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Le Bourget Sept/Oct 2014

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The websiste for the Le Bourget show is here




and information on camping-car overnighting (Hebergement) is here




My understanding (based on information in the October 2013 "Camping-Car" magazine issue covering the show) is that the "points d'eau" permit replenishment of fresh-water and emptying of waste-water and WCs, but do NOT provide mains electricity.


It's possible to purchase on-line overnight-parking tickets, and entry-tickets at a 50% discount.




(In the past French camping-car magazines have included a 'half-price entry' voucher in the Show issue and I assume that will still be the case for 2014.)


The closest campsite to the Show is this one




but its quoted closing date of 30 September 2014 (if correct!) would limit its usability for the Show (27 Setember - 5 October).

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  • 2 months later...
Did you go to the show Charles? We went on the Sunday, as guests as well and had a really enjoyable day. The only downside, so few accessory shops, and when we found something to buy, there weren't any available. However, BIG thumbs up for Le V, but I do prefer the older hand built models to the new ones, it is a shame that the quality may be a little down now they are on the Pilote production line!
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