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Water pump issue


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Our submersible water pump stopped working recently. I have taken the pump out of the tank and tested it and it works & pumps water.


All the fuses seem to be OK.


Not being electrically minded, I'm not sure how the three tap microswitches operate with this system. Would there be another fuse anywhere?


Any advice out there?





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Do you mean it has completely stopped when in the tank, or that it runs but does not pump water?


If the former, as it runs when out of the tank, but not when in it, it seems there is no power at the tank connection. Assuming it won't work when any of the three taps are opened, I think you can discount microswitch problems (too much of a coincidence) - at least until all other possible causes are eliminated. (But, is it a pressure switched installation?) This seems to leave a loose connection somewhere, or a fuse you have yet to discover. As you have already checked fuses, a loose connection seems more likely. Start with the connector on the tank, and carefully trace back the wiring to its point of origin, checking each connection as you go.


If the latter, try jiggling the pump up and down in the tank, as it may just be an airlock in the pump.


It will help if you say what make, model, and year, your van is - as there is no such thing as a "standard" installation, and each has its quirks. There may be someone with a identical van who has experienced and solved a similar problem, who will then be able to help you.

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The van is a Knaus Sun Ti 650ME -2006


The pump wouldn't operate when in the tank - I did try & jiggle it but to no effect.


I disconnected & removed the pump and tested it on a bench battery and it ran - put it in a bucket of water & it pumped OK.


So the pump itself appears to be fine.


As you suggest, it must be a electric supply issue. I am awaiting a neighbour who has a multi-meter [& is an electrician] to try & trace the problem.



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Problem resolved!!


In frustration at not being able to get the pump to run despite the appearance that everything was OK, I jabbed the rocker/isolation switch on the control panel on & off and, hey presto, the pump kicked into life when I turned on a tap!! So it must have been a “sticky” switch!


Everything is now back in place and we should be able to head off on time.


At least I now know how to remove & replace the water pump if ever the need arises in the future!!


Thanks for all your comments/advice,





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