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We have one on our new van and can only put in postcode location to find sites. Also find it is not very user friendly. Does anyone have any tips or can point me in the right direction to find some assistance? Autotrails web site only offers basic info. I saw a demo of the Caravan Club "Snooper" at the NEC and was very impressed but it is expensive. Help appreciated.
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It's not very good is it ?? you can get updates online but you have to pay for nearly everything.


mine was a 2012 model, so not sure if yours is the same ? but if it is you need to download this :




you register your unit, and can download maps/upgrades etc., BUT i was still not impressed, and in the end replaced it with a Tom Tom Camper edition.


There are several threads already about the sat-nav fitted to Autotrails, just use the the Forum search facility Pleasant reading !! Ray

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The AT Satnav works on iGO 8 software and is used on many top spec cars. You can download a user guide via the following link




Although not exactly the same as on the AT screen display the manual will help you find your way round the system. It is a really good satnav once you have a mastered it and I have compared it alongside my Garmin throughout the UK and France. The only problem is that it seems complex and if you ise your MH infrequently the learning curve for you will take longer but stick with it.



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I must admit I prefer IGO8 to any previous satnav software I've used - though the newer IGO primo is even better.


The user manual referenced above should help you, though it is a very customisable piece of software, and use will depend on how it has been set-up.


It isn't particulalrly difficult to install POIs to, either, though getting the ultimate out of these takes a little more effort, see my link here:





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Good post and information. Our new MH we have ordered and don't get until March 2015 has a new satnav that is supported by TomTom, otherwise i would have had a go a downloading the POI's.

Glad to hear that you thought the old Satnav with iGO 8 was good too.



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I car'nt understand why on earth would you put a car satnav in a motorhomes?

Autotrail have a habit of using none branding products when they want to be the best!,

Cut your losses it will only frustrate you,


I took mine out because it's Crap, spent several days checking it out and it kept failing me,

Igo 8 do a hgv version, that would have been a better option.


I bit the bulit and put the Snooper AVN S9000 very good pice of kit

Expensive but I suppose you get what you pay for .

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Davy31dcp - 2014-10-23 8:00 PM



I car'nt understand why on earth would you put a car satnav in a motorhomes?

Autotrail have a habit of using none branding products when they want to be the best!,

Cut your losses it will only frustrate you,


I took mine out because it's Crap, spent several days checking it out and it kept failing me,

Igo 8 do a hgv version, that would have been a better option.


I bit the bulit and put the Snooper AVN S9000 very good pice of kit

Expensive but I suppose you get what you pay for .


First of all iGO 8 is not a manufacturer of Satnavs but a software provider that is used in many top spec vehicles. You can set the software to be a bus / coach and that will get you around without going down tight roads etc. if that is what you like but it works perfectly adequately as a 'car' but as in any use of satnavs you should have a look at the route on a map too to make sure that what it shows is, in your own mind, right for you.


There have been a few people that say the AT satnav is rubbish but it is just a case of getting used to the head unit and the software - actually it is a very good unit. I use a bog standard Garmin in our motorhome alongside the AT unit and they very much accord with each other on routing, however I don't go blindly thinking that a satnav is a panacea for all ills as for sure it will 'lead you up the garden path' at times, i.e. narrow roads. There is no substitute for checking with a map or using Google Map to do a walk through on pinch points.


As for the Snooper - I have a friend who tows a caravan and owns one and who thinks that too is rubbish and prefers his Garmin. So who is right and who is wrong ?

Isn't it just a case of personal preference ?




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This unit was sourced by these people for Autotrail :




For Updates to the Sat-Nav Software register your Unit with this Website :




and search Autotrail under Unit fitted, both the 12ELE & 13ELE 2000 are listed, and you can download upgrades from the site after registering. Good Luck Ray

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ElCotto - 2014-10-25 5:23 PM


I have an AutoTrail fitted with this unit. (13ELE2000) I can't get radio/CD audio to play when using Sat Nav. Can anyone help please. I found the Sat Nav very efficient when in France. :-D


First of all set the radio station you want to listen to or select the CD, etc. Then push the SRC/Nav button along the bottom edge of the unit and the SatNav display should power up whilst leaving the Radio / CD still on in the background. You can use the bottom line buttons to increase the volume of the radio / CD too whilst in SatNav mode. The sound level for the speech part, i.e. directions, of the SatNav has to be set separately though from the settings menu.



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