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Kindle ???


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Which kindle would you get for travel , and do they do the same as an ipad ? Or can you only download books onto them i have an ipad with a kindle app but it is rather heavy to take away on hols ,i thought id treat myself to a kindle tomorrow anybody know the best one for reading on please ? Ta pp:)
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If you simply want to use it to read books then it's now down to three different Kindle readers:



Kindle Paperwhite

Kindle Paperwhite 3G


All have Wi-Fi connection for downloading books with the latter one having a 3G connection for downloading if Wi-Fi not locally available. If you like to be able to download books at anytime then the 3G version will suit you best, assuming you are in an area with a good 3G signal. Both Paperwhite versions have a slightly higher resolution and a built in light as an improvement over the basic Kindle.


My choice would be the Kindle Paperwhite without 3G as I tend to download a number of books at one go so that I have a good choice of what to read when I am away. I have a 3G version but find Wi-Fi widely available and have ceased to use the 3G component which in my experience seems to be a little slower.

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Thanks i shall go to currys today and look for a paperwhite kindle , (looks like the pampams are finally moving with the times , will the hundreds of books ive got become redundant?) what will i do when visiting town centres i always go in charity shops to look for books , cos i loath looking around the 'normal' shops lol pp:)
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Guest JudgeMental

Just because you have a kindle what's to prevent you still looking around shops for old books. Kindle a specific book reader and brilliant at that. No more cupboards full of books, paperwhite is backlit so great while camping sitting outside at night or in bed not disturbing your beloved. There is a new higher resolution paperwhite due soon I believe....


I had paperwhite when it first came out but it was problematic so returned it. Second generation out now so hopefully more reliable. I'm using my original touch till new one comes out....

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I have a standard Kindle, I use it for a couple, then swap back to books for a month or so.

When we go away in the van I load up ½ doz books and that one real book with me.

The biggest advantages of the Kindle over tablets is you can read it in bright sunlight & battery life.

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Well have brought my kindle home from currys dead excited opened it up and plugged in charger and whaddya know ? It needs a blinkin power adapter (sold seperately!) flippin eck! I cant go to other side of town back to currys cos am waiting for burglar alarm repair man to come (will he wont he ??? The game we all play when waiting for a tradesperson lol) .....burglar alarms another must have modern invention that drive me nuts ! Pp:)
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Guest JudgeMental

it does not need an adapter, just plug it into a USB (laptop/PC... whatever)


My android phone charger works or the Ipad mains plug bit just swap the lead......

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Just plug it into your computer to charge it, I did buy an adapter it isnt the kindle one and I know they say to buy their,s but I find this one alright and once charged it does last a lot longer than my ipad battery :-) that needs charging most days if Im on it doing jigsaw puzzles/candy crush etc: (lol)


My O,.H bought me a kindle as he used to weigh my stack of books when going away!! I never pay much for my books off amazon probably a lot less than the ones I bought in charity shops ;-) you will still go in there though as I find them addictive, I bought a lovely skirt from Southport charity shop! even though my wardrobe as my O.H would say " busting at the seams." (lol)

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I had the original Kindle and I believe that had a different charging lead. Then my wonderful family bought me a Kindle Fire HDX for Christmas and it is wonderful and very addictive. Unfortunately it died on me a three weeks ago but no problem with Amazon who arranged for an immediate replacement f.o.c. It very light and a wonderful screen. I had lots of apps on it. Unfortunately I am in France and they cannot send the replacement here but it is waiting at home for me already. Can't wait!!!
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Wheyhey I love it , am laid on my bed reading it its so light i cant believe how reluctant i was to move into this century ,its great if you have weak arthritic wrists like mine ,plus ive found and downloaded some flavia de luce mysteries i am one happy bunny :- have downloaded eleven books but havent found any free ones yet. Brillo. Pp:)
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i did a search on amazon for free kindle books, and it came up with over 4000!! not all to my taste, but a huge variety. must be something for everyone. and of course the costs vary from 99p uwards. much chesaer than the charity shops (who are now also dearer than 'the works'!).
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bazooka - 2014-09-04 8:18 PM


Hi tracker,the problem with the kindle fire its very dificult to read in sunlight with the colour sceen.The paperwhite is great.



Thanks Baz - for confirming my suspicions!


Whilst we still have a working mark 1 Kindle and an Ipad we will await a combined Kindle fire paper white or similar I see little or no point in replacing an item that does not do it all with another that still does not do it all!


The Ipad does makes a very good ebook too and it has a backlight, however it is much heavier and much more battery hungry than a Kindle, not that either is a problem for me and it too recharges overnight via the 12 volt socket in the van.

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Pampam - 2014-09-04 10:17 PM


Wheyhey I love it , am laid on my bed reading it its so light i cant believe how reluctant i was to move into this century ,its great if you have weak arthritic wrists like mine ,plus ive found and downloaded some flavia de luce mysteries i am one happy bunny :- have downloaded eleven books but havent found any free ones yet. Brillo. Pp:)

If you go to the 'top 100' page on Amazon iirc it defaults to paid books, but you will find a 'top 100 free' button ( on the top right?)

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Pampam - 2014-09-04 10:17 PMWheyhey I love it , am laid on my bed reading it its so light i cant believe how reluctant i was to move into this century ,its great if you have weak arthritic wrists like mine ,plus ive found and downloaded some flavia de luce mysteries i am one happy bunny :- have downloaded eleven books but havent found any free ones yet. Brillo. Pp:)


I have one of the original 3G kindles and I would not be without it.  I also have a tablet with the kindle app on but, as you will have found, the screen on the kindle is amazing.  I love to read whilst relaxing outside in the sunshine, impossible with a normal screen.  I also find that reading from the kindle screen doesn't tire my eyes as a 'tablet' type screen does.  I am now never without a new book to read either at home or when away.  I was also a committed 'bookee' and without the weight considerations of taking months' supply of books in the van would never have bought my kindle, what a lot of wonderful self published books I would have missed out on.

A word of caution though, don't take much notice of the star ratings on amazon.  The read before you buy option that they do is wonderful if you're unsure of the quality of the writing.  I hope you enjoy your kindle as much as I have over the past few years.  Also, you will find that a lot of the classics are free.


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Now that this thread has opened up the debate again, I had a quick look in Currys and was amazed at the bewildering amount of tablets at an equally bewildering array of prices from under £100 to well over £300.


As ever the sales assistant I spoke to knew very little more than I did so I came away none the wiser about what you get for paying more or what you don't get for paying less - other than a well known brand name?


I also looked at the Kindle Fire HD which does appear to have a backlit screen to enable reading in the dark or bright sunlight together with limited internet access and email facility - in short just about everything I would want from it - and all for £89 - or £99 without Kindle's 'special offers' which I take to mean intrusive advertising and bloatware?


Any thoughts or experiences good or bad anyone?

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In may I sat on mine. First reaction throw it in the bin as it was out of guarantee! Then it was suggested by another camper, do a internet search ' repair a kindle' cut a long story short my kindle is up and running, and as said in a previous post, can be read in sunlight.
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Thanks colin i have downloaded a couple of freebies ,( just in case i run out) but am so happy that i got 4alan bradley novels (the weed that strings the hangmans bag ),i love the turn of phrase that he uses ,am so pleased with my kindle , again ....its so light ! Cheers pp :)
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Tracker - 2014-09-05 1:07 PM

I also looked at the Kindle Fire HD which does appear to have a backlit screen to enable reading in the dark or bright sunlight together with limited internet access and email facility - in short just about everything I would want from it - and all for £89 - or £99 without Kindle's 'special offers' which I take to mean intrusive advertising and bloatware?

Any thoughts or experiences good or bad anyone?


I think it unlikely that a device designed for multi purpose activity such as internet access, watching movies or running apps will also make a very good e-reader. I have a Kindle Fire HD and also a Kindle Paperwhite for that very reason. The two screens are totally different with the Kindle Fire HD having a dark high quality glass-like colour screen with a reflective quality which makes it difficult to read in bright light and impossible in sun light. Inside the van it makes an adequate e-reader but also gives an excellent screen for accessing the internet, watching video and running apps in the right light conditions. The Kindle Paperwhite on the other hand does the one thing it was designed for and does it brilliantly. Now if they produced a double sided Kindle, paperwhite screen on one side and colour screen on the other and it switched to the paperwhite screen when used as an e-reader that would catch my attention!

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