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motorhoming in EU


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does anyone really believe that, if we left the EU, they would ban all British motorhomes from visiting europe. we were holidaying in europe a long time before the EU was ever thought about. there were only 2 men in the past who tried to stop us. wellington and churchill soon sorted them out. (i haven't mentioned the Kaiser as it's his anniversary.) it might take a couple of seasons without the brits before johnny foriegner started screaming blue murder for their governments to let us back in on our terms. they're very good at that,the french.
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Guest pelmetman
clifford60 - 2014-08-11 4:40 PM


hi pelmetman, i agree ,so why are some people so afraid of leaving said union. is it the old "vested interest" rearing it's ugly head again?. a few benefit whilst the rest of us pay through the nose.


Your leaning against an open door here :D......................Wait til we get a referendum ;-).................then the EU scaremongering machine will kick in to overdrive 8-)...........


Its a bit like the Scottish No camp saying they can't have the pound.................they're mustering as much bluster as they can *-).......................I hope they don't fall for it :-|.............


Just to add a local conservative MP has decided not to stand at the next election ;-)...................must be picking up on the local vibe.................I doubt Boris will take his seat on :D...................





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Foreign trade and holidays would continue if we left the EU and vehicle regulations might well say that as long as a vehicle complies with the laws in it's country of registration it will comply with the laws of the EU - except for headlight beam adjusters being needed for driving on the wrong side of the road!


So as long as it has a UK tax, mot, and insurance and is type approved for the UK there should be no problem in mainland Europe.


Any change from that would probably hit EU vehicles a lot harder than it would ours?


Enough with the scaremongering already!!


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clifford60 - 2014-08-11 5:23 PM


so the same rules that allow unrestricted polish juggernauts over here will allow us to go over there. i'll agree to that.


Err not quite - that's because we have weak willed and ineffective UK government and police who find it easier to hide in vans and fine UK citizens who are easier to discriminate against than our continental cousins?

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ooo! tracker, i don't know how you dare say such things? however, i do agree with every word. if cameron thinks he is man enough to take on the EU the way that maggie did, i'm afraid he is sadly mistaken. obama has already told him, he wants us to stay in the EU. end of story. i'm off now . my dinner is ready.
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clifford60 - 2014-08-11 4:30 PM


.............does anyone really believe that, if we left the EU, they would ban all British motorhomes from visiting europe.






I'm wondering what brought this question up.


As far as I know there is no ban on Swiss or Norwegian motorhomes touring the continent - so why would they discriminate against motorhomes from the UK ?


... and anyway - as we live in Europe, no one can stop us visiting 'cos we're already there.





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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2014-08-11 9:37 PM


clifford60 - 2014-08-11 4:30 PM


.............does anyone really believe that, if we left the EU, they would ban all British motorhomes from visiting europe.






I'm wondering what brought this question up.


As far as I know there is no ban on Swiss or Norwegian motorhomes touring the continent - so why would they discriminate against motorhomes from the UK ?


... and anyway - as we live in Europe, no one can stop us visiting 'cos we're already there.






Wait until the referendum Malc ;-)...................then you'll see proper propaganda :D..............



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You don't think for one second that The Establishment will allow us peasants a genuine vote yes or no for the European Union do you, it will be versed in such a way as you accept whatever has been agreed or you accept we go for a lesser deal on membership but never ever a straight yes or no.


We voted originally on a Common Market not a united Europe but nearly every person you ask voted no at the time Mmmm makes me wonder.




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Guest pelmetman
ROND - 2014-08-11 10:42 PM


You don't think for one second that The Establishment will allow us peasants a genuine vote yes or no for the European Union do you, it will be versed in such a way as you accept whatever has been agreed or you accept we go for a lesser deal on membership but never ever a straight yes or no.


We voted originally on a Common Market not a united Europe but nearly every person you ask voted no at the time Mmmm makes me wonder.




Correction ;-)..............some of us were to young to vote :D..............Time to correct the mistakes of our forefathers.............or in other words you lot :-D ............



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hi all, what the Germans couldn't take by war, they have achieved in the peace. anyone who thinks they are gonna give it up without a fight is sadly very mistaken. cameron is just not up to the fight as his heart and wallet aren't into it. the establishment benefits too well from being in europe. god knows what kind of referendum, if any , we will get. if it's anything like the scottish debacle, it will be lies from one side countered by lies from the other with the truth a casualty of war in the middle. i think insider trading is illegal but what about vested interest. never! that's what keeps politicians going until they've feathered their own nests enough. then they move to the lords and the land of milk and honey.
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Guest pelmetman

Oh dear looks like the EU is heading back into recession :-S...................




Even the mighty German economy is shrinking 8-)..................I think they overstretched themselves when they bought Greece :D ............



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