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My friends pension


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I have moaned on here before about having to work till im 66 , my friend at work is entitled to her state pension at 62 ,in fact she became entitled to it in february of this year , she applied for it at the begining of the year and guess what :-she STILL HASNT GOT IT! . She telephoned a couple of weeks ago and was told it was coming along nicely ,and if she hasnt heard by september to call back .what sort of system is it she is entitled to it but she cant leave work cos they havent sent her it ? 5 months late wow .pp:)
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Perhaps your friend might like to try emailing her MP?

Some aMPs better than others but sometimes, not always it's true but still worth a shot, a quick phone call to a company or government department from an MP works wonders for their version of customer service?

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Guest pelmetman

Fortunately Sue just scrapped in B-)................. being a toyboy is paying off at last :D....................although I've had to wait 30 years for my investment to mature (lol) (lol).............


Its quite a novelty having money appear in our account every month that I've not had to earn :->...........

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Tracker - 2014-07-01 2:13 PM


Perhaps your friend might like to try emailing her MP?

Some aMPs better than others but sometimes, not always it's true but still worth a shot, a quick phone call to a company or government department from an MP works wonders for their version of customer service?

Good advice from Richard (Tracker), Pam, another route might be for your friend to approach her friendly local Citizens Advice Bureau - their benefits specialist ought to be able to 'jigger up' the DWP on this one!

I'm puzzled, however, because, in my 20 years of advising ( and 5 years with the old DHSS) I naver met a case of late payment of pension -- every othe bl**dy benefit -- but not that one! The 'system' used to be almost 100% 'watertight' -- you would be sent a notification 6 months or so before your birthday (60 for women in those days and 65 for men) and told to complete form BR1 by a certain date, which would ensure that a pension book (remember them?) would be waiting for you at your local Post Office -- simple!

AAH! those were the days! Still, unless the dreaded Duncan -Smith and his coalition cronies have fu**ed up the system to the point of breakdown (perhaps aided by expensive duff computer equipment? ) your friend really ought not have to put up with this - she really has been patient beyond belief, just because the Tories want to deprive honest working people of their entitlements in every way that they can -- grrr!

Get the CAB on her side Pam,

best of luck,



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Yes i know "inthe olden days "apparentley you got it on your qualifying birthday ,she is a dippy blond but i know she has sent everything off in january ,i think you are right and a letter to our mp would be an idea (is it ed milliband?iwonder) cheers pp:)
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Well the Co-Pilot has just gone through the paperwork, and ever thing seems to have worked ok.


Form came early May to apply for pension which will start early July . Got letter today telling her the amount.

First payday is end July

Also this week her bus pass came and a letter inviting her to apply for the winter fuel payment

Happy days


We have at last joined the benefits gravy train



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  • 2 weeks later...
Great news!!! Turns out theyve lost her application ,they even tried to say shed not sent it in but had to backpeddle when she said "well how come ive got a letter here from you returning my decree nisi " lol ,so gawd knows when shes going to get it .....should have been february lol
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Pampam - 2014-07-10 10:04 PM


Great news!!! Turns out theyve lost her application ,they even tried to say shed not sent it in but had to backpeddle when she said "well how come ive got a letter here from you returning my decree nisi " lol ,so gawd knows when shes going to get it .....should have been february lol


Good news at last - and at least the pension will be back dated so a nice lump sum should be arriving for her soon - enjoy!


I don't know whether she is entitled to interest or compensation as she can prove their incompetence, bad attitude and negligence but it is definitely worth asking?

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  • 2 weeks later...
She still HAS NOT received it !!! Wouldnt you think afterher phone call and discovering it had been "lost" they would have fasttracked it? What a bunch! I suppose its because they are unaccountable,pp:) think on she should have received it on february the 12th Grrr
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  • 1 month later...
And just to inform you SHE STILL HASNT RECEIVED HER PENSION!!! And it turns out she actually qualified in january ,her birthdayvwas in march shes 62 ,she still hasnt got it ,numerous phone calls and all they tell her is its being processed she applied in the new year its unbelievable ,im glad its not me i think id blow a gasket lol:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest pelmetman

Nice bit of back pay though ;-)..................


Only 9 years 6 months til I get mine 8-).................then I can become a full time loafer instead of part time :D..............But I reckon I'll be dam good at it by then as I'll had 20 years part time practice B-)..............



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