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Wild camping? Of sorts!


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The original thread was about travellers not wild camping so the comments that followed were to be expected,Thewad was purposely posting inflammatory remarks to get a response,more out of mischief i believe not true beliefs but i could be wrong only Thewad knows :->
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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-07-06 11:43 AM


pelmetman - 2014-07-06 10:18 AM.................and the typical response of the chattering classes, who like to stick their fingers in their ears and start singing la la la, whilst stamping their feet when ever their cherished vision of a multicultural UK are challenged ;-)...........................

I agree this thread is in completely the wrong place, and never was a "Motorhome Matters" topic, but it is where it is.


So, how far back have you investigated your family roots, Dave? Are you quite sure you have no immigrant forbears? After all, there aren't many of us who can claim continuous family residence since the neolithic. Not arguing for, or against, multiculturalism, just asking. :-)


As I've said before Brian I'm a 1/4 Welsh a 1/4 Scottish and 2 parts English, as to whats been added to the mix in generations past, I haven't a clue :-S..............But if you want to go all the way back, apparently we all originate from some place in Africa ;-)......


But that is to confuse the issue regarding UKIP, who are not racist how ever much R&J and Eddie would like us to be :-|.................


I see nothing racist in wishing to have control over our own borders, neither do UKIP want to stop useful migration...............and quite how not wanting to be part of a federal Europe is racist is beyond me? *-)........


Although the continued name calling does appear to have increased the numbers of UKIP voters :D......



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I dont vote so i dont really have an opinion about any political parties apart from the obvious nutters,bnp etc,but i like farage cos he's always got a beer in his hand,my old dad said never trust a man who doesnt drink but then he was a drunk so what did he know? The thing is there are things that can be said that are genuinely racist but you cant mention immigration or travellers or anything really without being called racist cos you have your own opinion which isnt pc.The world has gone pc mad at work a guy told a gay joke( i am gay) and then said sorry to me explaining that in his words he wasn't a racialist,his ignorance was more offensive than his joke! Our problem in this country isnt racism its ignorance and plain stupidity
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pelmetman - 2014-07-06 1:56 PM......................As I've said before Brian I'm a 1/4 Welsh a 1/4 Scottish and 2 parts English, as to whats been added to the mix in generations past, I haven't a clue :-S..............But if you want to go all the way back, apparently we all originate from some place in Africa......


But that is to confuse the issue regarding UKIP, who are not racist how ever much R&J and Eddie would like us to be :-|.................................

It doesn't, because I wasn't commenting on UKIP, just on your comments regarding immigration.


My simple point is that being half of possibly Celtic ancestry (themselves immigrants), and with the other half undoubtedly mixed, why you should wish to deny future generations the same privelege of a mixed inheritance?


Mixing of genes is, generally, good. It is the mixing of cultures that causes the friction, until they find a common ground - which is what we have all done over time. When people go to foreign lands they need to adapt to the values and practises of their host communities. The failure among some immigrant communities to do this is a failure of politics, not, IMO, a reason to cease adding to the gene-pool.


BTW, I bet you aren't 50% English. The term English, as I understand it, refers to the Angles (that bunch who arrived with the Saxons, Friesians, and Jutes). So, only Angle descent, or might it include a few others as well, including Norman (Vikings from France), Danish, Flemish etc (all imigrants)? :-D

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-07-06 2:50 PM


pelmetman - 2014-07-06 1:56 PM......................As I've said before Brian I'm a 1/4 Welsh a 1/4 Scottish and 2 parts English, as to whats been added to the mix in generations past, I haven't a clue :-S..............But if you want to go all the way back, apparently we all originate from some place in Africa......


But that is to confuse the issue regarding UKIP, who are not racist how ever much R&J and Eddie would like us to be :-|.................................

It doesn't, because I wasn't commenting on UKIP, just on your comments regarding immigration.


My simple point is that being half of possibly Celtic ancestry (themselves immigrants), and with the other half undoubtedly mixed, why you should wish to deny future generations the same privelege of a mixed inheritance?


Mixing of genes is, generally, good. It is the mixing of cultures that causes the friction, until they find a common ground - which is what we have all done over time. When people go to foreign lands they need to adapt to the values and practises of their host communities. The failure among some immigrant communities to do this is a failure of politics, not, IMO, a reason to cease adding to the gene-pool.


BTW, I bet you aren't 50% English. The term English, as I understand it, refers to the Angles (that bunch who arrived with the Saxons, Friesians, and Jutes). So, only Angle descent, or might it include a few others as well, including Norman (Vikings from France), Danish, Flemish etc (all imigrants)? :-D


To which comments do you refer Brian?..........


I have no objections to controlled immigration, its the open border uncontrolled immigration that is causing problems...........and its not just me who are flagging it up either :-|.............as the Asian community in Page Hall seem to be having disagreement with the latest Eastern European influx :-S................I'd like to know what particular skill shortage in the UK are being solved by the hundreds of Roma Gypsies that now reside there?.............Any idea Brian (?)





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Without being racist i understand that certain minoritys are very good at pickpocketing,distraction theft etc,so perhaps dave we a have a shortfall on our EU designated amount of petty thieves and beggars and need to import some to meet our quota ?
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Guest pelmetman
capcloser - 2014-07-06 3:32 PM


Without being racist i understand that certain minoritys are very good at pickpocketing,distraction theft etc,so perhaps dave we a have a shortfall on our EU designated amount of petty thieves and beggars and need to import some to meet our quota ?


Glad I didn't say that :D.................

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Guest pelmetman
capcloser - 2014-07-06 3:46 PM


With your 'dodgy' political leanings methinks you'd have some got some stick but me I'm neutral so I'm ok(i think) (?)


Sitting on the fence and not voting is no excuse Cap ;-)...............You need to take part in the political process if you want to become a proper bigot or racist :D..............



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pelmetman - 2014-07-06 3:23 PM..................To which comments do you refer Brian?..........


I have no objections to controlled immigration, its the open border uncontrolled immigration that is causing problems.............................

Then I think I misunderstood you. I thought you were objecting to all immigration. I too am in favour of controls - providing a satisfactory means of control can be implemented.

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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2014-07-06 9:48 PM


pelmetman - 2014-07-06 3:23 PM..................To which comments do you refer Brian?..........


I have no objections to controlled immigration, its the open border uncontrolled immigration that is causing problems.............................

Then I think I misunderstood you. I thought you were objecting to all immigration. I too am in favour of controls - providing a satisfactory means of control can be implemented.


Therein lies the UKIP rub Brian ;-)..................The PC propaganda machine has an agenda and no morals *-)...........



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Guest JudgeMental
wouldn't have to worry about borders if we changed the social security/benefit system/culture to something akin to most of Europe, where it is not free at source! this system a basket case that encourages idleness and has produced a whole underclass of lazy scroungers *-)
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Tatally agree with you Eddie


Why do the immigrants want to come here and not stay in France?? They don't get the bennefits there!

We will all sufer in the future due to the mass immigration, as our resiurces are NOT Limitless.


Benefits should relate to contributions , Some claimants have never worked and have NO intention of ever doing so!



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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2014-07-07 8:27 AM


wouldn't have to worry about borders if we changed the social security/benefit system/culture to something akin to most of Europe, where it is not free at source! this system a basket case that encourages idleness and has produced a whole underclass of lazy scroungers *-)


Excellent point...........


Your starting to sound like a UKIP voter Eddie :D..........



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JudgeMental - 2014-07-07 8:27 AM


wouldn't have to worry about borders if we changed the social security/benefit system/culture to something akin to most of Europe, where it is not free at source! this system a basket case that encourages idleness and has produced a whole underclass of lazy scroungers *-)


Give that man a cigar !

Let me check your knuckles aren't all scraped and sore like us other supposed bigots are ;-)

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PJay - 2014-07-07 8:54 AM


Tatally agree with you Eddie


Why do the immigrants want to come here and not stay in France?? They don't get the bennefits there!

We will all sufer in the future due to the mass immigration, as our resiurces are NOT Limitless.


Benefits should relate to contributions , Some claimants have never worked and have NO intention of ever doing so!




Think it is more to do with language and family connections than benefits. Most asylum seekers or immigrants speak English rather than French and many already have relations or friends working here, hence choose U.K. as where they want to be rather than France.

Must agree there are abuses to our benefits/social security system. One which we think needs reforming is the mobility scheme in relation to purchase of new motorhomes. It is right that people with genuine disabilities should be helped to purchase, if they choose, a motorhome to enable them to enjoy life as much as they are able. However, there are those, and we have met some, who have few mobility issues, and have freely said so, who still appear to make use of the scheme. This means substantial savings, order of £10 000on a £55 000van, and appears to need tightening up, so only those in genuine need receive this benefit, otherwise it might be withdrawn from those in genuine need.

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