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Anybody on a diet??


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Am on a blinkin diet and i have been for 4months i have lost 1st 8lb and am losing the will to live , for most of the time im pretty determined and positive ,but tonight ive weighed in and lost a measly half a pound :

Was gutted !have come home pretty pee'd off but never mind ill hopefully feel like my old positve self tomorrow:- i just keep fancying fish &chips (this weight i am trying to lose is the weightbi put on whilst owning our various motorhomes ,it wasnt just holidays we went on but lots of treats in the food dept , yummy stuff like local cheese and crackers , pate's handcooked crisps carrot cake ,new york cheesecake , local produce pork pies and cornish paties etc we didnt just go away in van we would sample all the local produce of wherever we went (it was greeeat) so now its payback time and we have joined slimmimg world ,anybody got any tips lol ? Pp:)

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Soooo, the "Blinking" diet has returned.

As I recall, this was popular in the 60's and 70's, when science told us that dairy was king, 6 slices a day was the well balanced way and we all had to go to work on an egg.

And a Milky Way was the sweet you could eat between meals, and a Mars a day helped you work, rest and play.


And as long as you blinked constantly while eating all that crap, you would expend more calories than you consumed.


Then better science told us dairy, eggs etc wasn't so good after all, then better science still said drink red wine and stay off potatoes, then dairy got good again, and then we got to buy the stuff with the "good" bacteria, and so on and so on.


And all the time, we all know that we just need to eat sensibly and move about a bit. Even I know that, but I'm still 14st 8lb at 5foot 8, BMI 32 (!) (!) (!)


PS, the bit about blinking is a lie. :D

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candapack - 2014-11-11 10:33 PM

PS, the bit about blinking is a lie.


Sorry, but I just don't believe you!

The best way to expend unwanted calories, according to some 'experts', is blinking good sex and the only trouble with that is that it just makes you even more hungry!

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When the driver's seat on my nearly new Jag collapsed I weighed myself and found that I was 23 stones, being quite tall and naturally substantially built, I didn't look particularly obese, but the scales don't lie and I decided that things had to change. Out went my old high energy man food diet which included lots of doughnuts, cornish pasties, jacket potatoes etc, and practically everything else that made life seem worthwhile, and I moved into the world of semi skimmed milk and eating food that CG said was good for me. That was a long time ago, and after all those years of proper food deprivation I came down to a sylph like 19 stone. Nothing I have tried gets me below that, I really really have tried, and then I retired.

I probably eat at least as much now as I did before I retired, and I certainly eat more often, but I no longer spend 12 - 14- 16 hours a day sat in the car, I do nothing. Except I now walk 400 yards each way to the post box most days, I walk up to the village store for something most days, in season I spend 3 hours at a time mowing the lawns, I wash both the cars, and occasionally the van, I walk to church on Sunday. Nothing strenuous you understand, just a gentle stroll, but my weight is declining by about 2 or 3 lbs each week. I have to be sensible, I've had 4 heart attacks over the years, but I'm aiming for around 16 stone, and I intend to do it by taking gentle exercise.


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Many years ago my wife took a holiday snap,of,me sitting on a bench in the New Forrest which showed me as a dumpy little pot bellyed bloke. I'm not having that I decided so I simply started to eat less with smaller portions. I was already eating healthy foods due to being diabetic and we have always been very active with long walks and various projects at home. It worked quite slowly but over a period of my weight went down from 13.5 stone to 11 where it stopped reducing but stayed at that level. All I can say is that it wasn't hard to do and I certianly feel much better for it.


My wife does help she even weighs out my portion of bran flakes in the morning. Some of the foods I droped I simply don't even fancy any longer.


One tip,is to weigh yourself every morning so that if the weight starts to creep back on you can take corrective action. It also acts as incentive to know you are as it were winning.


I still enjoy fish and chips if it's well done but I ask for a small portion of,chips and even then I most often don't eat all the chips simply because I feel full before I get that far.

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Nearest&dearest has lost three and a half stones now,and is like a new man ,hope he doesnt decide to look for a newer model lol : ive managed one stone eight and a half pounds ,ive got ten and a half pounds to go to reach my target ,dont want to be skinny ,cos its the face or the figure after fifty as all the ladys on here will know: i would recomend the slimming world diet its as good as any and very healthy cheers pp:)
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I've been trying the paleo diet, not doing it obsessively but cutting down on bread/past and potatoes and it seems to be working so far. I'm trying to walk more too but it doesn't feel like I'm denying myself anything, the hardest thing has been lunch at work, I used to take a sandwich but now need to take more time and prepare something else.
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Pampam - 2014-11-11 8:49 PM


Am on a blinkin diet and i have been for 4months i have lost 1st 8lb and am losing the will to live , for most of the time im pretty determined and positive ,but tonight ive weighed in and lost a measly half a pound :......................

so now its payback time and we have joined slimmimg world ,anybody got any tips lol ? Pp:)

Have you thought about the 5:2 "diet"?

Michael Mosley gets my vote, been doing it for about 4 months now and it's not just weight loss that it helps,


alan b



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Never been on any sort of diet. My maximum weight at 5ft 9 is 11.7 and the lowest 10.7. I eat one small meal a day.


No breakfast, one slice of bread and jam at midday or one egg then a small meaty snack at 5pm. I eat all fat on meat and cook with butter, never eat puddings and never any fruit but do eat lots of sweet cream biscuits and coffee continuously.


Very often I will only have a single bacon sandwich all day, but always continuous coffee. What one eats is irrelevant, there's no such thing as junk food, its all food. The rule is to limit the quantity. What goes in the mouth is the key.


All this 5 a day nonsense, diets and TV chefs adding colourful herbs is only to sell a product, nothing else !


I never check my health and Cholesterol doesn't interest me, now close to 90 why should I.


PS I still work at making things.


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Snowie and alib my daughter does the 5:2 diet and enjoys it but i couldnt personally survive on it i think id get ratty! I love eating :have given up bread altogether and my stomach doesnt get bloated ,hubbys diabetes is very good now and he enjoys the slimming world (hes a good cook ) pp:)
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