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Cyclist gets thumped by white van man


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StuartO - 2014-11-05 4:15 PM


Forgive me if I have touched a sore spot Brian, my last post, although based on truth, was written with tongue slightly in cheek. I wasn't serious about bashing helmets and I have already said that I don't advocate van drivers thumping everyone they disapprove of - it's only in the case of over-assertive, self-appointed vigilantes that might I excuse them, and then only might!

I kind of guessed that, Stuart: I was just putting a point of view. No need to apologise, I'm only a fair weather cyclist, and drive far more often than I cycle, but I still get frights at the way a minority of drivers treat cyclists (i.e. me! :-)). Even the usually considerate French seem to be losing their road manners. Don't think it's paranoia!

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A friend of a friend suffered a life-altering injury when he was riding a cycle and got hit by a car. I can't remember the details but I think it was bad luck rather than criminal neglect on the driver's or the rider's part. Cyclist are riding on the same roads at the same time as drivers and passengers who are inside a steel box surrounded by crumple zones, fitted with seat belts and lined with airbags. Cyclists are incredibly vulnerable. I just don't thing we should allow cyclists to have unrestricted access to our roads - nor of course to our pavements.


Our road system is too busy for cycling safely. I think we should encourage receational cycling by developing lots of off-road cycle routes and I think we should restrict access to commuting and other high risk roads by cyclists to prevent accidents. I don't think it is realistic to try to educate other road user to give enough space and priority to allow cyclists to use such roads safely and nor is it a reeasonable imposition on other road users to accommodate cyclists sufficiently to keep thm safe.

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Brian Kirby - 2014-11-05 1:28 PM


Since only Stuart has see the video clip, he is better placed to judge then me. However, being "shaved" while riding a bike is not an uncommon experience, and it is not uncommon for cyclists who feel threatened to smack the vehicle to warn the driver away. It is a risky ploy, as taking one hand from the handlebars while in close confines to a vehicle risks some loss of control. So, maybe both are aggressive idiots.


But, many drivers are inconsiderate of cyclists, and seem to expect bicycles to run on rails, notwithstanding road conditions, wind, etc. Many drivers happily overtake cycles while slowing to turn left, and then turn left across the cyclist's path. A nephew was knocked off a injured by one such. Others fling doors open. I have experienced this. Others do not leave space for the cyclist to negotiate parked vehicles. It goes on. Generally, falling off a bike hurts. You can't fall off a van or a car, so the relative risks are very different.


For the driver, as reported, to respond as he did is extreme, and depicts a total loss of self control. It is debatable whether people with such voilent tendencies should be allowed to drive. What other voilent acts is that driver liable to commit at the wheel?


So, without seeing the clip, and based only on Stuart's description, whereas the cyclist may have been unwise, the driver deserves to be charged with ABH, and would seem to have little that he could claim in mitigation. If the cyclist struck the van so hard as to damage it, the cyclist deserves to be charged with causing malicious damage, but could presumably claim fear for his safety in mitigation. 80/20 in favour of the cyclist.



Oh yeh Brian and all cyclists are gentle and careful. Just along the road from me a 5ft. wide footpath with a white line down the centre to designate a cycle/pedestrian path all downhill, bikes shifting a speeds of about 20mph a danger to dog walkers pedestrians and pushchairs some shout abuse if they have to slow down and as for shaving past they actually mange to clip you some times and as I'm deaf I stand no chance of hearing them. John *-) >:-)

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Guest Peter James
The most memorable cycling clip I have seen was where the driver of a black London taxi opened his door knocking a cyclist off his bike. Taxi driver gets out, ignores the cyclist sprawled on the road, and looks at his door to see if its damaged!!!! >:-)
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There are lots of these clips doing the rounds on YouTube, the majority being anti-motorists. Far too much aggression and arrogance. I've not trawled through all the posts as it's a well worn and regularly regurgitated subject.


Back in my teenage youth i used to cycle regularly and was a member of a local club. When out on the roads in a group we had our own 'rules'. Whenever riding two abreast it was automatic to go into single file when any vehicle came up behind. We never ever rode on pavements. When a Traffic light displayed red, we stopped. Lighting at night was mandatory. All this seems to have flown out the window now.


A chap i used to work with was a cycle rider. Retired the same time as myself. Arrogant so 'n so who was always something of a loner due to his unpredictable attitude.


He was killed a few months ago.....attempting to undertake a truck on roundabout in the trucks 'blindspot'.

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malc d - 2014-11-05 9:08 AM




In a programme not long ago on this subject, a similar situation occurred and the van driver was charged with assault.



It seems the law does not define banging on a van roof as " doing violence to someone else ",

or " using violence towards another road user ".





Then the sensible solution would have been to get out of the van and stamp on the cyclists wheel.

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teflon2 - 2014-11-05 7:55 PM..................Oh yeh Brian and all cyclists are gentle and careful. Just along the road from me a 5ft. wide footpath with a white line down the centre to designate a cycle/pedestrian path all downhill, bikes shifting a speeds of about 20mph a danger to dog walkers pedestrians and pushchairs some shout abuse if they have to slow down and as for shaving past they actually mange to clip you some times and as I'm deaf I stand no chance of hearing them. John *-) >:-)

Not too sure what you problem is, John, but you aren't going to solve it by distorting what I said. I was addressing the behaviour toward cyclists of some drivers. How you read from that an implication that I think all cyclists gentle and careful I know not. My reply to you is simple: two wrongs don't make a right, of course the unruly cyclists also need sorting out. Satisfied?

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antony1969 - 2014-11-05 4:29 PM


As a van driver myself ( not white must admit ) I think it's our right to hit who we want .. This may include school kids pratting about or old folk taking too long to cross the road . Cyclists get the special treatment from me , the old nudge em off the road .. One day people will thank me for my services



If I see you first you may not reach t'other side.

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