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Frozen Kindle !

malc d

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Although this is not strictly a motorhome matter, I know that a lot of motorhomers rely on their Kindles when travelling.

( Why take a load of heavy books etc etc !!! )


Well I am currently travelling in France, with NO books, and a wife who relies heavily on her Kindle.


But the bl**dy thing has now frozen - and won't wake up.


The " helpful " website isn't, because it says I should turn it on - which I can't.


I've tried holding the slider 'on' for thirty seconds - as advised on one website - but that doesn't work.


Have any of you Kindle experts had this problem ( yet ) ?


Should I put it in the washing machine ? or run over it ? Any ideas ?


I don't fancy phoning the UK " helpline " as the phone charge would cost me a mortgage.




p.s. It's a basic two year old Kindle with keyboard.

pps. don't rely completely on your Kindle - take some real books that can't break.


;-) ;-)

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Guest JudgeMental

You have to hold the button down forever to force a restart...good luck!


that's the start button not the menu? On my old touch model its the one with light next to it on the bottom. always worth carrying a backup of books on a drive

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JudgeMental - 2014-09-20 8:22 AM


which model? just noticed its an early keyboard model......






Thanks for that - that's the right model.

Nice clear clip to watch - but unfortunately that method has not worked on mine.


Jane Austen remains smiling at me on the screen whatever I do to the Kindle - no sign of anything happening.

Reckon I'll just wait now until I get home - then I might even dismantle it !


( In the meantime I'll just have to start talking to the wife ).


Thanks again for the input.

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malc d - 2014-09-20 9:12 AM


JudgeMental - 2014-09-20 8:22 AM


which model? just noticed its an early keyboard model......







Thanks for that - that's the right model.

Nice clear clip to watch - but unfortunately that method has not worked on mine.


Jane Austen remains smiling at me on the screen whatever I do to the Kindle - no sign of anything happening.

Reckon I'll just wait now until I get home - then I might even dismantle it !


( In the meantime I'll just have to start talking to the wife ).


Thanks again for the input.


Sounds exactly what happened to mine....afraid its buggered.....just chuck it and get a new one.

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Blinkin eck malcd how long have you had it? Ive just bought mine and i hope it lasts a while im on my fourth book at the moment out here in mallorca (i normally manage half a dozen in a week ) so the luggage allowance ive gained is pretty good eh? And i must say majorcas lovely pp:)
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Pampam - 2014-09-21 6:11 AM


Blinkin eck malcd how long have you had it? Ive just bought mine and i hope it lasts a while im on my fourth book at the moment out here in mallorca (i normally manage half a dozen in a week ) so the luggage allowance ive gained is pretty good eh? And i must say majorcas lovely pp:)



My wifes had it for a couple of years, and apart from setting it up, I've never really looked at it since, so didn't think about backing it up as I assumed most of the stuff on there was free anyway - ( bad mistake that ,but we live and learn ).

Sounds like planned obsolescence to me,- I can see now why they are not too expensive.


I would suggest you buy yourself a couple of real books so when yours kicks the bucket you will have something to read.


IF - and it's a big IF - we decide to buy a new one I will back it up every week !


I hope it's as hot in Majorca as it has been here in France for the last couple of weeks.


Happy travels


;-) ;-)

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Malc and Marvin


I suddenly remembered that my keyboard Kindle had not been charged for ages. Charged all night - dead! Held button for 15 secs - dead. Held for 30 secs dead. Then quite a while afterwards the screen flickered. Noticed light was orange so plugged into charger again. When light changed to green, started it up and works perfectly and all books still there. Perhaps it needs patience?

I remember updating the version a long time ago - did you do that?

My version is wifi and 3G but lost interest in it when 3G no longer available. It is Kindle 3.4 (1725970040). Give it another try. Good luck.

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Guest JudgeMental
starvin marvin - 2014-09-20 10:45 PM


malc d - 2014-09-20 9:12 AM


JudgeMental - 2014-09-20 8:22 AM


which model? just noticed its an early keyboard model......







Thanks for that - that's the right model.

Nice clear clip to watch - but unfortunately that method has not worked on mine.


Jane Austen remains smiling at me on the screen whatever I do to the Kindle - no sign of anything happening.

Reckon I'll just wait now until I get home - then I might even dismantle it !


( In the meantime I'll just have to start talking to the wife ).


Thanks again for the input.


Sounds exactly what happened to mine....afraid its buggered.....just chuck it and get a new one.


NOo way...not yet!. Just back up the content (easy if you carry a laptop with you) and follow the link in second link I posted. I saw this as well: open back - disconnect battery - reset. But whatever you try you need to back up content....


how to open it video:



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JudgeMental - 2014-09-21 2:15 PM


starvin marvin - 2014-09-20 10:45 PM


malc d - 2014-09-20 9:12 AM


JudgeMental - 2014-09-20 8:22 AM


which model? just noticed its an early keyboard model......







Thanks for that - that's the right model.

Nice clear clip to watch - but unfortunately that method has not worked on mine.


Jane Austen remains smiling at me on the screen whatever I do to the Kindle - no sign of anything happening.

Reckon I'll just wait now until I get home - then I might even dismantle it !


( In the meantime I'll just have to start talking to the wife ).


Thanks again for the input.


Sounds exactly what happened to mine....afraid its buggered.....just chuck it and get a new one.


NOo way...not yet!. Just back up the content (easy if you carry a laptop with you) and follow the link in second link I posted. I saw this as well: open back - disconnect battery - reset. But whatever you try you need to back up content....


how to open it video:






Great bit of film on how to get the back off ! ( but can make your eyes water watching it ).


I intend to try all these things when I get home. I have a laptop with me put not sure I can download anything from the Kindle if I can't turn it on.



As for patience ( ref Patricias comment ) well I've been trying, on and off, for several days, with no hint of success.

Whatever I do , Jane Austin just continues to sit there and smile at me.


.... and it's so hot and sunny here I can find more interesting things to do.



;-) ;-)

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JudgeMental - 2014-09-21 4:47 PM


if you plug it in via its USB lead to laptop, open the folder and see whats there. it does not need to be on.



Great - thanks.


Haven't got the lead with me unfortunately - but I will have a go as soon as I return home ( Oct 1 )


I'll let you know how I get on - as it may help someone else in the future.


Thanks again for the help.




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JudgeMental - 2014-09-21 4:47 PM


if you plug it in via its USB lead to laptop, open the folder and see whats there. it does not need to be on.[/quote




Some success to report


Thought I'd try a couple of other leads that I have with me and ........................... one of them worked !


The phone / PC lead that I have for my Samsung Galaxy Ace phone, fitted the Kindle - and I have successfully ( it seems ) downloaded all the files.



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Guest Had Enough

One thing worth noting about Kindle is that books from Amazon can be downloaded to other devices. If you have a tablet or laptop you can go into your Kindle account and select any books in your library that you may have downloaded earlier to your Kindle and ask for a book to be sent to any other nominated device.


Just make sure that you have the Kindle app on your tablet. I've just been to Germany on business and didn't take my Kindle as I didn't think that I'd have time for reading. However I found myself with a free afternoon and downloaded my latest book to my Sony Xperia tablet. The quality of the print was so good that I'm now going to use that for all indoor reading and only use the Kindle outdoors where it excels in bright light.


I'm unsure as to why you're worrying about backing up the contents of your Kindle. Books stay in your personal account even if you've deleted them from the device and if you lost a Kindle for instance you could buy a new one and download every book you've ever had.

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Guest JudgeMental
malc d - 2014-09-21 5:33 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-09-21 4:47 PM


if you plug it in via its USB lead to laptop, open the folder and see whats there. it does not need to be on.[/quote




Some success to report


Thought I'd try a couple of other leads that I have with me and ........................... one of them worked !


The phone / PC lead that I have for my Samsung Galaxy Ace phone, fitted the Kindle - and I have successfully ( it seems ) downloaded all the files.




good....its the same lead as android phones use (as you have discovered). I use my android phone charger to charge mine at times. so you can see the books in document folder? just copy and paste to a folder on laptop. then get the hammer out :-D

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This happened to my kindle on our 1st visit to France.  I think it happened because I tried to 'rush' it.  It's a bit like an old DOS computer,  but slower!  You have to be very, very patient.

Right, when mine froze it was on 3G so was using the battery more quickly than it would normally.  I left it until the battery ran out and then recharged it fully.  Bingo, it has worked ever since.

I know it seems as if it's dead as a parrot but this is what worked for mine.  You might have to find a bookshop though in the meantime or as my OH did, go begging round all the english MHs to beg a book for me to read before I went into withdrawal.


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I have a fair number of books stored on my PC, and have used Calibre to load the books onto our Kindles.


However I found that one way that works for me is to email my books (they do not have to be purchased from Amazon) to my Amazon Kindle account. and Mr Amazon then forwards all the books to the other Kindles.


This means that all the books are on the Kindles and can be synced across the Kindles. So on a sunny day in the garden I use the old keyboard Kindle and at night I can either use the wife's paper white, or my Kindle HD.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Frozen Kindle update


Having now returned from the land of enjoyable driving to the land of heavy traffic I set about my Kindle with a sharp kitchen knife and a flat bladed screwdriver.


Got the back off and looked for the " reset button " - this was pressed / held etc with absolutely no result.

( As it is a solid object I'm not sure why they call it a " button " anyway ) ,


Then turned my attention to the battery, using a very small Philips screwdriver, - and removed it. One terminal is actually soldered so it only comes half out - but it is disconnected.


Put it all back together - charged it fully - and went through all the pressing / sliding / holding for twenty seconds bit again.


Result - absolute zilch.


The plan now is to buy a new Kindle plus a few books to take with us for when the new Kindle freezes on our next trip.




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