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Road to Zaragoza, Spain.

Boo King

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This summer we will be travelling down from Santander to Zaragoza, and plan to break the journey at Logrono. There is only one site there, and they have ignored my attempts to contact them to try and make a reservation. Has anyone any experience of just turning up at sites in this area of Spain, in August, without a booking? I have contacted Navarette camping which is not too far away-they said no reservations are necessary, but I am still a bit wary of turning up and finding ourselves with nowhere to stay!. I'sd also like to know if anyone has driven along the road from Monasterio de Piedra near Calatayud, going towards Soria-it looks rather windy and narrow on googlemaps!! Thanks
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You shoudnt have a problem with inland campsites in summer if it is an issue there are two aires in Logarno one under the trees ideal as your there in summer ...here 42.476181° -2.453685°




and here where you can use the facilities but it will be roasting here in summer .... 42.479244° -2.456989°


As for the road you mentioned it looks ok mostly double track, narrow in places but thats the part of the fun of getting away from the main drags and very scenic.


Brian K

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Currently in Spain and Calpe site is fairly empty. Most vanners are heading home. We are going toCentral Spain tomorrow .Dont expect it to be busy even in July PS why not get the all the aires Spain book ?


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