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Film on App


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Just wondered if anyone could help with this. Are using 3 mobile data here in southern France, and as you can see works great for uses like this. However, when we try to use the film on App message declares unavailable. It does work in UK and if on a wifi connection here. Wonder if three have blocked it or is there some settings we need to adjust? Just want to use to stream a news channel as now on camp site with trees preventing sat reception.
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Guest Had Enough
robertandjean - 2014-10-11 8:55 AM


Just wondered if anyone could help with this. Are using 3 mobile data here in southern France, and as you can see works great for uses like this. However, when we try to use the film on App message declares unavailable. It does work in UK and if on a wifi connection here. Wonder if three have blocked it or is there some settings we need to adjust? Just want to use to stream a news channel as now on camp site with trees preventing sat reception.


Three is being very generous in allowing mobile use in parts of Europe and letting you use it as part of your normal UK package.


But streaming films and other programmes uses mega amounts of data and they'd lose a fortune. We've all heard tales of people who didn't read the small print and downloaded films and ending up with phone bills of hundreds of pounds.


My view is that it's probably not allowed and I'll bet that somewhere deep in the contract it's mentioned that streaming is not part of the deal. I suspect that there's nothing that you're doing wrong and that the service isn't available.



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robertandjean - 2014-10-11 8:55 AM


Just wondered if anyone could help with this. Are using 3 mobile data here in southern France, and as you can see works great for uses like this. However, when we try to use the film on App message declares unavailable. It does work in UK and if on a wifi connection here. Wonder if three have blocked it or is there some settings we need to adjust? Just want to use to stream a news channel as now on camp site with trees preventing sat reception.


I'm guessing your are connected through Bouygues Telecom, as we were for over a month, hard to understand the business model, but my guess is there will be some caveats, I doubt video streaming is going to be available, never tried it ourselves, although we did on a couple of occasions stream some UK radio news, though only about an hour in total.

Apart from that all of my apps worked without issue, I'm just very pleased with that alone, of course if people start using loads of data it's bound to either get throttled, or in some other way blocked,and may well be blocked already, and to be fair I think that's entirely reasonable for £15 a month for essentially unlimited data in a foreign country without all the hassle of finding Wifi spots, don't you.

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Thanks both for taking the time to reply. Think you are right that it will be to do with the terms of contract that streaming is not allowed when using abroad, although seeing that both on contract and pay as you go, we have phone on each, there is a cut off at 25gb then that in itself would regulate use. Yes it is great that three now offer this service but of course from Dec 2015 then Eu rules mean that all providers will have to offer same service in other Eu countries as in UK, unless of course we decide to leave Eu.
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