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Honda Jenny


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We have a Honda 10 jenny and it is the best thing we ever bought, We only wild camp because we like the solitude as opposed to the crowds on sites, I must add if on rare occasions we are near other people lorries ect we don’t start it up. The main reasons we use it are for keeping the batteries charged other small tasks and watching films and other programs as we have a storage unit (that we use with a laptop) which we keep all our programs on and regularly down load them for free with a certain program that you all probably know about. Last night I downloaded every series 1 to 7 of made in Chelsea for my wife, should last her a summer. Hope this helps anyone thinking about electrics which way to go.
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About a month ago we got honda 20 for use at our friends where we stay with no hook up,used to use a kipor but very unreliable,pig to start and backfires and cuts out while running,been repaired once but did the same thing within a couple of months,now wont start at all so sod it,got a honda which so far seems fine,expensive mind but you get what you pay for,the price on the hondas has juzt come down,ours was £1100.Gonna get kipor repaired and use as back up or sell
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19721973 - 2014-09-20 12:45 PM


We have a Honda 10 jenny and it is the best thing we ever bought, We only wild camp because we like the solitude as opposed to the crowds on sites, I must add if on rare occasions we are near other people lorries ect we don’t start it up. The main reasons we use it are for keeping the batteries charged other small tasks and watching films and other programs as we have a storage unit (that we use with a laptop) which we keep all our programs on and regularly down load them for free with a certain program that you all probably know about. Last night I downloaded every series 1 to 7 of made in Chelsea for my wife, should last her a summer. Hope this helps anyone thinking about electrics which way to go.


You've obviously never heard of solar panels...............nor piracy.

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Solar panels don’t run 1tcb storage unit it needs 240v, the last time I remember pirate used I was stood to attention at deal barracks the adjutant was named Captain blood and the officer inspecting us used to ask questions about history he said to the fellow next to me now Raffity who is Capt blood the reply was a Blood thirsty pirate sir. True Story so lighten up young man.
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19721973 - 2014-09-21 7:37 PM


Solar panels don’t run 1tcb storage unit it needs 240v, the last time I remember pirate used I was stood to attention at deal barracks the adjutant was named Captain blood and the officer inspecting us used to ask questions about history he said to the fellow next to me now Raffity who is Capt blood the reply was a Blood thirsty pirate sir. True Story so lighten up young man.


You've obviously not heard of inverters either then,


as for lightening up, how about doing what the rest of us folk do and PAY for your entertainment, instead of coming on here bragging about using illegally downloaded copyrighted material, let's hope they've noted your IP address.

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gocro - 2014-09-21 10:15 PM


Log on for friendly chat with hundreds of motorhome enthusiasts like yourself...


Log in for friendly chat with hundreds of motorhome enthusiasts like yourself and boast about stealing DVD box sets rather than buying them, let's hope he doesn't get his Honda jenny nicked.

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OK, you'vr made your point about piracy, there's no need to flog it to death.


I have a Honda Eu2.0 converted to run on LPG and it has always been extremely reliable. That seems to be what you get for the extra money by buying from Honda.


However since we got solar panels, out genny stays at home. They are heavy and only useful to us now as a contingency, so I would certainly not encourage anyone to buy a generator unless they have a sepecial requirement for 240 volts.


Our microwave/combination cooker might have justified having a 240v supply with us but we took that out as more trouble than worth too. A Remoska works well as an oven-substitute for things ike baked potatoes and our Weber Q200 BBQ has managed to roast a whole chicken now that I updated it with a temperature gauge, like the current ones have. I just boust a temperature guage off EBay and drilled a hole for it. The Q200 is larger than we need so I wish I had bought a Q100 but at least it's not too heavy.

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