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I'm buying my first camper and settled on a 1995 model for starters. I'm getting it at a reasonable price and their are the usual cosmetic/minor faults you'd expect on a 20yr old van. This van has black plastic panel trims on the sides and I'd like to find some replacements to just tidy the appearance a little. I've tried searching for breakers/spares but came up with nothing. I can live with the ones on but would like to improve the van a little if I can. Any sugestions?

thanks :-D

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I doubt you will be able to get any original new ones, and if you could the cost would be very high.


My advice is to remove the panels you need and take them to your local glass fibre fabrication company.

They will be able to make a mould from the original and then make replacements. It still costs but it might be the only way.


As an alternative you could try repairing them, glass fibre and filler plus a can of spray paint can work wonders.


Repair cracks and holes from the back using glass fibre (rough the plastic up) use at least two or three layers, then finish the front with filler, sand back and spray. I just repaired my plastic bumper this way, saved £250 and it looks like new, nearly.



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