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Motor home oven

david lloyd

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We have always had an oven in our Motorhomes and used them just as we would at home. However, we are about to change to a European van that does not have a fitted oven - nor is there an option to have one fitted. We are hoping the supplying dealer can fit one but are also considering using a type of hob mounted oven such as the Omnia. An electric alternative would not be as useful as we tend not to have hookups very often.


Does anyone have experience of the Omnia or any other type of hob ovens? How did you get on with them? How versatile are they?


Any advice gratefully received.



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david lloyd - 2015-06-22 7:49 PM


Does anyone have experience of the Omnia or any other type of hob ovens? How did you get on with them? How versatile are they?


Any advice gratefully received.




Hi, I wasn't sure what an "Omnia" was, so I Googled it...Didn't Will85 look at something like that quite some time ago?...'Not sure how he got on with it in the end.....


A few years back I had a brief play about using the "Dutch oven" approach (hefty saucepan, low heat, l-o-n-g cooking time) and we did manage to cook a small, but whole, chicken complete with all the veg, all in the one pot (sat on a diffuser/simmer ring)..


BUT it took chuffin' ages!!....(probably the best part of 2 1/2- 3 hours! ).


..and I'm damned sure we could've walked to a pub that did food in that time! (lol)

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I don't know if you have considered a bespoke van conversion but there is Devon conversions in Ferryhill and now Derwentside Leisure Vehicles at Consett have started doing them. Both in County Durham.
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Guest Peter James
Steve928 - 2015-06-25 11:58 AM


Peter James - 2015-06-25 11:45 AM


Just chuck it all in the pressure cooker. A full dinner cooked in 10 minutes :-D




Yummee! 'Fish Pie' or 'Tasty Scones' or 'Fig & Hazlenut Bread' done in a pressure cooker.. Sounds delicious :-D


I don't go on holiday to cook bread and scones - Morrisons supermarket does that for me.

Fish pie no problem. Just chuck in the fish and veg with passata, fish stock cube/soy sauce and a bit of water. The fish is kept moist so even I can't overcook or spoil it

0/10 for presentation maybe, but 10/10 for flavour and nutrition.

If its beef flavour it with marmite and OXO. :-D

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Thanks for the replies so far guys.


The deed is done so we will not be going down the bespoke conversion route - our present IH Tio is more or less built to our specification and has many refinements to assist on our long winter trips away including a 190 litre fridge/freezer and 38 litre undergoing gas tank. The 80 litre fridge in the new van is also something we are going to have to change our habits about!


Some friends have a modern version of the "hay box" Coker where everything is put into a vessel, brought up to heat on the job then the whole thing goes inside another vacuum vessel and just cooks away slowly for five or six hours - brilliant for getting dinner prepared before setting off and having it ready to eat that evening. Like most of the alternatives to a proper oven it does have its limitations and lasagne may not do well in one!


We have often seen the double skillet and they do seem to get a mixed review but it is one possibility. The Omnia attracted our attention as it seems quite versatile but not had contact with anyone who has used one yet.


We have had experience of having just a two ring hob before on a Winnebago Rialta (great van - wish they still did them on the T5/T6) and have recalled some of the two ring menus we had then so will not go hungry.


Thanks again everyone


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Rayjsj - 2015-06-25 1:14 PM


One of the many reasons we won't go for a European motor home, how do they manage? Or do they always eat out? We used a Halogen oven for a while but of course for that you need EHU, and probably more than 6amps. Ray


We have had 2 Burstners.


Both had ovens fitted.

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Guest Peter James
Steve928 - 2015-06-25 7:24 PM

Peter - do you have a pressure cooker Lasagne recipe by any chance? :-D




Plastic tray of Lasagne


Boil tray in 1/2" of water


Works a treat (lol)

You can put a few veg in the water and do them in the same pan

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I would think a portable electric oven, of which there are a large number of alternative makes/models/sizes/prices, should be reasonably practical. It would have to stand (and be transported)somewhere, but unlike the Omnia, or a double skillet, it would leave the whole hob free for cooking veg etc. Also, most seem to include a grill, so would facilitate grilling and making toast. Some include a spit, so spit roast suckling pig could also be on the menu! :-)
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747 - 2015-06-25 9:10 PM


Rayjsj - 2015-06-25 1:14 PM


One of the many reasons we won't go for a European motor home, how do they manage? Or do they always eat out? We used a Halogen oven for a while but of course for that you need EHU, and probably more than 6amps. Ray


We have had 2 Burstners.


Both had ovens fitted.


Hymer and Pilote (amongst others) now offer full 'cooker' options for the uk market.....

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Despite the danger of a lot of abuse I will put in my penny's worth.

We have had 4 different motorhomes and we have NEVER used the oven.

We simply use it to store items I rarely need and "shroud" all the rattly bits in old towels.

For us they are a waste of time and since pace is at a premium in most motorhomes they are also a waste of space.


According to the motorhome dealers we have done business with we are by no means unique.

However the oven lobby is VERY vociferous.

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Well obviously,we use ours, not a terrific amount but enough to not consider buying a van without one, but not one of those silly Tech towers which I think are dangerous,especially for short folk. just goes to show that we all do things differently. For us an oven is a must have, others are obviously not too bothered.
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Brian Kirby - 2015-06-26 2:47 PM


I would think a portable electric oven, of which there are a large number of alternative makes/models/sizes/prices, should be reasonably practical. It would have to stand (and be transported)somewhere, but unlike the Omnia, or a double skillet, it would leave the whole hob free for cooking veg etc. Also, most seem to include a grill, so would facilitate grilling and making toast. Some include a spit, so spit roast suckling pig could also be on the menu! :-)


Thanks Brian, we have considered the small electric oven/grills and even a dual microwave but the need to have ehu has sort of put them at the bottom of the list.



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True David. I'm afraid I missed that information in your original post and, as you later referred to long winter stays, assumed you'd be on sites long term with EHU included. That also eliminates Remoskas. Would portable gas "kettle barbecues" (Weber, Cadac etc) be a possibility? Either fed from a separate cylinder,or from an external barbecue point.
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Hi Brian, yes we do have a (can't recall the name or make of it now) gas fired griddle/bbq that screws directly onto a campingaz 907 cylinder that is extremely useful for the obvious bbq cooking but I have been known to do two pan cooking with things like pastas, for instance, on this as you can remove the flat hot plate and use the simple gas ring underneath. We have not looked closely at the kettle types but it may be a possibility to consider.


Many thanks


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Guest JudgeMental
Seriously you got to have lasagne when travelling? What's wrong with spaggettie bollocknasty for instance? This need to replicate a uk domestic kitchen when travelling very odd! You can roast a joint on a cadec, or on a hob pot. Pot roasts? Or buy a succulent roteserie chicken in a shop for less then a fiver. Just think some need to think laterally......but there aren't many vans that don't have room for an oven to be retro fitted somewhere....what's the van?
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Hi Pepe, yep tried the Cobb once - huge great thing that I didn't really get the hang of and worst of all it was a pain to clean afterwards.


Hi Judge, not just lasagne - we have a varied international diet with many meals that we just don't have at home. However, I do like to cook proper food and use the oven probably 60 - 70% of the time we are away. It's just what I am used to and enjoy doing. But, if it turns out we can't find a suitable location for something like a spindly (don't need or want a 'full' cooker) then we will still go out and enjoy our camping. The van is a Carthago 640LE.




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I am slightly curious that the new van does not have the option of an oven as, as far as I can see the majority of EU makers now offer one for vans sold in the UK. This is to some of us, a disadvantage as not having the oven was a major consideration in the choice. Although my own caravan is EU made, and does not come with an oven, this was our preference, nevertheless we succumbed once we started keeping it 'permanently' in Spain and bought a portable electric one. This is very efficient and will cook almost anything, including lasagne. Yes, it needs electricity and I regret I am not aware of any gas powered versions apart fom maybe a tent camping catalogue. However, I suspect that anything available may have limited efficiency and be more useful for re-heating things etc.


I also could add, tongue in cheek, that if you wish to 'wildcamp' then getting away from it all, should preclude such luxuries as ovens etc. A billycan on a primus and beans is the staple............No?

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