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Scuff marks van windows


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Can anyone suggest a product that removes scuff marks on our van windows caused by covering it up last winter with a tarpauline .I have used an acrylic plastic polish called xerapol found on the internet which despite lots of rubbing has had no affect if any one has any suggestions on how to get rid of these marks

I would be grateful for them

Many thanks

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You could try Fenwick’s “Windowize” product




However, if the scuff marks are deep or extensive you may need to use an electric buffer, or first treat the marks with suitable abrasive materials.


In either case you’d need to be very very VERY careful and I strongly suggest that you contact Fenwick’s before going ahead.



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..this may not be of much use to you, but in the past, I have managed to get rid of some quite bad looking, "hedge scuffs" with tooth paste(the ordinary stuff, not the smooth gel type).Just a small amount on a soft cloth and gently finger-tip rubbing an area at a time, shifted them....it may not work for your type of scuffs, but worth a go?.. :-S
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