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Do you give your motorhome/camper a name?


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I have not given the van a name. I can understand why people would do this as it is just a bit of fun and motorhoming is a fun activity but van naming is not for me.


I also can't understand why people refer to vehicles as she, as in, "she drives beautifully". It is a thing, not a person so what is that all about?



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Guest pelmetman
Don636 - 2015-06-07 8:10 AM


I also can't understand why people refer to vehicles as she, as in, "she drives beautifully". It is a thing, not a person so what is that all about?



I have a he and a she ;-) ................


"Horace" is our camper, who is clearly a chap as he has proved to be a reliable, dependable uncomplaining vehicle :D ..........


Where as my delivery van "Fanny the Tranny" has been trouble from the day I got her *-).........unreliable, temperamental, and cost me a fortune in bodywork over the years 8-) .......





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People name ships and boats, aeroplanes, trains, buildings [not just an address], sporting arenas, etc why shouldn't you name your motorhome.


We've named three but not the other three; two of them were named by the children. Even the dealer referred to one by name. Our current van is not named but given it's German, slow and continually putting on weight, Big Bertha might be a descriptive name.

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In our family naming vehicle is a girlie thing, and my OH has mostly bestowed a name on all our fleet. Her first car was Matilda and they all had names - except the motorhomes, none of which ever got labelled, and I don't really know why, and her latest one, or rather two, because when we added an iQ to "her" Honda CRV to tow behind the MH, the CRV became her "other car".


We had a Honda C90 motorcycle which we used to hang on the bac of our last MH and he was called Kevin, reflecting his number plate, which included the letters "KVN", but that broke the mould because hitherto they had all been female names - and female seems more appropriate to me somehow, based I suppose on ships always being female.


Maybe she (the OH, that is) is getting past it all because none of our three current family vehicles have been named and we had them for 13, 9 and 5 years respectively, which you would think long enough for the naming process to happen if it was going to. All three have given us good service, so I haven't been tempted to call them names so far either.

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In the war pilots named their planes, BBMF Lancaster is 'Thumper' , the Americans had artwork and names on their fighters & bombers. OK, our MH is not as important today as those warbirds were yesterday but to my wife our MH, will always be Matilda. I just drive her, that's the MH not the wife.
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Yes, we have just bought a 2002 Elnagh Dinghy 1, we previously had a van conversion and never named her as we could never come up with something suitable, so we decided we would name this one,my husband was reading out the reg no, as i was filling in the reg forms and when he said it out loud NU02 TSZ , he said tizzy and so she was named, silly but simple.
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Our Motorhome is called Mabel (my grandmother), Our 2 electric bikes are Volts & Amps, our Citroen 2CV is Doris, wife's grandma, our motorbike is simply MadAss. I have also had Canardly the XJ6, Sigrid the SpitSaab, Mazie the MX5 & Canardlydeux the XJ8.

WE know exactly what we re talking about..... ?

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