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It's big, it's under cover, the new models will be there to tempt you, you'll buy things you will never ever use and you will wander aimlessly.

Take a drink and food, leave your credit card at home,

I'm close by, so will probably go, but unless you have a specific reason to view a new MH don't travel too far. You can buy the accessories on line and compare prices.

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Billggski - 2014-10-05 9:45 PM


It's big, it's under cover, the new models will be there to tempt you, you'll buy things you will never ever use and you will wander aimlessly.

Take a drink and food, leave your credit card at home,

I'm close by, so will probably go, but unless you have a specific reason to view a new MH don't travel too far. You can buy the accessories on line and compare prices.


Thanks for that. I'm interested in looking at as many European models as possible, which I can't do here.

As for accessories, well, I don't think I need any, but you're right, that won't stop me buying something. :D

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candapack - 2014-10-05 10:16 PM


Billggski - 2014-10-05 9:45 PM


It's big, it's under cover, the new models will be there to tempt you, you'll buy things you will never ever use and you will wander aimlessly.

Take a drink and food, leave your credit card at home,

I'm close by, so will probably go, but unless you have a specific reason to view a new MH don't travel too far. You can buy the accessories on line and compare prices.


Thanks for that. I'm interested in looking at as many European models as possible, which I can't do here.

As for accessories, well, I don't think I need any, but you're right, that won't stop me buying something. :D


Why? Buy British is my motto. Suport British jobs, get the best after sale service and in many cases get a better quality product. The idea that contental motorhomes, even German ones, are better built is a bit of a myth. Talking to owners on site I have heard first hand a lot of horror stories about some of the so called highest quality contental motor homes made worse by the problemss encountered getting them sorted. It's fair to say I've heard some horror stories about some British built vans as well but at least they have been easier to get fixed. Oddly enough for some reason the only contental built motor home which I've heard of no problems with is the French built Rapido.

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candapack - 2014-10-05 10:16 PM



Thanks for that. I'm interested in looking at as many European models as possible, which I can't do here.

As for accessories, well, I don't think I need any, but you're right, that won't stop me buying something. :D


I wouldn't bother then, most of the British importers only import a small selection of the manufacturers range, the only place to see all European models is Caravn Salon at Dusseldorf, too late for that now.

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Billggski - 2014-10-05 9:45 PM


It's big, it's under cover, the new models will be there to tempt you, you'll buy things you will never ever use and you will wander aimlessly.

Take a drink and food, leave your credit card at home,

I'm close by, so will probably go, but unless you have a specific reason to view a new MH don't travel too far. You can buy the accessories on line and compare prices.


I think that's somewhere along the lines of our thoughts on it(and other shows)...


We've been twice and they were a few years back..

The first time was around the time we'd bought or were about to buy, our first van. and being "new" we were a bit "wide eyed" about it all and probably spent quite a while there,... "Ooow!..look at this one!..No..no THIS one.." and "..this foldlng /stacking thingumajig, will come in handy.." etc

The second time, we traipsed 'round with a, "..seen it.seen it....same old.." attitude and were probably all done in not much over an hour or so ... (lol)



As you'll be travelling some distance, rather than make it your only "destination", maybe it's better if you just make it somewhere that you're "calling off at" , as part of a weekend/few days away...?

That way, if it does disappoint , you're not left with a "..all this way, for that!..what now?" scenario...

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A word of caution to those considering a new van at any show.


Firstly I hope it all goes well for you as it does for the majority of buyers.


HOWEVER - as with all things complex there is the risk of early failures and particularly in the case of motorhomes it seems where both production checks and PDIs can leave a lot to be desired.


BE AWARE that buying via a dealer who is many miles from where you live can entail from none to many return trips and often overnight or much longer stays at your own expense.


BE AWARE that any disputes are often easier to resolve face to face POLITELY and that is easier if your dealer is local to you, or at least well known from previous buys.


The theoretical savings of a few hundred pounds on a distant dealer over a local dealer may turn out to be more of a pain than a benefit?


MAKE SURE that you get in writing EXACTLY what you think you are paying for before you pay as disputes can arise when certain items or accessories that were maybe on a show model turn out not to be on your van when it arrives.


AIM for a specified latest delivery date or the option to cancel with full refund if it is missed or you might find you have a summer vanless.


THIS particularly applies if you allow the dealer to take in your PX and sell it before your new van arrives to get a better allowance. Personally this is not something I would entertain to save a few hundred quid as the risks are too high for my taste.


And finally assuming all goes well, congrats and enjoy for many years.

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Thanks for all replies.

Decided not to go, too far. Plus, with the problems we had with current MH bought from a dealer over 200 miles away, we decided that buying the next one from a local dealer was probably number one on the requirements list. I'd temporarily forgotten that, thanks for the reminder Tracker.

Our preferred company is, among some other makes, a Burstner dealership. I'm looking at one they have in stock, see new "Burstner Construction" thread if you're interested.

Thanks again,


PS, what a lovely, friendly, fluffy, cuddly forum.


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