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Forgive me for I have sinned .... again!

Mel B

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Mel is one of those upstanding personalities of these forums who keeps us all from the workhouse by buying loads of rubbish she calls a "bargain" there should be more like her.


She never complains or makes rude comments about others posts. A lesson that many should note who think it smart talk when its just sad and petty, hiding behind a label.


Her delight in life is finding a bargain and spending lots of dosh. What's wrong in that.


If her comments are ill posted in the wrong forum then so are a great majority of others who have nowt better to do than winging and trying to upstage someone.


Come on Mel tell us what goodies you filled it with. A fishing rod as the river's close by ? A natty chip maker to go with the fish perhaps ? or binoculars for the aircraft ? . . . . .


PS a Wendy House doesn't count as it has no wheels which was one of the reasons for the original post.



Uncle Will

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Had Enough - 2014-10-31 4:55 PM


What a bunch of miserable mean-spirited buggers you are. And the horrid comments from Onefoot are just typical of this nasty little troll, a man who bores the pants of most of us with his constant political ranting, which are less suitable for this section than Mel's post about her new static.


Mel has been an asset to this forum for many years and has given lots of advice on many subjects that are relevant to Motorhome Matters. If she wants to pop in and tell us about her new acquisition why shouldn't she?


It's not a controversial subject unlike many that some of you lot enjoy bleating on about in this section and I think that you've got a bloody nerve being so nasty and unkind. And a few smileys don't disguise the unpleasantness of Joe90/Onefoot's comments.


Shame on you all.




I quite agree Frank. I think they are a bloody disgrace. What has Mel done to those mean and nasty apologies for a human being. She is obviously excited about her new interest and if the killjoys on here object, they don't have to read about it, do they?.
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Tracker - 2014-10-31 5:04 PM


Forgive me for I have to agree with Frank on this one.


Anyone who has met Mel will know that she is a friendly, intelligent and knowledgeable lady always happy to help others and undeserving of this crap - even though she does seem to have deserted us a bit of late - I wonder why?

For the same reason lots of others have. It's all the CRAP.
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It seems one or two motorhome owners /enthusiasts have the same idea of selling bricks and mortar living in a static and taking off to sunnier climes in the closed season ,so does anyone know if these statics can be used as a permanent address please? Cheers pp:)
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Depends on the site, mention you're intending to live in it more often than not that will be met with a look of horror, even if it is an 11 month occupancy.


Also for anything other than a full centrally heated one, with double glazing, spending months in one whilst the temperatures plummet isn't the best of fun.

Factor in no space for all the normal domestic appliances you take for granted and the shine soon wears off, not to mention site fee's, electric, bottled gas, and more often than not, only being able to sell through the site owner, and having to scrap the van after so many years, it is full of pitfalls, be very careful if you contemplate it, and takes lots of advice.


A residential park home of course is a different ball game, but you'll need to stump up some serious cash.

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Good luck to you Mel and I hope that you get immense pleasure from your new venture , unfortunately due to serious back problems we are having to give up motorhoming which we will certainly miss , so the motorhome is currently up for sale . We are going to have to get a new leisure interest and your new venture looks like it could give us food for thought . Haven Given up motorhoming will not mean I will leave this forum as I enjoy it and may be able hopefully offer some advice to others in the future .
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Well, sorry to stir up trouble but there is a caravan section on this site so see no problem with pointing it out. The over reaction by some to this is strange as several of them have in the past few weeks shouted a lot about this very thing, posting in what is obviously the wrong section of site. Surely it cannot be because Mel is a women, although as I have found out in the past she is well able to defend herself. Mel posted it here because she knew damn well it would get most views, wonder if she has posted on other motorhome sites in the motorhome section?
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Guest Had Enough
rupert123 - 2014-11-01 10:57 AM


Well, sorry to stir up trouble but there is a caravan section on this site so see no problem with pointing it out. The over reaction by some to this is strange as several of them have in the past few weeks shouted a lot about this very thing, posting in what is obviously the wrong section of site. Surely it cannot be because Mel is a women, although as I have found out in the past she is well able to defend herself. Mel posted it here because she knew damn well it would get most views, wonder if she has posted on other motorhome sites in the motorhome section?


I have complained about threads that are clearly political and have no place in Motorhome Matters. Once a thread is taken over by the Chatterbox crew simply to vent their spleen against Muslims or immigration or the dreadful/wonderful: Tories/Labour/UKIP/Royal Family (choose your own favourite) it is no longer suitable for this section and should be moved.


But threads such as this one do no harm. If you decided to stop motorhoming and buy a yacht and wished to inform all the people whom you've got to know over the last few years, what would be the point in posting in a section that none of us visit?


I can understand why one person posted as he did because his mission in life appears to be as vile and nasty as he can and to make disparaging comments about anyone and everyone, but I'm surprised at you. I thought that, unlike him, you'd have the brains to understand what is a potentially very harmful thread and one that is innocuous and informative.





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It's all or nothing Frank , your making the rules as you go along and then bending them to suit , you say only motorhome issues on here

I have no grumble with Mel but probably the last time she was on here she was trying to flog everything , is that allowed Frank ?

You can't come on moaning how dead the place is and then pop up out if the blue trying to flog your possessions surely ?

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-11-01 11:50 AM


It's all or nothing Frank , your making the rules as you go along and then bending them to suit , you say only motorhome issues on here

I have no grumble with Mel but probably the last time she was on here she was trying to flog everything , is that allowed Frank ?

You can't come on moaning how dead the place is and then pop up out if the blue trying to flog your possessions surely ?


I've made my position quite clear to you only recently and I've reiterated it above, so to say that I insist on only Motorhome threads on here is a lie, or you're deliberately being disingenuous purely to score cheap points or to stir things up.


What is it about my view that you fail to understand? I'm sure that, for most members, it's quite clear.


And if a member has the odd motorhome-related item to get rid of, what's wrong with informing us? Some people may be grateful to be able to get a couple of recliners or whatever at a bargain price.


Why can't you understand the difference between contentious subjects such as race, religion or politics, which should have no place here, as there's a special section for them, and innocuous threads such as this one? I suspect that you know damn well what the difference is but you're simply trying to defend the indefensible knowing that yours and other's interventions were beyond the pale and not very nice.


Anyway, I've learned that some people enjoy stringing out a subject as long as they can, purely to stir, so I'll leave you alone on this thread from now on. I'm not falling into your trap again.

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Had Enough - 2014-11-01 12:09 PM


antony1969 - 2014-11-01 11:50 AM


It's all or nothing Frank , your making the rules as you go along and then bending them to suit , you say only motorhome issues on here

I have no grumble with Mel but probably the last time she was on here she was trying to flog everything , is that allowed Frank ?

You can't come on moaning how dead the place is and then pop up out if the blue trying to flog your possessions surely ?


I've made my position quite clear to you only recently and I've reiterated it above, so to say that I insist on only Motorhome threads on here is a lie, or you're deliberately being disingenuous purely to score cheap points or to stir things up.


What is it about my view that you fail to understand? I'm sure that, for most members, it's quite clear.


And if a member has the odd motorhome-related item to get rid of, what's wrong with informing us? Some people may be grateful to be able to get a couple of recliners or whatever at a bargain price.


Why can't you understand the difference between contentious subjects such as race, religion or politics, which should have no place here, as there's a special section for them, and innocuous threads such as this one? I suspect that you know damn well what the difference is but you're simply trying to defend the indefensible knowing that yours and other's interventions were beyond the pale and not very nice.


Anyway, I've learned that some people enjoy stringing out a subject as long as they can, purely to stir, so I'll leave you alone on this thread from now on. I'm not falling into your trap again.


Thanks for the reply Frank , don't really appreciate the ' lie ' bit .. If you seriously think as a grown man I have to lie on a forum such as this then I feel sorry for you .. Mind I have just remembered what type of fella you are and how you enjoy spending your leisure time so your judgement is questionable

Please don't say I lie again Frank as I have a particular dislike of liars myself

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-11-01 12:09 PM


Why can't you understand the difference between contentious subjects such as race, religion or politics, which should have no place here, as there's a special section for them, and innocuous threads such as this one? I suspect that you know damn well what the difference is but you're simply trying to defend the indefensible knowing that yours and other's interventions were beyond the pale and not very nice.



Seeing as you've taken on the mantle of O&L chief pontificate'r, so we all understand that you consider yourself to be judge and jury of what is acceptable Frank *-) ..........unfortunately we ain't your employees so don't give a stuff >:-) ...............







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Guest Had Enough

People who say things such as this:


'What is going on with this forum, some strange threads of late but now one about a clapped out static caravan. I know Mel comes on and tells everyone whenever she spends a bit of money, but this is one to far. Come on mods shift it to caravan section where it belongs.'


or this:


'Have to agree and no disrespect to Mel but she does only seem to come on when selling sumat or when shes bought sumat'


could not be more wrong and either have a very poor memory or are deliberately misleading us to score cheap points.


I would suggest that these people do a search and see all the threads to which Mel has contributed in the last twelve months and many in the last few weeks. They span almost every topic of motorhoming from PVCs to silver screens to axle weights.


Here's the list for the last year, as it's clear that some of the people concerned don't know how to work the 'Search' feature. If they did they might have had the brains to do a quick check before coming out with their untrue and insulting comments about a member who's worth more to this forum than three or four of them added together.




A few people owe her an apology. But I won't hold my breath.



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Your making it out to be like an episode of the twilight zone or sumat ' deliberately misleading and trying to score cheap points ' about what and more importantly why ?

Is it some big plan to get rid of Mel ? Could be .. Watch out Mel when your sat in your static you never know if a snipers hid in the conifers .. Kennedy first your next

Get a life Frankie in if you wanna look through old postings good on ya

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Guest Had Enough

Some people seem to be unaware of how the search facility works. If you want to see if Mel B has posted much for instance, you simply type Mel B in the poster's name section and leave the subject blank.


You then ask it for all posts for whatever period you decide on, such as one week, one month, one year, or forever.


It's really very simple and takes about a minute. If people who wish to accuse her of only coming on here to sell something would take the trouble to check, it would save them from ending up with egg all over their faces, as has just happened, when their claim is found to be untrue.


I hope this helps.



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Off memory I'm sure if you look back on Mel's posts you'll also find she says something about why she hardly ever comes on anymore too

That is off memory and I know you have all the files at hand so could you look it up .. If I have mistaken her for someone else then I will indeed be offering my apologies

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Had Enough - 2014-11-01 12:55 PM


People who say things such as this:


'What is going on with this forum, some strange threads of late but now one about a clapped out static caravan. I know Mel comes on and tells everyone whenever she spends a bit of money, but this is one to far. Come on mods shift it to caravan section where it belongs.'


or this:


'Have to agree and no disrespect to Mel but she does only seem to come on when selling sumat or when shes bought sumat'


could not be more wrong and either have a very poor memory or are deliberately misleading us to score cheap points.


I would suggest that these people do a search and see all the threads to which Mel has contributed in the last twelve months and many in the last few weeks. They span almost every topic of motorhoming from PVCs to silver screens to axle weights.


Here's the list for the last year, as it's clear that some of the people concerned don't know how to work the 'Search' feature. If they did they might have had the brains to do a quick check before coming out with their untrue and insulting comments about a member who's worth more to this forum than three or four of them added together.



What a plonker, the ONLY thing it illustrates is she like many others posts frequently on here, how valuable those posts are to others is a different matter altogether, unless you want some tat.


I am in fact toying with the idea of a narrowboat, you can be absolutely certain you'll be the first to know on Motorhome matters. so that I can share my joy amongst my cyberspace friends :D

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Well Frank I have had another look and cannot see much that is untrue with my post. The 'clapped out' bit came from Mels own description of the static, perhaps I misunderstood this, however she does come on every time she spends a few quid. If this is about motorhome related stuff then fine, but we have had Smart cars, conservatries and now static caravans what is this all about, personally if I had bought a Smart car or a static caravan would tend to keep it very quiet. You are right though in one thing it is not worth getting into a row about so will withdraw from this. Oh before I go have just bought a new chain saw and am off to local junk shop to look for bargains, if I find any will report back.
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Guest Had Enough
rupert123 - 2014-11-01 1:51 PM


Well Frank I have had another look and cannot see much that is untrue with my post. The 'clapped out' bit came from Mels own description of the static, perhaps I misunderstood this, however she does come on every time she spends a few quid. If this is about motorhome related stuff then fine, but we have had Smart cars, conservatries and now static caravans what is this all about, personally if I had bought a Smart car or a static caravan would tend to keep it very quiet. You are right though in one thing it is not worth getting into a row about so will withdraw from this.


Clearly you haven't taken the trouble to even look at the list that I provided which shows that she has contributed to dozens of motorhome-related matters in the last few months?


As I said, we expect the usual bile from what must be the nastiest creature ever to grace a forum anywhere, but this kind of unkind criticism is surprising from you.

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Had Enough - 2014-11-01 1:55 PM


rupert123 - 2014-11-01 1:51 PM


Well Frank I have had another look and cannot see much that is untrue with my post. The 'clapped out' bit came from Mels own description of the static, perhaps I misunderstood this, however she does come on every time she spends a few quid. If this is about motorhome related stuff then fine, but we have had Smart cars, conservatries and now static caravans what is this all about, personally if I had bought a Smart car or a static caravan would tend to keep it very quiet. You are right though in one thing it is not worth getting into a row about so will withdraw from this.


Clearly you haven't taken the trouble to even look at the list that I provided which shows that she has contributed to dozens of motorhome-related matters in the last few months?


So have we all........................what exactly does that prove


now what about my narrowboat purchase. :D should I start a thread

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rupert123 - 2014-11-01 1:51 PM


Well Frank I have had another look and cannot see much that is untrue with my post. The 'clapped out' bit came from Mels own description of the static, perhaps I misunderstood this, however she does come on every time she spends a few quid. If this is about motorhome related stuff then fine, but we have had Smart cars, conservatries and now static caravans what is this all about, personally if I had bought a Smart car or a static caravan would tend to keep it very quiet. You are right though in one thing it is not worth getting into a row about so will withdraw from this. Oh before I go have just bought a new chain saw and am off to local junk shop to look for bargains, if I find any will report back.


If your go loggin with that chainsaw in the woods be careful ! ... You can bump into some strange folk in woods doing some strange stuff

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Tracker - 2014-10-31 5:04 PM


Forgive me for I have to agree with Frank on this one.


Anyone who has met Mel will know that she is a friendly, intelligent and knowledgeable lady always happy to help others and undeserving of this crap - even though she does seem to have deserted us a bit of late - I wonder why?


I would like to second that R anything Mel doesn't know about Motorhomes isn't worth knowing :-) she is very helpful as well.


I do notice that the moaners are unlikely to offer advice good or bad to anything that is asked!! you are more likely to get insults from a couple of them if not all.


Mel please don't let the beggars ( omit the e insert a u ) stop you from posting on here

WE are missing your chat, at this rate this forum will be left with nothing but the chaff !!!!

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Tracker - 2014-11-01 3:58 PM


Joe90 - 2014-11-01 1:58 PM

now what about my narrowboat purchase. should I start a thread


Suit yerself - although I doubt anyone else will be as polite to you about it as you have been to everyone else.


Apologies,I must have picked up some bad habits..................... :-S


Must be some of the company I keep.




and HE. ;-)



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