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Misguided tidiness


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Hello, all,


In the spirit of always wanting something not 24 hours after you have thrown it away, I threw my Autoroute 2007 disc away in a fit of misguided tidiness. Now I wish I still had it, having read the correspondence relating to the now dead Autoroute. Dead but won't lie down, as it seems I can still get the 2013 edition on a free trial basis, and I had intended, again following the fabulous information here, to transfer its map data to my copy.


Can anyone help, maybe with the loan of a disc, or is there another solution? Naturally I wouldn't expect anybody to be out of pocket on my behalf.





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Thanks, Joe90, for such a very prompt reply.


I'd heard of Torrent sites, but know little of them, so I asked Mr Google what a torrent was, and frightened myself silly with warnings or dire consequences like the oceans drying up, and a plague of warts if I used them.


Any hints or tips, or should I play safe and use Ebay? I should say I think my netbook is fairly well protected, but it drives me nuts when you find you have some unwanted bit of unasked-for software, and spend hours getting rid of it.


Thanks again,



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Guest Joe90

If you send me a pm ( private message) with your details I'll post Autoroute to you, which version would you like, I have both 2007, and 2010 just cover my post and jiffy bag costs, say two quid.


Most of the best file sharing sites have been closed, I'm told, not that I ever use them :D nor Autoroute come to that. :$

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