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Weeing dogs and irresponsible owners!


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I went to the Lincoln show last weekend and it was my first ever. Yes I enjoyed it but it was an eye opener!!

I’m not a great dog lover but now realise the problem is not the dogs but their owners! I know realise the dogs seem more intelligent than their owners, they have trained their owners to pick up and bag their pooh. But when it comes to wondering around the show and the stalls, the owners forget they are attached to their dogs. I watched one dog standing next to its owner at a stand/stall weeing on a display recliner chair. I watched as a second dog smelt the wee on the recliner and as he cocked his leg and was about to do the same the owner pulled the dog away. But how many more did spray it without the owners noticing?


I know I will receive a volley of adverse comments, but come on, letting your dog wee up against a display recliner chair that someone will buy is NOT on.


If your going to walk your dogs round shows at least keep an eye on them…..



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I don't think the average dog can say to its owner " hey I'm busting for a pee" any more than I'm dying for a crap, perhaps as well as being armed with poo bags they could also carry small wee wee buckets. Perhaps they are the same folk allowing their grey waste to dribble out as well though, same mind set.
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Our dog squats and pees so quickly once sghe's made her decision to do it that you could't hope to stop it happening or collect it in a bucket but fortuneately she has never does it except outdoors and usually makes such a meal of needing encouragement and picking her spot that hopefully there would be little risk of her peeing on something indoors or on a show display. But she's our dog and our responsibility, so if we take her somewhere and damage occurs then it's our responsibility.


So if we did take her around a show with us and she did pee on someone's property then I would feel obliged to clean it properly or buy it, rather than leave the stall holder to deal with the probem of ruined goods.


I suppose if you saw someone's dog do this and they hadn't noticed, you could helpfully point out what had happened to them - and hopefully they would then do the right thing. Whether that would actually happen these days I have my doubts!

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Challenged a middle aged man after his two dogs did their number twos in quick succession, and no attempt to clean it up, and in front of my 10 year old granddaughter told me to F off and mind my own Efin business.
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Thats why ive always told my kids never to follow fashion and drink straight from a bottle after what i witnessed round the back of a pub when i was a barmaid, but i suppose things are different now bottles are shrink wrapped and not in crates ,still i would never drink straight from a bottle for just such a reason lol :) pp(hahaPP).... Get it?
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Dogs in particular [not bitches] can't resist 'marking' anything!


As a dog owner I'm aware of this, and to be honest, I wouldn't take mine to any such event.


It is irresponsible allow your dog to urinate up anything [lampposts and walls could be an exception] as is not clearing up the number 2's. I really get angry with the lazy, ill prepared owners who just shrug their shoulders.

They are probably the same thick heads who think its OK to leave a used nappy, and a load of food waste on the beach.....still, they've gone home now :-D

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The tendency of dogs to mark everything they pass is one of the reasons why we only ever had bitches.


Maybe those who visit by car on a hot day have an excuse but we would never drag Rosie round any show as it was no fun for her, or for us, and she was much better off in the van with ventilation and water.


A dog is part of the family - but only of the family of that particular dog's owners - and I think some people see their dogs as more than an animal?


They seem to think that everyone else will be impressed and want to fuss and love their animal which in turn makes them feel good - maybe more like a personal ego trip than caring for their 'possession'?


You only have to watch as dusk falls on any site or aire to see the nocturnal dog urinaters decorating awnings, wheels and anything else with a vertical profile when they think nobody else is watching which is why even when we had a dog we fully supported dog free sites, play areas, parks and beaches.


And if you think the UK is bad France must be the s**ttiest country in Europe with not only dogs but humans depositing as and when they feel like it!

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I have never felt the need to keep a dog but quite like the well behaved ones.


It seems hardly appropriatee to drag a dog (or be dragged by) around a crowded show but the ones that really get me are what I term dog herders. Upwards of four dogs on leads knitting their own and peoples legs tied up in knots.


Well it takes all sorts.


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I think many a dog owner shows their sheer stupidity in carrying them


Have they never noticed they are far better equipped to walk than they are.



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If a dog can get to it they will pee on it we just keep ours away from other peoples property,when we first got the sadly departed buster he peed on a picnic blanket whilst the people were fussing round him,i was mortified and replaced blanket with an identical one that we had in the motor,luckily the couple were ok about it but a show up all the same,on a camsite in norfolk we watched a large dog off a lead pee on top of a water butt connected to a caravan,some must have gone in but we had to leave so couldnt warn them,partner is and old softy so he took our kettle over and carefully rinsed it off as best he could bless him,and no it wasnt our dog.We also pick up other peoples dog crap if we come across it especially on campsites,why is it always people with little dogs he just stand and watch whilst their little darlings crap,it still sticks to your shoe!And dont get me started about the shows where every evening they nip out for a fag and little fido does what he wants where he wants with no attempt to even look for it let alone clear it up!rant over *-)
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