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what satnav to buy


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Its time to get a more appropriate satnav to use on our motorhome Our 6 year old Garmin is still ok to use in the car but need a better one for our autotrail savannah which we can load in vital statistics etc has anyone any suggestions as their are now so many to choose from preferably not too complicated to use We now tow a small car so need better directions ie more main roads less narrow lanes if poss Our existing nav likes taking us across country rather than sticking to main roads which I choose when planning with a map

So any thoughts would be appreciated

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Just to hijack the thread, I have been using a TomTom Go 700 for the past few years, always been reliable. I have added many poi,s to it , ie LPG Aires ect.

The latest Tom Tom all look ok but can you add your own poi,s to them or not. (?) (?)

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Whatever you buy don't buy a Tomtom Start 25. Very Low volume no audio out plug and like all Tomtoms you can only handle POIs etc by going online to the web based software. It took me 2 hours to update maps last week and when I first had it, it took 6 hours!


From what I have seen, Garmin now have the edge.



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I have used Tom Tom since it was on a PDA, if you want to make it use roads you would prefer to choose then you need one that gives you the option of Itinerary Planning, take care however, some time ago I wanted to replace my Tom Tom and asked them if the model I had chosen had the planning feature. They said yes so I bought it only to find it did not have the planning features of my old model but something called via's, and only 4 of those.

I returned the unit for refund and then managed to trace a refurbished Go 700 which does have full planning features.

I do not know if any of the latest Tom Tom models have true Itinerary Planning and after my last lot of mis information from Tom Tom I do not know who to ask.I tried a Garmin but was not impressed.

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Guest Peter James

I have got one of these I am very happy with. The only downside I have found so far is the supplied instructions are very sparse, and written in a poor translation from Chinese. (It may be possible to download better instructions from somewhere though. ? )

But you get a lot for your money, and it all seems to work ..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/331369551645

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We all have different likes and dislikes but I am very happy with the Snooper Ventura which we bought primarily to be able to load the vehicle dimensions. There are various models and sizes available but we opted for the S6400 which is of more than adequate size and doesn't include the TV function which is probably unnecessary to most. Updates are provided for life and the unit is loaded with numerous POIs and databases including CC and CCC sites, ASCI sites, Alan Rogers inspected sites and numerous others. Like any new satnav it takes a little getting used to but is not difficult and does the job very nicely.


Not the cheapest on the market but It might be worth checking it out.

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Budgie823 - 2015-01-22 9:34 AM


We all have different likes and dislikes but I am very happy with the Snooper Ventura which we bought primarily to be able to load the vehicle dimensions. There are various models and sizes available but we opted for the S6400 which is of more than adequate size and doesn't include the TV function which is probably unnecessary to most. Updates are provided for life and the unit is loaded with numerous POIs and databases including CC and CCC sites, ASCI sites, Alan Rogers inspected sites and numerous others. Like any new satnav it takes a little getting used to but is not difficult and does the job very nicely.


Not the cheapest on the market but It might be worth checking it out.

But you cannot, AFAIK, load your own POIs to a Snooper?

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You may well right Brian and, to date, I have not looked to see whether or not this can be done. That said, I have found up to now that it serves it's purpose very well. When I get the time I will look into it but I'd be very interested to hear the views of others on this particular matter.



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I think all Satnavs should come with a warning.............keep your brain engaged, rather than slavishly following their instructions. The longer I've owned various ones the less I use them, until on occasions within a short distance of an intending destination. I've got both Tom Tom and an IGO8, despite all the vehicle settings they both lose the plot on many occasions, despite my default setting being a HGV, still directed to unsuitable roads, low bridges ignored, etc etc call me a luddite but as yet I don't think you can beat a conventional map and sign posts first and foremost.
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insignia - 2015-01-21 3:46 PM


Its time to get a more appropriate satnav to use on our motorhome Our 6 year old Garmin is still ok to use in the car but need a better one for our autotrail savannah which we can load in vital statistics etc has anyone any suggestions as their are now so many to choose from preferably not too complicated to use We now tow a small car so need better directions ie more main roads less narrow lanes if poss Our existing nav likes taking us across country rather than sticking to main roads which I choose when planning with a map

So any thoughts would be appreciated


Everyone will give you 'their Favourites' and all are valid, But what you have to remember BEFORE parting with your cash is that ALL of them, that allow the input of Length,Height,Width and Weight Dimensions ALL take their information from just a couple of Databases, NONE of which has actually done a 'Laser measurement' of all the roads in the UK (let alone Europe). Like Google Earth has done using Cameras. That means that the information comes from 'Legal' sources ie. 6' width Limit or 7.5 tonne weight limit, or 'Low bridge 10' limit' , So, it will try to keep you on Major Roads, that have no such legal limits, BUT if you turn off of a major road (to a CL or a site say) it doesn't KNOW that the lane leading to it is too narrow for your Motorhome or Caravan ( unless it has a 'legal' limit on it ) and will still happily take you down it until you get stuck !

So, they are handy, But No Cigar ! Don't follow one without using a lot of Common sense.

ME, I am a 'Tom Tom' man, I have a 6 year old 'One New edition' which I update regularly,in the car,And a Tom Tom Live, 1005 Camper Edition in the Motorhome, also regularly updated, and with free UK map updates for life. The prices vary a great deal, The 'One' was far better buy, and the battery is still going strong, wheras the 1005's battery has died already at 2 years.

Good luck in your choice


ps I also tow our car behind our Savannah on an A-Frame, Great.

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Guest Peter James
Joe90 - 2015-01-22 12:35 PM


I don't think you can beat a conventional map and sign posts.


Thats all very well where there are signposts. But many local authorities seem to have abdicated their responsibility to provide them.

They use the excuse that some have been stolen for their metal. But there are plenty of plastic alternatives available that have no scrap value.

I suspect they only feel responsibility to people who have a vote and pay tax in the locality. And these local people don't need signposts.

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Peter James - 2015-01-22 1:50 PM


Joe90 - 2015-01-22 12:35 PM


I don't think you can beat a conventional map and sign posts.


Thats all very well where there are signposts. But many local authorities seem to have abdicated their responsibility to provide them.

They use the excuse that some have been stolen for their metal. But there are plenty of plastic alternatives available that have no scrap value.

I suspect they only feel responsibility to people who have a vote and pay tax in the locality. And these local people don't need signposts.


What!? 8-) ..you mean the "unelected" Queen isn't to blame....?

.....that can't be right, surely?..... (lol)

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I'm trying to work out how anyone got anywhere before satnavs, or couldn't find a sign because they'd been nicked for scrap, probably headed back home................if they could remember the way.
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