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Forgive me for I have sinned .... again!

Mel B

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Ooooo... errrr.... we've been spending dosh again ... quite a bit! What have we bought ... well ....


... its 'mobile' as it has wheels, but is not easily moved

... has no engine but uses 'gas'

... has no gears but has 'gear' in it?


Guessed what it is yet?


It's a mobile home/static caravan!


Now I know this is a motorhome forum but I will be putting a lot of my MH knowledge to good use as, after all, many of the bit and pieces are similar and being able to fettle it to how we want it will also bring my MH DIY skills into play too.


For those that are interested here's some more info:


We bought it on Monday last week for a very good price - it wasn't the first one we wanted to buy but due to others messing us around it was the 4th one we considered but is by far the best due to the plot it's on - the van isn't as posh as some of the others but we can alter it to what we want but couldn't do anything about the plots the others had. Its a Willerby Herald 35x12/3 of around 1999 vintage, 3 bed (1 double, 2 twin and a bed settee) which sleeps 8, a very large lounge with dining area and kitchen. The plot though is fantastic being very large with a side access gravel drive and also a rear gravel drive too so absolutely ideal for the camper! It has decking on both sides and as a bonus ... a blooming uPVC conservatory!!!!


We came back on Friday to start fettling it and giving it a good measure of TLC as it's been empty for about 10 months we think. It needs some updating (mainly cosmetic) but everything works, no damp, and had had some work done in the past to replace the original hob with a snazzy more modern one with a wok burner and a recently installed brand new fridge freezer which had never been used! The lounge has French doors on one side and a door put in on the other side opposite to access the lovely conservatory. It has uPVC windows all round too. It certainly was NOT what we expected in a van that about 15 years old!


It needs some decorating doing, replacing cupboard/door handles, repainting the kitchen cupboard doors; the carpets have been replaced at some point so are perfectly fine including the conservatory one which is practically new, but unfortunately in the lounge the carpet has faded which is a shame as it isn't worn at all, so we'll change that after winter is over for something that won't be affected by the sun so much.


Its on a nice site not far from Coningsby at Chapel Hill right next to the River Witham with direct access to the river bank and moorings (no it does NOT flood!), the site has a 10 months season (closed Feb/Mar), with no selling or buying fees/commission etc, and cheap site fees at £1150 a year plus £57 for a gas bottle, and electric ... and that's it! The site is very homely due to the caravans having their own private gardens, some of them would put Chelsea Flower Show to shame! They allow dogs (obviously you have to clean up after them) and there aren't loads of rules and regs either, just the obvious to keep your 'van and plot nice and they will just let you get on and enjoy it, the owners 'vet' any prospective purchasers but as we'd already met the owner's wife and the site's handyman we've already passed that test (gawd knows how!). We had a walk by the river and it was lovely I think the dogs will love having runs along it and my canoe will probably take 'a bashing'!!! Letting out isn't allowed so no 'great unwashed holiday strangers' will invade the site, and there isn't a restaurant, or anything else for that matter, on the site itself which suits us fine, but there is a good pub just 100 yards max from the site which is supposedly very, very good so I think that's where the visiting boaters must go. As it's not far from RAF Coningsby we 'heard' a few planes but couldn't see any due to the low cloud, but nothing major however one bonus will be to be able to see the 'Battle of Britain' flight shows they do for nowt if we want!


We've been doing some work on it already - power washing the outside as the decking was a bit 'green' and also weeding ... removing some 'triffids' in the process! There's a little old chap on site who cuts the grass for £5 once a fortnight which I think we can afford to keep it looking nice when we're not here. It has been very pleasant gardening in the sunshine especially since some of the other owners have been potting by and saying hello so we've met a fair few of them and they are all very nice, there are 2 brown labs who make a beeline for me and slobber me to death each time! We've got some extra furniture for it already so are nearly sorted, just an odd couple of bits still needed ... really enjoying being here and looking forward to many pleasant days over the coming year.

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Not surprised.


I'm sure Hubby can knock up a cab arrangement, suitably placed at one end, complete with steering wheel, a couple of wing mirrors, a must have sat-nav for locating lots of 'must find' bargain shops and a comfy driving seat, not forgetting of course a pair of doggy baskets.


Looking forward to an invite.



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Just a few miles down the road from where I work. You'll get lots of views of spitfires etc, they come right over our premises, the two Lancasters were a fantastic sight together. But !!!!! The modern fighters are chuffin noisey at times and I mean NOISEY. But you do get to see them practicing before heading off to do fly pasts ect
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I sold my van yesterday and am looking to buy a static to entertain the grandkids amongst other things.


There is an inactive static forum here so now is your chance to liven things up.


You were lucky to find a site that accommodates "older" static vans. Around here you have a lease for 15 years after which you are required to vacate the plot. No statics over 15 years old are allowed so basically the thing is virtually worthless after that time. Your site fees are cheap. Within 50 miles of Devon fees average around £3500 - £4000 per annum plus utilities.

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Really hope the pub is ok, everytime I go past its empty and I've asked the girl in the office who lives about a mile n half away and they won't go in because of how rude they are. But there again things do change and if it was too bad they wouldn't be in business, especially there as Its quite an isolated place, the shop closed a number of years ago. I work on the same road as your caravan site.
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Is it an all year round site ? I always thought that would be a good idea to have on retirement whereby you sell the bricks &mortar , buy a static then if it closes for winter take a motorhome to sunnier climes ,my friend has a lovely one near dartmoor handy for walking: hope its everything you want it to be and it gives you plenty of good memories :) pp
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Guest pelmetman

Do we let trailer trash on here? >:-) ...............



Funnily enough our first detached residence.....on land ;-) ...........was a mobile home that we had to renovate 8-) ...........


BTW Mel is there someone on there with a A Class Rapido?........as we have some friends over that way on a site, I think they're near a marina? :-S .............



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Hi Mel read all about your new venture and I wish you lots of happy relaxing hols there :-D I hope you can let us have some photos before and after as you have done before (lol) as you know we are a lot of nosy parkers on here.

Do you think you might sell up your bungalow and spend the two months touring in the future? I must admit to being very tempted as our garden is getting harder and harder to maintain after out six weeks away in the summer ;-) and the decorating just thinking about it these days is exhausting me.

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Interesting stuff Mel and not something we've ruled out ourselves. There's quite a number of these developments in nearby Garstang where we regularly CL camp.


There's huge differences (as you'll be aware ), in the running/fees/etc in these 'sites' or at least that's what we gleaned on our brief foray into it.


Couldn't help looking towards something tired but serviceable, bugger any resale value, (what's 5 - 10k in the bigger scheme?) and using the Motorhome for Spanish winters as had been already suggested.


All more for my ever restless grey matter to ponder, enjoy it :D



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What is going on with this forum, some strange threads of late but now one about a clapped out static caravan. I know Mel comes on and tells everyone whenever she spends a bit of money, but this is one to far. Come on mods shift it to caravan section where it belongs.
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rupert123 - 2014-10-31 2:45 PM


What is going on with this forum, some strange threads of late but now one about a clapped out static caravan. I know Mel comes on and tells everyone whenever she spends a bit of money, but this is one to far. Come on mods shift it to caravan section where it belongs.


Have to agree and no disrespect to Mel but she does only seem to come on when selling sumat or when shes bought sumat

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"Forgive me for I have sinned .... again"


for putting the thread in the wrong place



and boring the pants of some folk. ;-)



I've just bought a wendy house for the grandkids, do you want to hear about it ?

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antony1969 - 2014-10-31 3:02 PM


rupert123 - 2014-10-31 2:45 PM


What is going on with this forum, some strange threads of late but now one about a clapped out static caravan. I know Mel comes on and tells everyone whenever she spends a bit of money, but this is one to far. Come on mods shift it to caravan section where it belongs.


Have to agree and no disrespect to Mel but she does only seem to come on when selling sumat or when shes bought sumat


Not quite true. She comes on from time to time to correct punctuation. On the other hand, as I've just sold my motorhome, I am interested in statics. That is why I suggested she posted on the Park Home forum.

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Guest Had Enough

What a bunch of miserable mean-spirited buggers you are. And the horrid comments from Onefoot are just typical of this nasty little troll, a man who bores the pants of most of us with his constant political ranting, which are less suitable for this section than Mel's post about her new static.


Mel has been an asset to this forum for many years and has given lots of advice on many subjects that are relevant to Motorhome Matters. If she wants to pop in and tell us about her new acquisition why shouldn't she?


It's not a controversial subject unlike many that some of you lot enjoy bleating on about in this section and I think that you've got a bloody nerve being so nasty and unkind. And a few smileys don't disguise the unpleasantness of Joe90/Onefoot's comments.


Shame on you all.





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Had Enough - 2014-10-31 4:55 PM


What a bunch of miserable mean-spirited buggers you are. And the horrid comments from Onefoot are just typical of this nasty little troll, a man who bores the pants of most of us with his constant political ranting, which are less suitable for this section than Mel's post about her new static.


Mel has been an asset to this forum for many years and has given lots of advice on many subjects that are relevant to Motorhome Matters. If she wants to pop in and tell us about her new acquisition why shouldn't she?


It's not a controversial subject unlike many that some of you lot enjoy bleating on about in this section and I think that you've got a bloody nerve being so nasty and unkind. And a few smileys don't disguise the unpleasantness of Joe90/Onefoot's comments.


Shame on you all.





So says the bloke that constantly complains of subjects being in the wrong categories.




unless you do want to hear about my grandkids wendy house in "MOTORHOME MATTERS "

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Forgive me for I have to agree with Frank on this one.


Anyone who has met Mel will know that she is a friendly, intelligent and knowledgeable lady always happy to help others and undeserving of this crap - even though she does seem to have deserted us a bit of late - I wonder why?

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Have to agree with HE and Tracker above.


Mel's enthusiasm and excitement about her hobby are a breath of fresh air on here. I like reading her posts, which are generous in spirit.


And this thread strikes a chord with me [and with some others up-thread obviously] as I'd love to get a static on Gower, and Mel's telling of her purchase adds power to idea that one can have both a motorhome AND a static, and enjoy both: buying one is not superfluous. So it IS relevant .


Thank you Mel.





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JohnP - 2014-10-31 8:36 AM



I suppose you can now claim to be half "yellow belly" .

Try the fish and chips at "The Barge" Swineshead Bridge.

I think Peter moved from Boston to Swineshead a few months ago.

That is correct John. I live jus down the road from The Barge. It's a very popular pub. How do you know about it?.
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