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12volt goods


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The wife has used a 12v hairdryer for years now without complaint Buck so they must do the job, and I agree with Colin on the ceramic fan heaters. I know I only paid £12.95 for mine but to all intents and purpose it proved useless. Maybe you would have better results with a more expensive one. Howard.
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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-10-22 12:20 AM The wife has used a 12v hairdryer for years now without complaint Buck so they must do the job, and I agree with Colin on the ceramic fan heaters. I know I only paid £12.95 for mine but to all intents and purpose it proved useless. Maybe you would have better results with a more expensive one. Howard.[/QUOTE] Howard, They also come in very handy for defrosting external pipes/locks etc. Don
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Are you refering to the wife, hairdryer or ceramic heater Don. Going on the eleven year cycle we are due a bad winter so i,ve got my eye on one of those preset remote Eberspacher diesel heaters where the whole van is warmed up ready before you step outside the front door. Expecting a lump sum off my pension plan any day so i,ve promised the wife the new bathroom suite she,s been waiting for. Nothing wrong with one we have apart that its cream coloured and her sister has just had a new one in white. This means a lot of work and expense just for the sake of fashion, plus the whole room has to be retiled with a new seperate shower installed and one of those all in one sink/cupboard with inset lights. By the time i,ve paid for all this there may be a compromise with that diesel heater and settle for a pair of thermal long johns instead. Looking at that picture of the Blackbird (I think) reminds me of the Gary Powers incident back in the sixtys. I lost a bet that the Soviets would shoot him as a spy, but after making the U.S.A jump through the hoop they let him go. Never liked the Russians since. Howard.
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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-10-22 12:35 PM Are you refering to the wife, hairdryer or ceramic heater Don. Going on the eleven year cycle we are due a bad winter so i,ve got my eye on one of those preset remote Eberspacher diesel heaters where the whole van is warmed up ready before you step outside the front door. Expecting a lump sum off my pension plan any day so i,ve promised the wife the new bathroom suite she,s been waiting for. Nothing wrong with one we have apart that its cream coloured and her sister has just had a new one in white. This means a lot of work and expense just for the sake of fashion, plus the whole room has to be retiled with a new seperate shower installed and one of those all in one sink/cupboard with inset lights. By the time i,ve paid for all this there may be a compromise with that diesel heater and settle for a pair of thermal long johns instead. Looking at that picture of the Blackbird (I think) reminds me of the Gary Powers incident back in the sixtys. I lost a bet that the Soviets would shoot him as a spy, but after making the U.S.A jump through the hoop they let him go. Never liked the Russians since. Howard.[/QUOTE] Howard, All three. Can vouch for the Eberspacher they are brilliant, well we think so anyway. Don
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Hi Don. I,ve just sent of for details that cover both the basic Eberspacher heater for warming the saloon area of the van and the remote controlled version that also preheats both domestic and engine water. No complaints with cab heating on the Fiat, but as I often carry passengers in the rear I must admit there is very little warmth for them especially on longer journeys. Looking at any form of 12v heating I must agree with Colin that to provide adequate heating would put to much of a load on the battery and as you would be using this in cold weather not really an option. Buck. Whenever there is heavy frost I put the gas heating on about 10 minutes before driving off. This clears the windows and warms the interior as well but for safety reasons cannot be used on the move which is why i,m looking at diesel heating. The wife says that the 12v hairdryer works well and i,ve never had a problem with the leisure battery in this respect. Howard.
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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-10-23 11:25 AM Hi Don. I,ve just sent of for details that cover both the basic Eberspacher heater for warming the saloon area of the van and the remote controlled version that also preheats both domestic and engine water. No complaints with cab heating on the Fiat, but as I often carry passengers in the rear I must admit there is very little warmth for them especially on longer journeys. Looking at any form of 12v heating I must agree with Colin that to provide adequate heating would put to much of a load on the battery and as you would be using this in cold weather not really an option. Howard. [/QUOTE] Howard, We have the Eberspacher D2 Airtronic heater, which is more than enough to keep the Timberland heated. It can be used on the move if need be. It can be preset to come on whenever you wish. We have never had problems with battery drain with the heater. We have two 100ah leisure batteries. We have now got the Timberland as close to perfection as possible for us. Regards Don
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Hiya Mandy. I don,t want to sound negative all the time but I cannot see this being much use either. Damp air/condensation is a ongoing thing where you would dry out say a motorhome and 24hrs. later be back to square one so anything relying on a 12v supply would have limited use. The only answer is plenty of warm air circulating at all times which is just about impossible, but saying that i,ve never found this a problem when in prolonged storage and you find that even a few hours of winter sunshine will be enough to keep everything reasonably dry. We have a de-humidifier in the house and with the recent wet weather plus having to dry the washing indoors find that the one gallon container needs emptying every three or four days, so its supprising there are not more problems when vans are laid up....................Don. I,ll wait until the brochures arrive but I think the remote model will be my first choice. Howard.
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