 0044 code, wherever you are ??

what am I not getting 8-) :$

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OK, I'll start again.

A friendly reminder to check which numbers you need for breakdown or insurance claims to phone from the countries you are going to visit.

I didn't.

I thought 0800 numbers would get me through to them from Ireland.

They didn't.

The emergency number query was a throwaway at the end as I read of folk who had to phone home from Africa and elsewhere to find out how to contact the emergency services.

When my son was burgled I phoned 999 to be told that it was the wrong number.

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