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Grinding my teeth and steam from ears on phone to HMRC


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Just passing the time of day as i wait for an absolute AGE for an advisor to be with me as soon as possible hahahaha :- did i really expect any different have been waiting 45 blinkety blonkety minutes pp:(
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If i treated customers like this in my shop(where i work) id get some right abuse :i must remember this when a delightfull customer has to wait a nanasecond while i serve another lol i shall quote the waiting time for hmrc helpline ! Pp:(........
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Pampam - 2014-07-07 10:54 AM


If i treated customers like this in my shop(where i work) id get some right abuse :i must remember this when a delightfull customer has to wait a nanasecond while i serve another lol .......


..If you hummed something like "Green Sleeves" at them and stopped ever 45-60 secs or so to tell them how you are "experiencing a very high volume of customers" and to tell them how "important" their custom is, then I'm sure they'd be fine Pam...


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