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Recommended MPPT regulator


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  • 4 months later...

Can we suggest you don't get one with a built in Display?

A Solar regulator should be located right next to the Power distribution/charger unit or Batteries as this will maximise the power harvested, see : http://www.aandncaravanservices.co.uk/solar-power.php for why we suggest this.

Usually the batteries or the charger are located in a compartment where the display would not be easily seen. There is the temptation to locate a built in 'display' regulator where it is easily viewed but will often reduce the power being harvested, especially in lower light conditions such as we get in the UK..

Better to get a Solar regulator with a remote display.

You will find that none of the Motorhome specialist Electronic charger manufacturers make a regulator with a built in display, for the very reason of compromising on charging the batteries.


This also suggests that a regulator with a built in display was not designed for Motorhome use and should be avoided?

If you go to the link above containing Solar power 'Hint and Tips' you will find details of a supplier (not us, no connection) that sells a remote Display (about £18?) that keeps a tally on how many Amp Hours harvested that day, not just the Current/Voltage.




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Guest frankie640
If you have a Schaudt electronic distribution unit you should use their solar controller as well, as it plugs straight in and you get the current displayed on the main Schaudt panel.
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