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Buscamper/Busbiker bike rack


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....with a few minutes to spare on a damp evening in Holland, I thought I'd make Eddies day ;-)


Having been the proud owner of a new PVC for just two weeks, we are in Holland to have a bike rack fitted, and a little jaunt around Amsterdam, Antwerp and Brugges.


The downsizing to a PVC has been a long process; we almost managed it at the last change five years ago, but decided we had better keep provision for number one son, who was old enough not to want to come away with us, but always wanted to if we mentioned mountains! PVCs were thus precluded on the grounds of interior space.


Almost as long a process was the wait for the 'van ordered last October, but it was finally picked up two weeks ago. Like another correspondent on the forum, it is a Globecar, albeit this is a Campscout, and based on the X290.


More of the vehicle and its choice at a later date - this thread is mainly about the Busbiker rack.


Our previous 'van had a garage, within which the e-bikes resided. Fine for keeping them safe and clean, but definitely a pain to load and unload them for use. There was to be no such option for a PVC, and I certainly wasn't going to hang them on a door mounted bike rack.


I have no use for a tow-bar (but more of this later), and rear door clearance is a problem for PVCs with most, if not all, towbar mounted racks.


So, research started long ago on the alternative options. Eddie had posted about the Busbiker he has fitted to his Poessl; Sawiko do a similar concept with the Agito(Top), and other German manufacturers such as SMV also do similar racks (I found one German rack where the bike 'bed' slid sideways away from the back doors).


The Sawiko and Busbiker racks were similar price fitted when the research started, though Al-Ko, who are now Sawiko's parent company, quoted in excess of a £600 premium (over and above the German factory) for supplying and fitting one in Warwick. (I could (and would) have driven to Sawiko, had it fitted, and a couple of week's holiday for the same cost :-( ).


The Busbiker looked the neatest solution, (and we were lucky enough to see one in the flesh in Germany, on a Dutch 'van - the woman owner being very positive about it) though the Sawiko one was seen at the NEC, and would have been acceptable.


In the event, Sawiko increased their price not inconsiderably, and the previous positive correspondence about getting one fitted in Germany became rather less so.


Buscamper, however, responded quickly and positively to queries, and as well as being the manufacturer of the rack, they are also major Globecar dealer so were confident on the fitting.


So after an exchange of emails, and arranging for the lighting to be "handed" for the UK (something that wouldn't have been necessary with Sawiko, as their lighting is symmetrical), I agreed an overall price of €1749 (which include €50 for sorting the lights) for supply and fit, at their dealership in Culemborg, Holland, with an appointment at 08:00 today. (estimated time for pick-up 15:00)


Now, that is a not inconsiderable amount for a bike rack, but we use our e-bikes a lot, and it is an impressive piece of engineering. Out of use it folds up almost flat across the back of the 'van, and in or out of use, it swivels away from the rear doors with relative ease to allow unrestricted access. It also has a low loading-height and a rated payload of 80kg (more than sufficient for our two bikes).


An 08:00 start meant finding somewhere to stay overnight within the immediate vicinity. Diligent research came up with the Marina at Culemborg, just the other side of town, and a couple of minutes walk into the centre. An email elicited the response to a booking request "just turn up and do your thing!" (I think the Harbourmaster must have visited a "coffee shop" immediately previously :-) )


So, we turned up at half past five last night; found a rather pleasant area by the marina with hardstandings with surrounding grass, and electric points, and were charged €25.50 for two nights stay, including good facilities, the hook-up, and free wifi. (showers are 50 cents though).


I'm not a great fan of Holland (the Dutch are OK, however, as long as they are in Holland B-) ), but Culemborg was fine for a day's wander round (attractive in parts), so this is not a bad stopover in its own right.


Off to Buscamper for 08:00 this morning, to be greeted by name by various staff. They had a full workshop (full as in "of 'vans"), and a decent sized indoor showroom full of new and used PVCs. We installed ourselves in a little waiting lounge with free coffee, and before long the 'van was off to "our other workshop" to be sorted.


As the weather wasn't outstanding, we looked around all the 'vans and filled ourselves with coffee, before walking the couple of miles into the centre of Culemborg. In somewhat better weather we strolled around, before retuning to Buscamper at 14:00, and the 'van had just been returned.


First surprise was that they had fitted the basic part of the €400 more expensive version of the rack that will also take a removable tow-hook! It was explained that as this swivelled the other way, they thought it more appropriate for a RHD vehicle. (I wonder if they had more of them in stock - cynical me).


Whatever, I may have lost a few more kg off my payload, but I now have a further option (they will ship me the tow-hook if I want it - though I suspect I could probably source one anyway). They also explained how they adjusted the lights (I think I would have found an easier option - but hey, it all works correctly).The rack itself is very neat, and very robust - we'll have to get home before we can test it in anger.


For anyone looking for a good, though not cheap, solution for carrying bikes on a PVC, I wouldn't hesitate in recommending this rack, and the people who fitted it. They were professional and friendly, and though expensive, I would count the rack good value.


A couple of pictures of the 'van this evening:





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I know fiamma is a dirty word for some, but we've used ours for 4 years without problems, but knowing some have had problems I've been working on a mod that will reduce the loading on door panel and hinges.
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Much depends on the weight of the bikes, Colin. With our two non-powered bikes I might have chanced it (with careful consideration of the mounting). I've fitted Fiamma racks to double rear doors before.

With the heavier e-bikes, however, it was never an option for me - both considering the overall weight and loading them at height

The cost of a rack such as I've bought has been factored in to the decision to change all the way.

I'm pleased with my approach, and the end result. YMMV.

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Guest JudgeMental

Nice to see you finally wised up and changed to similar van and rack :-D at least yo can now see the benefits of being able to open windows in bed and having a low centre of gravity. I fitted a ground anchor as can secure bikes with a high security chain..pic attached



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  • 7 months later...

We've got a Campscout and we love it dearly. We hav a high door mounted Fiamma rack for our two hybrids, don't like it one bit. I need to carry a stepladder to lift the bikes on and off and I fear opening the door when the bikes are on, lot of weight on the hinge. Plus I'm forever getting whacked on the head by the rack when no bikes on.

Really like the look of the busbiker plus it would be so much easier to lift bikes on and off n

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  • 4 weeks later...

...no problems at all (except a dodgy connection on the lighting-bar wiring - easily fixed).


If they are still using the same lighting bar, it will need to be "re-handed" for a RHD vehicle (fog light on wrong side on the standard issue). They did this for me for 50 euro extra.


Still gets an unreserved recommendation from me.


I think all info on where I stopped overnight, etc. is in my original post, but feel free to PM me if you want any more.


Buscamper are very pleasant to deal with, they did want to be paid in cash, though (not credit card)..

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Robin Hood

Just saw one of these on a panel van in Austria. Very impressed and it would solve some problems now we have converted to ebikes (too much weight for door carrier).


Are you are still pleased and ii it working well?


Also, how much does t protrude at the back when closed i.e. How much longer is you van when it is folded?

We have very limited space in front of our house and every mm counts!


Thank you




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...it wasn't mine, was it? (Just back from Austria today).


Still pleased with it - another forumite has recently had one fitted to a Devon PVC by Buscamper and was impressed with the service.


The extra length overall is roughly 7 inches beyond the bumper when folded (to the end of the light clusters).


(I understand they may now only be fitting the version I have - with the option of having the detachable towbar at additional cost).

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Thank you.

This one was on a German PVC. It looked good BUT I think 7 inches may mean I cannot fit on my drive. I will get out my tape measure when I get home.


I suppose the other option is a towball mounted bike rack. I use one of these on my car but have been wary about trying on the motorhome. My problem is that the two ebikes are too heavy for my doorvrack so I put my wife's on the rack and carry mine in the van, which is a right royal pain. Still an ebike lets me get up the mountains I could not do unassisted.


Many thanks for the info.



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the Busbiker was (IMO) the best combination of price and quality I could find. If it doesn't fit, however, it doesn't fit.


There are a number of similar (mostly German) units available which don't (again IMO) provide the same price/quality mix, but do provide similar function, and specifically for a couple of e-bikes.


A number of these are demountable, sliding and connecting with retainers into permanent mounts that are attached to the same towbar fitting points that the Busbiker uses. When detached, there is (I think, but it should be checked) no rearwards projection of those fitting points, them being entirely under the chassis.


The Sawiko Agito Top is such a beast, and functions much like the Busbiker (albeit with a jockey wheel at the open end). It can be had for around €1500 (plus delivery) unfitted from some dealers in Germany. It swivels to give access to the rear doors just like the Busbiker.


It would be a bit of a pain having to mount it for use (though it is lighter than the Busbiker), and fitting would need to be arranged in the UK (I suspect fairly easy to DIY, but it would also need trailer electrics fitting), but it would allow storage of the 'van without any additional length.



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...I've seen one in the flesh, and it is fine (though I obviously haven't tried mounting/demounting one), but a bit more "fussy" than the Busbiker.


You can have one "fully-fitted" by Alko in Warwick, but at a ridiculous price given the German retail cost. Self-import or fitting in Germany would be somewhat more cost-effective, IMO.


Another example of a slightly different solution using similar mounting practice is:




(though not as good in most circumstances as one that swivels, as though the rear doors will open easily, part of the mechanism impedes access somewhat.


Roadpro do these in the UK:




(the write-up says detachable without tools, so I assume a similar 'docking' solution is used).


This article might give a few more German leads:




Good Luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...



I book marked your original posting 18months ago when I bought my Fiat Ducato PVC, 18months later the piggy bank funds have allowed me to book my appointment to have it fitted later this month. I'm really looking forward to having our bikes with us for holidays later in the year and I really like the design of the Busbiker set up.


So thanks very much for taking the time to do the original posting, I'll upload a few pictures when it's fitted.



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I was in correspondence with another poster, who had one fitted a couple of month's ago, and was impressed with the firm and the end-result.


I haven't had feedback on its use, but given our experience of two-years use, I can't think it would be anything but good.


Good Luck, and I hope you end up as pleased as we are.


(Do ask Buscamper if they'll put me on commission ;-) )

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