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We are considering a trip to Spain with our motorhome in February 15. This would be our first time and not sure about private sites, cc or ccc. Should we book them all or are there plenty of choice should we just turn up. We would appreciate any relevant feedback from anyone who has experience of this journey. We will be going via the Eurotunnel. Many thanks
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I'd book with one of the British clubs for your first time. They also get pretty good deals with the sites as well. We use the C&CC for Almafra. Don't hang about though the sites are filling up fast and La Manga is already full for the rally pitches. The other pitches on there a bit tatty.

Good luck.

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Guest JudgeMental
a popular over winter destination with northern Europeans and the best sites book up fast...saying that there are so many you will get on one..but fancy something in particular book in advance. + monthly rates always better ..better that ACSI rate. Have fun..you will return again and again :-D
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There will be a lot of sites open in Spain at that time of the year but not many, if any, in France_ so plan for a quick run through France. You will find Aires open but some will have water turned off. Worth getting the ACSI book if you can as it will give you a list of sites available at reduced rates. Unless you want to join in rallies there is no benefits to be gained from CC or CCC sites that they promote. Even with the ACSI book and the club offers you can still go direct to the site and may get a better rate.

At the moment I am in Bonterra Park in Benicassim which I did book in advance as I had thought there was a rally on but got that wrong. Plenty of space on the site so turning up would be no problem.

In a weeks time we will be heading down to Benidorm and will have stops on the way, none of which are booked. We have not booked a site in Beni but there are 6/7 sites so will have no problems. Beni is not everybodies cup of tea but do not believe all the stories you hear as you can pick and choose what you want, old town or dreadful clubby land with the Brits at there "best" (that's me being narrow minded as 100000s have good holidays there).

We leave MH at airport and fly home November returning March, again nothing booked but I now no it will not be a problem.

We prefer sites but if you are into wild camping then you will have no problems provided you use common sense.

Whatever, once you cross the channel enjoy. :-)

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if you want a specific site, with a good pitch, then pre booking, with the site or other agent, is probably a good idea. however, there are many campsites, with many pitches so you will never be stuck. we, like many others, have toured spain (for the last 10 years) and never had a problem. in fact, ive never booked a site ,ever, anywhere in europe (or africa) . i get were i want to go, and book in. simples (lol) (lol)
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peter - 2014-10-01 8:36 PM


I'd book with one of the British clubs for your first time. They also get pretty good deals with the sites as well. We use the C&CC for Almafra. Don't hang about though the sites are filling up fast and La Manga is already full for the rally pitches. The other pitches on there a bit tatty.

Good luck.


If you are a tugger then Almafra is OK but otherwise forget it unless you are a long distance walker. La Manga eco has 5 star pitches all around but yes La Manga Costa has parts that do look pretty sad. Will be on Last Manga Costa next year, may book, but otherwise its an ACSI site and had no problems last year


Edit. Its either the San Miquel or this tablets got a mind of its own

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The first thing I would say is that remember early in the year the sun goes down early and the evenings will be chilly so you may be spending long evenings in the van or a bar so joining a rally that has organised activities may be a good idea for the first trip.


Unfortunately the CC have stopped winter rallies so your only choice would be CCC. The down side of the CCC is that as you appear to have already booked your crossing they will sting you £75 for not going through them. The other point is unlike ACSI you have to pay the club in advance. We are on the rally at La Manga and crossing through the tunnel a day ahead of you and must pay the full site fees in early December.

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