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coming back to motorhoming


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hi all. well after a few trips in a caravan we are returning to motorhoming.I hated that caravan and just found the whole thing a pain from start to finish. anyway to my question. the last motor home we had was a hymerb544, which was a great van and was sold due to its age and very high mileage. well that was a few years back, and now I am looking at a whole new field of vans. From what I can make out smaller vans are the new in thing. mainly due I think to all the green taxes flying around and the need to use smaller engines.But from our experience with the hymer, we found over the years two draw backs for us. the first being the lack of a garage space to put all the odds and sods, sun chairs etc.and the second was having to climb up the ladder to bed, we are both getting a bit old for that these days. The other worry is the new anti diesel taxes coming in which are sure to push up road tax and god knows what else. so taking all this in. what I think I am looking for is a low profile van with twin single fixed beds, a garage and a settee I don't like the little clamped dinette things at all. so given that, whats the options, or should I just forget and not worry about all the green tax rubbish and go back to an a class hymer. what are your views. ps will not be buying new they cost far to much. also what are the best dealers these days. and please don't say Brownhills. thanks. michael
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If you want small size and fixed single beds you might be expecting too much and at the very least you'll have to make up the beds each night.


Don't close your mind to a bigger Hymer, overcoming the problems your last one had. There is a big choice available and some real bargains in used ones, especially if you don't mind LHD. There's a 1992 S700 on EBay for £12,000 and they really were the D's B's.


The diesel engine thing isn't likely to turn out as badly as some think.

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Having just changed from a low profile to an A class I don't think I would want to go back to a low profile. Your reason for looking at smaller vans is not really relevant as most vans as standard will come with the same engine predominantly the 2.3 Fiat.

Although you are not looking at new, Hymers since 2007 (new front end) have drop down beds that come much lower, our's didn't even come with a ladder, mind you we only use the drop down bed for guests as we have twin singles at the rear.

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