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sharm el sheikh yeah or nay ?


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Was thinking of catching a bit of sun in april ,but flying from our local airport at Doncaster which doesnt leave many options : didnt want europe cos it wont be hot enough yet so thought id give egypt a try , but whenever i fancy going there they always seem to have a bit of bovver! What do you lot think ? (This miserable grey weather is driving me nutty lol) cheers pp:) plus weve got a years travel insurance and im getting my moneys worth lol
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Sharm is only any good if you are going there to dive ( mind you even that is going down hill due to far too many divers in a small area). You certainly will get lots of hassle from traders who are getting desperate. The money there is disgustingly dirty (you need to carry hand sanitiser everywhere) and you need to be extremely carefull when eating as they are not the cleanest of people.

Sorry if this is not what you want to hear but it's the truth.. It's not safe to leave the resort unless you are on an organised trip, this often means having armed guards on board especially if you enter the desert areas. And lets not dwell on the threat from a certain religion who have stated they will target tourist areas, there's far too much unrest in Eygypt at the moment so ignore it at your peril.

If you really want a nice warm getaway with decent weather then try Cape Verde, it's the same flight time (6 hours) and the place is wonderful, we stayed on Boa Vista but there are several other islands to choose from.

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Cheers you lot have been before so i know how it can be ( have blonde daughter and grand daughter so it was not a pleasure leaving hotel) but was more bothered that egypt seems to be getting deeper into trouble with religious groups who have targeted tourists in past : pierre you sound just like my old dad (you didnt serve in palestine did you ? Lol) might have a try at cape verde thanks pj i enjoyed it last time i went too : its a shame but i think the hostile attacks in the north put me off :) cheers pp
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Hi Pam

Don't blame you, not going. We ere worried when the family went.

My other son went to Cape Verde, not a lot there , but great for a chill out, and I guess that's what you want ? How about the Canaries ? Much closer to home ? Any way go some where warm , some good reading, plenty of relaxing, enjoy


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  • 2 weeks later...
its all a matter of personal opinion and choice. my brother goes to cape verde often cos he thinks its the best place hes been (and hes been to many more than most of us). my mate thinks it is the worst place hes ever holidayed. 2 people ive spoken to this week have been to sharm many times (including this year) and say it is brilliant. my step daughter went last year and hopes to go again this year. im going on sunday. its at the other end of sinai from the troubles, and is well guarded. not safe???. as safe as anywhere. there have been more attacks in Paris and london?
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My son spent the two weeks before christmas there and he is a fussy sod, says he's going again next year. He booked one of the excursions to the Valley of the Kings, he also said Sharm was well guarded but looking at the photos he took it looked pretty easy access from the sea. :-(



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Guest pelmetman
Pampam - 2015-02-09 8:46 PM


Thanks have decided to try Jamaica , have been to sharm three times , but never to jamaica,they dont fly from Donny there but never mind just gimme some sun!:)pp thankyou for advice


Well no doubt you'll get the sun Pam B-) ..............but its like the East End of London when it comes to crime 8-) ........



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Eyup pelmetman am off there at weekend (central london ) to see a show , its not my favourite place but i can stick it for two days,am always on alert there (or am i paranoid) hubby got hustled last year by a woman i told her to f... Off , he was totally unaware what was happening , and looked at me in shock , she got the message straight away and took off , he thought id lost the plot at first :- was very funny : off to see jersey boys and stay at waldorf ( tea and cakes) which after six months dieting im really looking forward to :

Peter am not a fan of the waccy baccy so you can have my share lol :pp

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Nope no oil wells in my backyard only going for one night (its the cream tea im going for really) havent had bread since we started diet in july am going to eat nothing but cake and sarni's for two whole days .. Bliss!

Then next trip out whitby for fish and chips (magpie or trenchers?) going with sister hubbys not fussed hes been before :) cheers pp:)

I bet savoys better i will check it out normally stay at victory club which has best breakfast in london (and its loads cheaper)

Have you noticed the common thread its all about the FOOD!

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