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PR firm appointed to popularise motorhomes

Duncan MMM

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With the news that the NCC has appointed a PR firm with a 12-month brief to help popularise motorhomes (and caravans) and the motorhome lifestyle -




we are interested to know what you think of this. Is it a good idea, do you want motorhomes on the roads, more competition for parking and camping spaces, or is it the more the merrier, a chance to meet new people at sites? Does the hobby need promoting in this way or should it be word of mouth and if so, what would you say to friends to sell the motorhome lifestyle?


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Publicity of the right kind can only be a good thing if it encourages more people to try the nomadic way of holidaying.


However with all the adverse publicity of the traveller and pikey types in recent years, added to limited non site facilities and the understandable reluctance of anyone to provide these, plus the prohibitively high cost for younger families they might find they have an uphill struggle in finding converts of any sort other than well heeled and/or older people?


I hope it does not end up as a free advert for the CC and CCC who do seem to have a monopoly of motorhome users in the UK due to lack of alternatives?

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Judging by the title they are giving the campaign "Freedom to Go" sounds like a non starter to me. They need to understand the need of Motorhomes first and get the infrastructure in place first, so one can go freely in a Motorhome. Never gonna happen in the UK.
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A motorhome is much more suited to mainland Europe use than the UK as things stand and if we ever decided to return to holidaying in the UK and not in the sunshine we would return to a touring caravan and 4x4 which are much more suited to the UK with its motorhome unfriendly parking situation.


Why suffer the lesser comfort of a motorhome if you have to use a site every night and add in all the parking issues in towns and seasides and a caravan seems much more attractive?


Perhaps they can get the EU to fund the campaign as the rest of Europe will probably gain far more than the UK!

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Duncan MMM - 2014-12-15 12:14 PM


we are interested to know what you think of this. Is it a good idea, do you want motorhomes on the roads, more competition for parking and camping spaces, or is it the more the merrier, a chance to meet new people at sites? Does the hobby need promoting in this way or should it be word of mouth and if so, what would you say to friends to sell the motorhome lifestyle?


What do I think?


What it does mean is that more people will be persuaded to do something without considering the costs and difficulties involved. At the moment its a slow progressive where an idea evolves to fruition.


If asked I would advise my friends to think about it and ask again in 5 years when they had completed their research and hired one first.


'Freedom to Go' is a flippant title implying go anywhere any time and will only encourage those who care not for others.


Perhaps similar to the TV programmes encouraging city dwellers to move to the wide open countryside, where they never discuss drains or power supplies, where at night its DARK and the crows and cockerels will ensure you wake at the slightest glimmer of daylight.


And no I don't want either types cluttering up my simple way of life!


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I agree with Tracker.


When organisations launch PR initiatives, it saves them dealing with the underlying problems. It makes the organisations feel good but changes very little.The title, 'Freedom to Go' is laughable.


There is a correlation between motorhoming and the haulage industry in that the latter lacks Truck Stops [nobody wants a Truck Stop near them], some drivers are unwilling to use them having a preference for parking overnight on someone else's land [to save their overnight allowance] and a very small minority who drag the industry's reputation into the gutter. The highly successful haulage industry can't solve the problem so I doubt the fragmented motorhome industry will by doing a PR exercise.


Better to spend the money building bridges between those who do caravan/motorhome and those who do not. Better understanding of what it is like to stare out of your expensive house at line upon line of big white boxes on the seafront and the need to accommodate motorhomes and caravans as much as other forms of transport. This might make out hobby more inviting to others.


There is definitely no 'Freedom to Go' and quite a few people may spend shedloads to follow a dream before they realise the reality is different.


Unless the NCC is going to address the problems in the leisure market, it should leave well alone. It'll make it worse and upset Will.


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Duncan MMM - 2014-12-15 12:14 PM


we are interested to know what you think ....what would you say to friends to sell the motorhome lifestyle?


My advice would be: Motorhomes are great but in order to enjoy the motorhome lifestyle unfortunately you have to leave UK and go abroad to mainland Europe for your holidays, where generally speaking motorhomes are catered for properly and you are made genuinely welcome.

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Duncan MMM - 2014-12-15 12:14 PM

what would you say to friends to sell the motorhome lifestyle?


I never 'sell' anyone the motorhome 'lifestyle', whatever that is?


I do however answer all questions including many questions that they are often unaware need asking.


I also tell it like it is, very expensive and inconvenient warts and all, of which there are plenty enough if motorhoming only in the UK where a towed caravan is much more suitable in my view.

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2014-12-15 4:13 PM


Duncan MMM - 2014-12-15 12:14 PM

what would you say to friends to sell the motorhome lifestyle?


I never 'sell' anyone the motorhome 'lifestyle', whatever that is?


I do however answer all questions including many questions that they are often unaware need asking.


I also tell it like it is, very expensive and inconvenient warts and all, of which there are plenty enough if motorhoming only in the UK where a towed caravan is much more suitable in my view.


Moho'ing doesn't need to be anymore expensive than tugging ..................although I can't say I'd recommend this hobby unless you have the time to use it ;-)



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Tracker - 2014-12-15 4:13 PM


I never 'sell' anyone the motorhome 'lifestyle', whatever that is?


I do however answer all questions including many questions that they are often unaware need asking. ....


So once you get going, you're pretty difficult to stop? ;-)

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I don't understand the need to publicise motorhomes. I do think however that thee is a need for councils to provide "aires" in every town, maybe even just service points. This of course won't happen a) because every council is now pleading poverty because of the cutbacks, and b) the country is littered with gypos who would abuse such a facility.

The irony is here in South Devon, I see so many motorhomes driving around out of the season, and in winter. Clearly it's very popular with people wishing to avoid the main summer period. Yet our councils seem oblivious to the spending power of motorhome users. Usually they are owned by by those who have been around the block, and have the power of the "grey pound".

Ultimately those councils will that provide car parking/ short stop halts/ overnight facilities will be rewarded with money coming back to the town. Those that don't wont. I know for a fact that I will drive on to another town that welcomes me.

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It would be very interesting to know how many people employed by the company PR-firm Capella own and use motorhomes in the UK, any that do would probably have a better understanding of the issues many of us face.


There is of course a clue in the fact that the two major "clubs" only have the word "caravan" in their titles, and the vast majority of their CL and CS network sites are grass which in all but the driest conditions are useless for a vehicle weighing 3.5 ton plus.


Perhaps when instead of folk being pursued for £100 fines for daring to stay over two hours on a deserted motorway service area in the middle of the night, there is the provision of the kind that exists in Canterbury with services and a reasonable charge we might be going in the right direction, otherwise I'd always advise folk to either be a tugger....or use Travel Lodge, or Premier Inns................ if you really want to really enjoy having a motorhome IMO you'll need to join the thousands of us in going over the water at each and every opportunity . ;-)

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Since the brief is from the NCC, the trade body of the motorhome and caravan manufacturers, the obvious underlying objective has nothing to do with the REALITIES of using either, and everything to do with selling the IDEA of using them to potential buyers, with a view to increasing sales. This is simply the attempt of a commercial outfit to better identify what the prospective buyer's "dreams" are, and then to sell the dreams to anyone who can be persuaded to buy them. Why would it be anything else? What is there to say? They do the same with soap powder. What's new?
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I think that they need to sell the idea to the local authority parks and leisure people, rather than sell to joe public. When the public at large see motorhomes parked up in large numbers, they will then ask the questions themselves, is this something I would like to do ? A few mentions on popular T.V shows would do the trick, but not good if some jobsworth from the local council turns up, and moves them on, for no real reason, apart from sleeping in the van.
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The people that the PR company need to get to get 'On Their Side' are the Local councils of Our popular Tourist destinations. The UK is terribly Motorhome Unfriendly, under the guise of dissuading 'the 'Travelling community', It's all a lie of course, they just want people to come and stay in B&B's and Hotels and Cottages, and see us as a nuisance. WELL, we aren't going to go away. I hope many more take up Motorhoming then perhaps when we reach a 'critical mass' councils will be forced to accomodate us ?

But I'm not holding my Breath.


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pelmetman - 2014-12-15 12:23 PM


I trust they'll be pointing out how motorhome unfriendly the UK is? >:-) .................


Not on your life, It's 'Freedom to Go' remember, bet they don't mention trying to park up to do the shopping, or to enjoy that lovely Seafront......Height Barriers, No Motohomes or campers signs, No vehicles over 2.5 Tonne signs, miniscule parking bays that say you will be fined if you overhang !

In other words, Piss off ! We don't want your money ! We would rather cut services.


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What's all this rubbish about having to go abroad to enjoy motorhoming. We used to be tuggers before I retired when we changed to motorhomes eight years ago. We have always stayed in the UK spending around 120 days a year away and enjoyed every moment with no problems. We do make sure we can top up with food and fuel between stops and do often stay on sites which have good public transport services. We've done enough continental touring in the past before we decided we could find all we want in the UK without the ofen oppressive heat often found on the continent.


I have no quarrel with those who want to spend their holidays on the continent roasting in the sun. Good luck to them I say we are all different but to say that motorhomeing in the UK is not on is simply patronising rubbish and entirely untrue for,many of us.


When we had a family at home and needed the space it was a caravan complete with awning no question. Now we are empty nesters with just us and a small dog who enjoy exploring the fascinating places available in the UK its a motorhome for all the usual reasons. Speed of travel, ease of setting up etc.

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What's all this rubbish about having to go abroad to enjoy motorhoming. We used to be tuggers before I retired when we changed to motorhomes eight years ago. We have always stayed in the UK spending around 120 days a year away and enjoyed every moment with no problems. We do make sure we can top up with food and fuel between stops and do often stay on sites which have good public transport services. We've done enough continental touring in the past before we decided we could find all we want in the UK without the ofen oppressive heat often found on the continent.


I have no quarrel with those who want to spend their holidays on the continent roasting in the sun. Good luck to them I say we are all different but to say that motorhomeing in the UK is not on is simply patronising rubbish and entirely untrue for,many of us.


When we had a family at home and needed the space it was a caravan complete with awning no question. Now we are empty nesters with just us and a small dog who enjoy exploring the fascinating places available in the UK its a motorhome for all the usual reasons. Speed of travel, ease of setting up etc.

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Guest pelmetman
Colin Leake - 2014-12-15 7:34 PM


What's all this rubbish about having to go abroad to enjoy motorhoming. We used to be tuggers before I retired when we changed to motorhomes eight years ago. We have always stayed in the UK spending around 120 days a year away and enjoyed every moment with no problems. .


So long as you can plan your year ahead ;-) ...............



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Colin Leake - 2014-12-15 7:34 PM


What's all this rubbish about having to go abroad to enjoy motorhoming. We used to be tuggers before I retired when we changed to motorhomes eight years ago. We have always stayed in the UK spending around 120 days a year away and enjoyed every moment with no problems. We do make sure we can top up with food and fuel between stops and do often stay on sites which have good public transport services. We've done enough continental touring in the past before we decided we could find all we want in the UK without the ofen oppressive heat often found on the continent.


I have no quarrel with those who want to spend their holidays on the continent roasting in the sun. Good luck to them I say we are all different but to say that motorhomeing in the UK is not on is simply patronising rubbish and entirely untrue for,many of us.


When we had a family at home and needed the space it was a caravan complete with awning no question. Now we are empty nesters with just us and a small dog who enjoy exploring the fascinating places available in the UK its a motorhome for all the usual reasons. Speed of travel, ease of setting up etc.


The comment "roasting in the sun" says more about your attitude than anything else, we hate oppressive heat, or want to "roast in the Sun" but to pretend motorhoming can be enjoyed equally as well in the UK as most of mainland Europe, especially France and Germany is simply nonsense.............but I suspect as is often the case with other "we love the UK" merchants you've probably never used your M/home anywhere other than the UK, or are simply happy to sit in 80 Sq meters on some site miles from anywhere with your little dog, and doing the daily crossword, in which case the UK would suit you. ;-)



Just noticed you said you have always stayed in the UK spending around 120 days a year, so obviously well qualified on motorhoming in mainland Europe


nuff said I think.

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You can catch a ferry to France same day - same day booking if you wish - and find an Aire - no booking required - or somewhere quiet and pleasant to just park up for free or walk or drive into almost any town or village for shopping or a meal and park with only the same restrictions that apply to a car or wander off to Germany where there are plenty of Stellplatz and other pleasant places to park - no booking require - or parts of Spain and most of Scandinavia where the same freedoms apply.


That is what I call freedom to roam and spontaneous motorhoming.


Try doing that in the UK or going anywhere other than a site in the UK and you are continually looking over you're shoulder to see which jobsworth is going to complain.


I've not used CC or CCC sites for many years but judging by the comments on here unless you book way in advance you have little chance and heaven help you if you inconsiderately turn up at 5.00 pm at a club site expecting to stay just one night of a meandering tour!


Try parking in a UK town with restrictions and height barriers or even a supermarket with small parking bays - it really is not worth the hassle - or the rain!


So thanks but no thanks - done the UK - still got the memories - prefer proper freedom - and sunshine!

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Duncan MMM - 2014-12-15 12:14 PM


With the news that the NCC has appointed a PR firm with a 12-month brief to help popularise motorhomes (and caravans) and the motorhome lifestyle -




we are interested to know what you think of this. Is it a good idea, do you want motorhomes on the roads, more competition for parking and camping spaces, or is it the more the merrier, a chance to meet new people at sites? Does the hobby need promoting in this way or should it be word of mouth and if so, what would you say to friends to sell the motorhome lifestyle?



Probably not the sort of response you were hoping for ? You have to realise that without some Positive moves from UK parking authorities and Councils, the 'Dream' of Motorhome Freedom will remain just that a 'Dream' more like a nightmare in the UK. New ,purchasers will soon 'fall foul' of the restrictions

and will not thank the industry for mis-leading them. (mis-selling ??) I am a Motorhomer who perseveres with the UK, and Love touring in our Country, But , 'Freedom to Go' it ain't.


Well, you can 'Go' just don't try to park anywhere.


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