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Senility on the Forum

Guest Peter James

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Guest Peter James

Just been queuing at the Post Office to post a parcel. Couldn't help overhearing the old duffers behind me complaining about the length of the queue. One said he had to get his his Road Fund Licence. Another was telling him that there is no need to queue now because they don't have Tax discs anymore ... its all been cancelled.. there is no need to pay *-)

So there I was trying to talk some sense into them..:-| ...just like being on here really .... (lol)

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Guest Peter James
pepe63 - 2014-10-27 3:16 PM


What?..you mean you told 'em .and how the Queen probably doesn't pay road tax? (lol)


No No No I never said 'probably' at all.. Her Unelected Majesty the Queen Definitely doesn't pay Road Tax and neither do her hangers on >:-(

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Guest Peter James
George Collings - 2014-10-29 1:55 PM


HM is exempt from road tax but I doubt the hangers on are. Please quote source.


QEII pays zero VED. It’s not just the Queen who gets away with it, other Royals do, too: no Crown vehicles pay Vehicle Excise Duty. ........ http://ipayroadtax.com/bloody-tax-dodgers/bloody-tax-dodgers-theres-millions-of-em/

And yet people still call us freeloaders - when we are parking on a road that we pay more than our share of road tax for ... and paying more council tax on a 3 bed semi that Her Unelected Majesty The Queen & Hangers On pay on Buckingham Palace.....

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I should think that the heir apparent would rank well up the list of hangers on.


Now here is a pic of his son driving dads car after getting hitched and it looks rather like a tax disc in the windscreen.



I do not know if the situation is still the same but in my time in the police until the late 90s the vehicles did exhibit a tax disc. Paying road tax on vehicles in the employ of the state is a bit of a nonsense. Just passing money from hand to hand


Fire engines are exempt so your source got that bit right.



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malc d - 2014-10-30 9:05 AM


I notice that Peter James always refers to the queen as " Her Unelected Majesty " - using capital letters.



I just wonder if he's hoping to be included in the new years honours list.





...that's not even Garden Party invite material.



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Guest pelmetman
George Collings - 2014-10-30 8:11 AM


I should think that the heir apparent would rank well up the list of hangers on.


Now here is a pic of his son driving dads car after getting hitched and it looks rather like a tax disc in the windscreen.



I do not know if the situation is still the same but in my time in the police until the late 90s the vehicles did exhibit a tax disc. Paying road tax on vehicles in the employ of the state is a bit of a nonsense. Just passing money from hand to hand


Fire engines are exempt so your source got that bit right.



I reckon that motor would be tax exempt as its over 40 years old ;-) ................only another 16 years before Horace qualifies B-) ................



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Robinhood - 2014-10-30 9:07 AM


malc d - 2014-10-30 9:05 AM


I notice that Peter James always refers to the queen as " Her Unelected Majesty " - using capital letters.



I just wonder if he's hoping to be included in the new years honours list.





...that's not even Garden Party invite material.



..yes..but even HRH's lawns would need cutting...So maybe still a chance of "inclusion", no matter how small..?

(..and maybe he could take along some of his little "packages" for use on the roses?... (lol)

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pepe63 - 2014-10-30 10:28 AM


Robinhood - 2014-10-30 9:07 AM


malc d - 2014-10-30 9:05 AM


I notice that Peter James always refers to the queen as " Her Unelected Majesty " - using capital letters.



I just wonder if he's hoping to be included in the new years honours list.






...that's not even Garden Party invite material.



..yes..but even HRH's lawns would need cutting...So maybe still a chance of "inclusion", no matter how small..?

(..and maybe he could take along some of his little "packages" for use on the roses?... (lol)



....if he started "planting" his gift-wrapped packages at the Garden Party, the snipers on the Palace roof would probably take him out!


....Quite right too!



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The older i get the more royal loyal i become , the queen seems to stand for good things , still working ,at her age and i hope she gets her winter weather payment , and free tv license ,will she get a blue card cos the dukes a bit unsteady on his pins now? Personally i dont mind subsidising her with my taxes , much rather her than some of the scrotes that i have to serve in the shop i work in ! Perhaps its cos shes from a different era and it makes me nostalgic lol yep im a fan of queen :- the monarch(she gets my vote) and the band ! PP :)
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Guest Peter James
Pampam - 2014-10-30 10:57 PM


The older i get the more royal loyal i become , the queen seems to stand for good things , still working ,at her age and i hope she gets her winter weather payment , and free tv license ,will she get a blue card cos the dukes a bit unsteady on his pins now? Personally i dont mind subsidising her with my taxes , much rather her than some of the scrotes that i have to serve in the shop i work in ! Perhaps its cos shes from a different era and it makes me nostalgic lol yep im a fan of queen :- the monarch(she gets my vote) and the band ! PP :)


Do you know the Queen that well Pampam?

Or do you just swallow the press releases put out from her 30 full time spin doctors at Buckingham Palace?

I agree her press office does a good job of suppressing unfavorable news (with threats of imprisonment for Palace Flunkies who tell us what really goes on) and manipulating the rest. Thats why we are paying them so much.

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We live in the Royal Borough, not a million miles from the big house. Some of our friends work for "The Firm", quite a lot of us, in various ways, encounter members of the firm occasionally, from time to time we encounter them at official functions and the like. Mr James you could not be more wrong.

I may have mentioned on this forum in the past that I have done a bit of chauffeuring, and it has been a mostly good experience, but one company I worked for had an account with the Labour party, and I find it difficult to recall any enjoyable journeys with anyone from Walworth Road, in fact quite the opposite.

So there you are Mr James. We understand that provided that one is not given to sensitivity or self doubt it is quite easy to make the most outrageous statements about things of which you know little or nothing, and people you have never met, and maybe even come to believe in your own misconceptions.

Perhaps you could adopt the motto " Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up!"


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Guest Peter James
Archiesgrandad - 2014-10-31 11:38 AM


We live in the Royal Borough, not a million miles from the big house.


Which one ?

(Apparently that was one reply given to the King when he was doing a PR tour of the East End after the Blitz and said he knew how it felt because his home had been bombed too (damaged part of the garden wall at Buckingham Palace *-) )


Incidentally I have had some indirect contact.

I had to go through an incredible amount of Security checks to deliver building materials to Prince Andrews Palace when it was being built (Who else would have got planning permission there?)

I encountered the most officious obnoxious 'clergyman' I have ever met when we went into Crathie Church - it was open - he claimed there was a notice outside saying it was closed which there wasn't - when I asked him to point the notice out he just grunted and walked away.

We were visiting Holyrood (where visitors are treated like uninvited spectators at a feast) when unbeknown to us Prince Phillip was there We should have known by the traffic chaos in Edinburgh caused by all the roads they had closed for him. There weren't many of us so we were all kettled behind a fence in one corner to make his publicity photo look like a huge crowd had turned out to see him!!!

I also had the misfortune to meet her gun toting uniformed thugs whilst walking on supposedly public access around Balmoral - I will never forget that because I have never felt so intimidated in all my life.

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Pampam - 2014-10-30 10:57 PM


The older i get the more royal loyal i become , the queen seems to stand for good things , still working ,at her age and i hope she gets her winter weather payment , and free tv license ,will she get a blue card cos the dukes a bit unsteady on his pins now? Personally i dont mind subsidising her with my taxes , much rather her than some of the scrotes that i have to serve in the shop i work in ! Perhaps its cos shes from a different era and it makes me nostalgic lol yep im a fan of queen :- the monarch(she gets my vote) and the band ! PP :)


Hear hear Pam!


If the rest of the country adopted the integrity and sense of responsibility that HM The Queen and HRH Prince Phillip has done for all of her life I doubt we would, as a nation, be so deep in the moral doo dah as we currently seem to be?


It is a testament to all that is good about the UK that people like PJ can be as rude as they like with impunity and long may that continue.


As a couple they should be held in the highest esteem and treated with great respect because if anyone has earned respect over a working lifetime these good people have.


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Peter James - 2014-10-31 1:09 PM



(Apparently that was one reply given to the King when he was doing a PR tour of the East End after the Blitz and said he knew how it felt because his home had been bombed too (damaged part of the garden wall at Buckingham Palace )



I assume you haven't seen the photos.




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Guest Peter James
Tracker - 2014-10-31 1:33 PM

It is a testament to all that is good about the UK that people like PJ can be as rude as they like with impunity and long may that continue.


To give the Royal Family credit for winning us our freedom of speech is quite fitting for a thread on senility.

How much freedom of speech do their employees have?

Or the photographer Prince Harry physically attacked for carrying out his lawful duty in a public street?

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Peter James - 2014-10-31 1:58 PM



To give the Royal Family credit for winning us our freedom of speech is quite fitting for a thread on senility.





I'd agree with that.


Don't know what free speech has got to do with the royal family.




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Peter James - 2014-10-31 1:58 PM


Tracker - 2014-10-31 1:33 PM

It is a testament to all that is good about the UK that people like PJ can be as rude as they like with impunity and long may that continue.


To give the Royal Family credit for winning us our freedom of speech is quite fitting for a thread on senility.


It does seem to be typical of angry people like yourself that you like to be seen as hard done by victims of the very society that gives you the freedom to say that.


If you take the trouble to read what I said about freedom of speech you will find that nowhere did I claim that the royal family won us those freedoms.


What I did say was that freedom of speech is one of the many things that is good about the UK.


Quite a difference.

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I didn't realise that paparazzi photographers were charged with a lawfull duty to do what they do. All the ones I ever encountered seemed like fairly grubby little individuals who tried to make money out of other people's misfortune, and they seemed to show very littl e respect for the law or common decency. Of course, I must admit that I haven't met them all.


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Guest Peter James
Tracker - 2014-10-31 3:49 PM


Peter James - 2014-10-31 1:58 PM


Tracker - 2014-10-31 1:33 PM

It is a testament to all that is good about the UK that people like PJ can be as rude as they like with impunity and long may that continue.


To give the Royal Family credit for winning us our freedom of speech is quite fitting for a thread on senility.


It does seem to be typical of angry people like yourself that you like to be seen as hard done by victims of the very society that gives you the freedom to say that.


If you take the trouble to read what I said about freedom of speech you will find that nowhere did I claim that the royal family won us those freedoms.


What I did say was that freedom of speech is one of the many things that is good about the UK.


Quite a difference.


I think you need to read it again. The sentence before and after contains direct references to them.

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Guest Peter James
Archiesgrandad - 2014-10-31 10:32 PM


I didn't realise that paparazzi photographers were charged with a lawfull duty to do what they do. All the ones I ever encountered seemed like fairly grubby little individuals who tried to make money out of other people's misfortune, and they seemed to show very littl e respect for the law or common decency. Of course, I must admit that I haven't met them all.



Thank you for another suitable post for a thread on senility.

Carrying out their duties by doing the job they are paid for. A shop worker would be carrying out their duties by filling shelves. A photographer carrying out his duties by taking photos - legally. The one breaking the law was Prince Harry by physically attacking the photographer, not that he was prosecuted for it of course.

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