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Guide dogs :- not always treated well?


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Was at work on friday and a lady came in with her gude dog which turned out to be two and a half years old

A black labrador she contiued to harangue this poor dog for its harness slipping off ,and admitted to not paricularly being fond of it ! I wasnt taking that much notice (we were very busy) but the other sales assistants were pretty upset and couldnt believe how horrid the lady was one in particular wanted to report this lady saying she shouldnt have a guide dog to treat it like she did and wondered how she could hold up a nail polish and pick a colour if she was actually blind? Anyhow it made me think that i have always believed

That guide dogs go to good caring homes but apparentley not :( pp

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Pampam - 2015-02-22 7:45 AM


Was at work on friday and a lady came in with her gude dog which turned out to be two and a half years old

A black labrador she contiued to harangue this poor dog for its harness slipping off ,and admitted to not paricularly being fond of it ! I wasnt taking that much notice (we were very busy) but the other sales assistants were pretty upset and couldnt believe how horrid the lady was one in particular wanted to report this lady saying she shouldnt have a guide dog to treat it like she did and wondered how she could hold up a nail polish and pick a colour if she was actually blind? Anyhow it made me think that i have always believed

That guide dogs go to good caring homes but apparentley not :( pp


Some people have Peripheral Vision, so can see some things. We took a lady with it sailing , on a couple of occasions , and she could see to steer the boat, but had a audiall compass to hear the direction.

Have to agree though , she should have been kinder to the dog, maybe still new to having one?


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