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Ducato X250 alternator problem?


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Hi all;

I haven't used the van since early September and was planning a short trip (Leeds/Harrogate) on Tuesday.

Well I got a couple of miles down the road, and the battery warning light came on, and wouldn't go off.

I stopped and restarted and it stayed off for about 20secs then came on again.

I parked it on the drive and went in the car.

I noticed that when I restarted the van, on tickover the revs rose a couple of times before I switched off and parked up.

On returning from Leeds I took the van round to my local garage and they checked it over.

Conclusion; a replacement alternator needed. Charging output from altermator approx 12.8Volts.

My local garage is not a Fiat specialist, and if I'd been local to Leicester I'd have taken it over to Nick Fisher.

I'm thinking I should have the battery earth strap upgraded at the same time, and wonder if anyone can give me some detail on this mod,


alan b

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