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Another new show but where????


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Another new weekend show for next year, where is it? Norwich.!!

Yet another show in the southern/south-east of the country. What about folk who live north-west or north even. The most northern show is Lincoln if you don't count the day-visitor shows at Harrogate or Stafford. Since finishing with any Northern Show (Pickering, York, Knutsford) why are Warners only catering for southerners? Why Norwich? The whole of East-Anglia could travel to Peterborough. Central south folk could travel to Newbury or Malvern. Midlanders could travel to Peterborough or Malvern. East Midlanders travel to Peterborough or Lincoln. Anyone living in Cheshire, Lancashire, Cumbria, Yorkshire, North Wales and of course Scotland, well they can travel hundreds of miles or do without seems to be the thinking. There must be suitable venues in all counties, all counties have showgrounds for county shows as well as venues such as Oulton Park, Donnington Park. Come on Warners, be fair.

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I guess there will always be areas that are not covered. One comment I hear regularly is that there are "too many" shows around these days.

Anyway, I spent a few moments knocking up this map of the shows I know about. Doesn't include VW shows, and haven't included the new Norfolk one as I can't find out where it's going to be. 

Until the Detling show this year, there were also no shows in the SE or East Anglia, so from a trader's point of view both are welcome. 

I'd happily travel from Cambs to the north to do a show. Unfortunately the Glasgow show is just too early in the year for us.

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