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HI Everyone


I was aftter some advice please


We have an Autoquest 180 and I would like to try and use the above cab bed. The cushions up there are very uncomfortable and quite hard so I was thinking of getting a memory foam topper.


I am obviously limited on height up there so I am not sure if to buy a 2.5cm topper and put it on top of the existing cushions, or get rid of the cushions and buy a 5cm or even a 7.5 cm topper and use that straight on the base, i think if i put a 5 cm topper on the existing cushions it will be too high, alternatively will a topper without the cushions underneath be too hard?


does anyone have any experience of this ? or any advice on what they think would be the most comfortable?





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We had a slightly similar problem with the fixed bed in our Chausson Flash S2 - it was too firm. However, we don't have the same height restriction as you.


Initially, we added a 5cm cheap memory foam topper, and thought the comfort was much improved. But after a couple of seasons use, we wondered if we could make it even better without too much expense - so added a second memory foam topper - 2.5cm this time. Result - comfort totally transformed and we're on our second season with the revised arrangements.


Think we spent under £50 in total buying off ebay, and using old quilt covers to encase the foam. If you're handy at sowing, guess you could make bespoke covers fit precisely. Our bed has a cut off side, so we just tuck the surplus cover underneath the topper - works for us.


Not sure it answers your exact problem, but just to say we think memory foam is great for improving comfort and does not need to cost much - suggest you do a bit of 'trial and error', if nobody comes up with a better solution.



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Thanks for your reply mike, for now I have ordered a 7.5 cm topper and decided to try that on top of the existing cushions. The Motorhome is a 2006 and when we got it the cushions above the cab were still wrapped up, they have never been used since new so they are extra firm!! OS I am hoping this helps if its still too firm I will do as you suggest and buy a second one and maybe replace the cushions with it.



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