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Puy du fou


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After missing out for the last two years because we didn't book early enough we are going to book tickets to Puy du fou. I have a couple of questions, is the aire okay there and any advice whether to stay at the park all day, eat there and then go to the evening show or come back to the van to have a break and then go back for the evening show? thanks.
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The last time we visited, a couple of years ago, we could do all of the above with no problem. I don't think it's possible top book the Aire in advance but depending on the time of the year there shouldn't be a problem finding space. Like most Aires it's better to get there at least by early afternoon.


Should add perhaps that it was fine to come and go to the'van without problem

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When we went we stayed off site and went in by car as we had a caravan in those days. The Aire was empty at the time (June 2007) but probably won't be now. We found it easy to get in, just paid at the gate and stay as long as you like so no need to book.


As you are talking about booking, I guess you plan to visit Cinescenie (the evening show). We didn't do that as I struggle with large crowds but most people seemed to enjoy it. Just make sure you wrap up warm as you get cold and its best to hire the language tape if you don't speak French as you won't know what is going on.


We found the food to be expensive inside Puy du Fou but the whole day was excellent.


Enjoy yourselves.

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We have been three times now. The first time we stayed at La Breteche campsite and drove the 5 miles to Puy du Fou. Despite a glorious sunset the night before, the rain was torrential and with the thought of a day in the open we decided to drive south instead. You can get discounts for booking early but I don't think it is advisable.

The second time, we stayed on the Aire and the weather was superb. We had bought a two day ticket from La Breteche (discount and the second day is half price..all very reasonable)

This year we wanted to see the evening "Les Orgues de Feu". Only 30 minutes but totally amazing.

Again we stayed at La Breteche but used the Aire for the day. Remember to drive close to the entry barrier to take a ticket or the system won't see that you're there. It's about 15 minutes walk to the Grand Park but there is a courtesy bus.

We only bought coffee and ice cream in the park, as we ate in the 'van so can't comment on food prices.

This time I had to drive in the dark back to the campsite. I didn't fancy it with partly blacked out lights, but it was so easy. Because Puy du Fou is in a very rural area the traffic, and there are thousands of visitors, clears so quickly. Not like Bournemouth after the air show.

We may go back some time to see Cinecine. However, after a day marvelling at the shows which are a fair walk around the park we were rather exhausted. We were told by Puy du Fou staff that there were no tickets for sale but the coach drivers often have spares.

We don't speak French but I don't think any translation would help understand some of the manipulations of their views on the Vikings or King Arthur. The programmes, which change daily are in English as well as French.

We have been to many theme parks but this is one we are likely to go to again.

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We have been to the Puy 3 times over the past 6 years but having the caravan we have driven in from further out.

There is a campsite next to the Puy. Is this what is being called the Aire? S'cuse my ignorance but new to motorhome world.

The park is brilliant and is best done over 2 days. Our last trip we did the daytime which seemed a lot of rush as we tried to get around as many shows as possible with the friends we had taken. I would stretchthe day time shows out over a day and a half as the park itself is well worth seeing.


We then came back to see the ciniescenie the next night. It is one of the best shows you will ever see with or without the translator box and headphones. The seating has changed over the last few years as it was wooden benches and tough on the bum. Last year it was proper seats which negated the cushions we had taken. Waterproofs should be available or you can buy one of their Kagools and seasoned watchers have a blanket as the temperature can drop towards midnight.

The crowds seem vast but it is all very easy and access is brilliant. I too hate crowds but they don't bother me here as it is all good natured.

Food wise we take a haversack with plenty to eat and included a flask then it is optional if you buy food within the park or not. There are loads of places to eat in there.



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I forgot to say that the Aire is a very large car park in a field and it looks as though it goes on for ever. At a wild guess I think there could be space for over 500 'vans. There is high level lighting and a few hook ups.

Also there is water and disposal near the entrance. I don't think you can book. It may say on the website which is now more informative than it was a few years ago.

The days on which the big shows like Cinecine run depend, I think, on when performers are available.Many hundreds are needed and they seem to be drawn from the inhabitants of about 15 local villages.

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The CinieScenie is only on Friday and Saturday nights due to school for the younger participants that are quite correctly drawn from the local villages.

Plus it only runs from June to September so it is not on that often hence it is very busy.

If you look on the website you will see it is already getting booked up.


There are over 1000 "actors" involved.

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