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Tories election promises............

Guest pelmetman

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Guest Peter James

I have lost count of the number of times I have heard politicians promise modernization of the Road Network, and all that has come of it has been hugely expensive surveys without anything being done. Now, by a remarkable coincidence, all the new roads Cameron is promising for after the election benefit marginal constituencies *-)


Look at what Cameron was promising to savers before the last election, yet savings rates have been below the REAL rate of inflation for the whole of his term, so anyone who believed his promise would have kept their savings in cash and lost out big time.........http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/pensions/10457090/Camerons-broken-promise-to-savers-costs-68bn.html

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Guest pelmetman

Copied from somewhere :D ....................


David Cameron PROMISED a House of Commons a vote on the European Arrest Warrant last night. Guess what? He lied. AGAIN.


This government has consistently treated the British people with contempt. Even the Conservative Party's own Members of Parliament accused it of "deception", and Speaker Bercow, with whom I rarely agree, called it a "sorry saga". He was right.


Jacob Rees-Mogg MP said it was "fundamentally underhand" while Bill Cash MP said it was a "disgraceful way of going about a very important matter".


Because the government has acted in this way, the British public will likely be dragged back into the European Arrest Warrant, without so much as a vote for our democratic representatives.


And yet the Tories want you to believe they are tough on Europe.



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Always keep in mind that above all these people are politicians. For the most part they come from similar backgrounds, have similar education qualifications, have followed a similar employment regime, and are similarly insulated from the worst effects of the policies they implement. Some thought that they could become rich and famous by pretending to believe in socialism, whilst others believe they can get away with telling us that by looking after their interests they are really helping us, so they became tories. By and large, if they thought democracy really worked, they would make it illegal.

If you want to find a politician that you can trust, it might be best if you try to find enough people who want the same things and start a new party, trouble is you would be quite likely to attract some politicians to your new party, and once again it wouldn't work.

I've long thought that any person who puts their own name forward to be considered as a candidate for any political party should be banned on the grounds that we don't want people like that running our country.


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malc d - 2014-11-13 4:27 PM


I must say I'm a bit surprised that the government hasn't ( yet ) claimed any credit for putting that landing module down on a comet.





More likely they would claim they created the comet.

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pkc - 2014-11-13 7:20 PM


malc d - 2014-11-13 4:27 PM


I must say I'm a bit surprised that the government hasn't ( yet ) claimed any credit for putting that landing module down on a comet.





More likely they would claim they created the comet.





Dave's going to be very annoyed that his P R people didn't think of that.




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Tracker - 2014-11-13 8:31 PM


pkc - 2014-11-13 7:20 PM


More likely they would claim they created the comet.



NO - that was Gordon Brown as part of his deity delusion!


You surprise me there Tracker, I thought that your blue rinse was beginning to fade.

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