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Electric bike insurance


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We have two new ebikes, (German CE approved Eddie). They cost a few bob so I want to insure them for use in the EU. I can't find anyone who will do more than 90 days total in EU. I Need 2 x 60 days or 120 total.

Any suggestions?




PS Two AS Bikes electric folders 250W etc now for sale :-D

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Just changed my home insurance was with Nationwide, but they wanted additional £200 for e-bikes Saga only extra £49 and basic premium cheaper, tthey require you to let them know when you take the bikes abroad.

It's a bit of a post code lottery my total premium was 279 Eddie was quoted 1800.


Did you buy from Germany and save a packet?

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Guest JudgeMental

Come on then H what have you bought! I'm intrigued:-D


Just back from a week in hilly Dorset. it was hard work cycling to be honest but got out most days.There were other vans on site with a brand of Chinese bike that shall remain nameless, thy never came of the racks all week....


stand alone bike insurance not cheap! Best way to do it is on household. We changed to LV 2 years ago due to value of new bikes. have rang around last few days as latest quote increased significantly. but they have reduced quote by £200 when we said we were moving to NFU. I find it annoying that you have to challenge them and they try it on, probably because the majority just accept the hike and they end up quids in 8-)


most offer 60 days? You can return for one night and that kicks of the 60 days again. I just confirmed this.

So in theory we could go away for 2 months and if daughter stayed for a weekend we could go on like that and stay away indefinitely...


They are strict on alarms and locks though and if you dont comply your not covered. but most are similar...NFU charged £250 excess if you were burgled and alarm not set so that a bit more forgiving..


Some insurers don't flinch at high value bikes these days as loads of expensive road bikes around..

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£32 is that for 1 or 2 bikes John?

Mine was £49 for 2, only restriction was, must be chained & padlocked (or with similar security device) to to permanent object when left in a public place.


For the unaware you need to look at the clauses, all the specialist bike insurances I've seen won't cover if left in a public place between 11pm & 7am, won't cover if left on or in a vehicle and they charge a fortune.

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Guest JudgeMental

I had a PM from a member who was insured with LV and have now changed as they discovered that they no longer consider a short occupation enough to kick of another 2 month trip....I will stay with them for this year as they dropped the price and anyone else I tried (Saga = £1800!) were more expensive. Anyway we dont need more then 2 months at a time until Mrs Mental retires...


so dont trust some numpty on the phone, get written conformation before signing up with anyone 8-)

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Yes, I have had a couple who have said "no problem" to the question about twice yearly of 60 days, When I ask for written confirmation the "underwriters" suddenly decide to say no!


Anyway, Churchill have said they will do it, I am now waiting for my house renewal and then I will tack the bikes on and see what happens.



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A lot of companies now accept Eclectically assisted bikes in their definition of peddle cycles, but most limit cover to £1000 per bike above that they require you to specify them . Seems a ridiculous low figure in these days, it won't even cover a decent standard push bike.
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JudgeMental - 2015-06-25 5:37 PM


I had a PM from a member who was insured with LV and have now changed as they discovered that they no longer consider a short occupation enough to kick of another 2 month trip....I will stay with them for this year as they dropped the price and anyone else I tried (Saga = £1800!) were more expensive. Anyway we dont need more then 2 months at a time until Mrs Mental retires...


so dont trust some numpty on the phone, get written conformation before signing up with anyone 8-)


'Twas I who sent the PM to the Judge. I didn't wish to gainsay his post on the forum, but as he has mentioned it I will.


We felt badly let down by LV after many, many years with them. We were assured that another 60 day period of allowable unoccupancy would be activated if our daughter came to stay for a night. We were told to print off the email and keep it with our documents. They said they'd put a note on our file.


We made it clear that we would not renew in October unless that clause applied. They took payment as we had an automatic payment by debit card set up. That, to me, signified a tacit acceptance of the risk proposed.


It was only some 6th sense which drove me to double check before setting off for 10 weeks in Spain. No, they said, that clause no longer applies. The underwriters have changed the terms.


As we were not informed, and as they had taken our money, we registered a complaint. Eventually they admitted that we had cause to be unhappy; cancelled our policy without penalty [we had taken a policy elsewhere which allows for longer periods away]; refunded the whole premium without deducting any amount for the period for which we had been covered... and sent a cheque "in compensation".


Today, after reading the post, I rang LV and pressed once more for clarification on the matter, should we wish to return to them. I spoke to 2 different people, and received 2 different answers - yes you can; no you can't. It's unbelievable!


Of course, this is really not on the topic of e-bike insurance, but it has arisen as the thread developed. Putting together an insurance package which covers all requirements can be problematic. I am not sure what we will do when we exchange our rather clapped out e-bikes [Chinese junk!] later this year for new bikes. Another insurance problem looms I foresee. My experience has left me wary, and a little distrustful.






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As an aside, just preparing to leave our night stop to head for the tunnel last week, it was 6am, quite light and was recycling some bits and bobs, quietly.


Walking past a Dutch van, 2 very expensive looking and well equipped bikes just sat on their stands at the side of the van.


No security at all as far as I could see 8-)



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Guest JudgeMental
No one in their right mind would nick a dutch barge bike (except a dutchmen:D) Security in itself...
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Really do need to get things in writing from insurance companies.


Our house insurance was with Nationwide, phoned when we got the e-bikes as there cycle insurance only covers up to £1000 per bike including e-bikes, was told you won't be covered under peddle cycles section but will we covered under Non-Specified items up to £4000 per item.


Different story when I came to renew, just to be safe I mentioned the bikes reply was "they have to be specified" and they wanted an additional £200, needless to say I did not renew.


What was more annoying we have been leaving them locked up in town centres believing them to be fully insured, in France wouldn't leave them in the UK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, house renewal came through today so I rang them. I now have cover for two bikes anywhere in the world including accident damage theft etc. £50 from Churchill. Up to 60 days away but I have to tell them if I go for another 60 days. No doubt there will be a charge but I am happy with that.


The only requirement is that they are locked with a security device designed for bikes and locked indoors when at home (not in the shed). Locked to the bike rack is OK.



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