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Electric Bikes Again


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Has anyone had experience of Whoosh Electric Bikes - they have a store in Cambridge and Southend and they also sell via the Internet. They advertise a 20inch folder 36v 10ah battery, 7 gears, for £559. Has 36v an advantage over the more common 24v on a lot of 20 inch folders.

Your comments would be appreciated.

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Guest JudgeMental
lots of posts re electric bikes on here if you use the forum search facility...what ever you do don't believe the BS and hype and test ride (including hills!) before making a decision....At the end of the day you pays for what you gets....
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It will all depend on what you intend to use the bike for. I bought a cheap bike, less than what you are looking at, as I am only going to use it for short distances. On the other hand you can spend £1000s and still get it wrong. Have a search and you will get loads of info.
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Guest Had Enough

I can recommend Woosh. There are many people selling moderately priced Chinese bikes and the worry is that in two years when you need a new battery the firm that sold you your bike won't be around.


This will not be the case with Woosh which is establishing a good reputation and is also establishing itself and its bikes as a very good and reliable brand. I checked them out at Companies' House and Woosh was formed by a couple who already had a well established computer business and, since Woosh Bikes was formed, it has been profitable and has a decent balance sheet.


They have had some very good reviews online, including this one from an old acquaintance of mine.



I recently bought a Woosh Santana CD for my wife and a Big Bear for me. I had to take the chance of buying mail order, which turned out to be no problem. You are more fortunate in that you can visit their store and see the products and try them out.


They are very good value and similar specification to my two bikes from other brands was at least two to three hundred pounds more.


I have spoken to them on the phone several times about various things and have found them to be very helpful and knowledgeable.






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