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Hmmm, that's interesting Dave.  We only saw our new motorhome at the NEC show two weeks ago and as you can image it was pretty busy, although we did spend a long time looking her over.

As far as I can remember the wall mounted bracket was able to swivel in most directions?

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Anybody use the new Avtex 151D 6 in 1? If so can you confirm that it will play DVD-R and DVD-RW home recorded disks? I've asked Avtex and must assume that they don't know as they haven't replied. I've also asked Transleisure - they haven't replied either - yet.
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Some very good ideas here and not being much of a techie these days - steam seems out of favour - I have opted for a simple expedient in using my lap top for everything. Tv's DVD players all take up space and weight and we are short of both when full timing. I have an Acer Aspire 9000 series pc with a 17" screen with built in tv plus all the other bells and whistles. Currently its running from the mains but ideally I would like to power it from the leisure batteries. The pc takes 19v dc and I have a 24v system so I need to have a voltage reducer of some description to give me a constant 19v supply. Can any suggest what I need and where to get it- that is for the pc, not me! VoH
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Hi there. just thought i would stick my nose in... i was using my laptop for the telly and dvd....and worked fine until my missus said one weekend "what if we get burgled?" suddenly thought about it and realised all the stuff thats on my laptop and the fact that it cost over a grand..(lovely 17 inch lcd screen) so went out and bought the Alba lcd with dvd from argo thats just been reduced by £20.00 to £179.00,,,, works really well and not so painfull if it gets damaged or nicked.... happy camping....
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[QUOTE]madguy4 - 2006-11-01 5:51 PM Hi there. just thought i would stick my nose in... i was using my laptop for the telly and dvd....and worked fine until my missus said one weekend "what if we get burgled?" suddenly thought about it and realised all the stuff thats on my laptop and the fact that it cost over a grand..(lovely 17 inch lcd screen) so went out and bought the Alba lcd with dvd from argo thats just been reduced by £20.00 to £179.00,,,, works really well and not so painfull if it gets damaged or nicked.... happy camping.... [/QUOTE] this is a valid point you raise but as many of us take our laptops with us anyway it makes sense to use it for as many purposes as possible. D.
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[QUOTE]kelly58 - 2006-11-01 7:50 PM Hi Dave the alba looks a good deal is it dual power or only mains take your point about the laptop getting nicked never gave it a thought thanks[/QUOTE] Hi Kelly, I don't know what the Alba requires in the way of power but I would expect it to have a mains lead with a PSU in it giving a DC voltage to power the set. 12 Volts is quite popular but some do run higher voltages, the Thompson for example runs at 19 Volts I beleive. D.
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I had a quick look but it looks like 240v (especially at that price).  Am I right in thinking the dual 12v/240v models would be a lot dearer?

What sort of approximate power drain would you expect a 12v model to make?

Am I also right in thinking this would come off the leisure battery so even if you drained it the motorhome would still start in the morning?

Sorry to ask such elementary questions but despite caravaning for over ten years we are about to embark on our first motorhome.


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Having second thoughts regarding a LCD TV with all the posts regarding using a Laptop it sounds the most practical way to go. Less clutter in the van than seperate TV, DVD player, Freeview box, etc., and the Laptop. I'l would just have to wait for the soaps to finish, before I am allowed to get on-line ! I think that if the sticky fingered mob were nicking the laptop, they would take the TV and anything else they could lay there mitts on. So if there is only a laptop, it would reduce total the loss. It make a good case for "backing-up" your info to CD though. If the laptop will do all these functions will I still need a voltage stabiliser for it or are they not so sensitive to voltage fluctuations as LCD TV's? Flicka
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Way2go, I haven't seen an LCD TV that is natively 240 Volts, that is to say it has the mains power lead directly into the set. Every one I have seen to date (as far as I can remember) has a PSU in the power cable. Typically a 15" LCD TV will take around 4 Amps and yes it should be from the leisure battery (although if you plug it into the dashboard power socket it will bew from the engine battery). It is best practice, when running 12 Volt sets from your leisure batteries, to use an apropriate voltage regulator (available from companies such as Amperor or Roadpro). Flicka, you can buy a 12 Volt power supply from Maplin (for example) to power your laptop from your leisure battery. If you do this though be sure to check every time you use it that it is set to the right voltage for your laptop. D.
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Thanks for the info Dave. It's the benefit of a site like this having a knowledgeable contributor like yourself, helping us naive in the subject. As I am now coming round to only using a Laptop, I will be able to leave it set on the right voltage. Again to my simple mind, it strengthens the Pros of a Laptop for all requirements. Thanks again Flicka
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Thanks for that Dave.  Are you therefore saying that all/most LCD TVs have a PSU and therefore can be powered by 12v or 240v just by changing the cable from the in-line PSU or by plugging in a voltage stabiliser via the cigar lighter?

Sorry to labour the point.

Many thanks


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[QUOTE]Way2Go - 2006-11-01 9:27 PM

Thanks for that Dave. Are you therefore saying that all/most LCD TVs have a PSU and therefore can be powered by 12v or 240v just by changing the cable from the in-line PSU or by plugging in a voltage stabiliser via the cigar lighter?

Sorry to labour the point.

Many thanks


[/QUOTE] Sorry if I wasn't totally clear on this but I personally cannot remember seeing any LCD TV that was native powered from 240Volts (this doesn't mean there isn't one out there, just that I've not seen it). Every one I've seen, as far as I can remember, has had a PSU (Power Supply Unit) in the power lead. Many are 12 Volt DC but like the Thompson that I mentioned earlier some do use a higher DC Voltage. For those that do use higher DC Voltages 12 Volt to whatever voltage is required converters are available. Also if you use one that IS 12 Volt DC powered then best practice is to use a 12 Volt regulator/stabiliser to ensure a long and active life. D. D.
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What people don't take into account of when thinking of using a laptop as a T.V is the viewing angle on a laptop is absolutely crap compared to a dedicated T.V. I speak from experience having gone that route on my boat and then bought a L.C.D TV. No contest as far as I'm concerned. Especially as TV's are as cheap as chips now.
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[QUOTE]peter - 2006-11-01 10:55 PM What people don't take into account of when thinking of using a laptop as a T.V is the viewing angle on a laptop is absolutely crap compared to a dedicated T.V. I speak from experience having gone that route on my boat and then bought a L.C.D TV. No contest as far as I'm concerned. Especially as TV's are as cheap as chips now.[/QUOTE] I have a Toshiba A10 laptop and the viewing angle is fine, I can see the picture perfectly well from up to 45 degrees either side of straight on. In the motorhome the laptop is set at about 6 feet from us for TV/DVD viewing so it's no problem. One possible problem with the laptop for TV/DVD viewing iis the low sound level from the laptop speakers. If you are lucky yuo might be able to connect the laptop headphone socket to your radio (AUX IN) if not then a cheap ppair of battery powered computer speakers will help. I've just fitted a small pair of speakers connected to a small 3.5 Watt RMS stereo amplifier and it works brilliantly. D.
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[QUOTE]Dave Newell - 2006-11-02 7:24 AM [QUOTE]peter - 2006-11-01 10:55 PM What people don't take into account of when thinking of using a laptop as a T.V is the viewing angle on a laptop is absolutely crap compared to a dedicated T.V. I speak from experience having gone that route on my boat and then bought a L.C.D TV. No contest as far as I'm concerned. Especially as TV's are as cheap as chips now.[/QUOTE] I have a Toshiba A10 laptop and the viewing angle is fine, I can see the picture perfectly well from up to 45 degrees either side of straight on. In the motorhome the laptop is set at about 6 feet from us for TV/DVD viewing so it's no problem. One possible problem with the laptop for TV/DVD viewing iis the low sound level from the laptop speakers. If you are lucky yuo might be able to connect the laptop headphone socket to your radio (AUX IN) if not then a cheap ppair of battery powered computer speakers will help. I've just fitted a small pair of speakers connected to a small 3.5 Watt RMS stereo amplifier and it works brilliantly. D.[/QUOTE]But why bother with all that hassle when a TV is so cheap and when not in the van you can put it in your bedroom. I guess if it's what some want then who am I to argue. I watch Tele' from other end of van, about 15Ft away so have LCD Tele' mounted under TV cabinet on slide out and drop down mount. I also have Satelite dish and am not prepared to mess about with ariel cables all over the place.
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Peter, "But why bother with all that hassle when a TV is so cheap and when not in the van you can put it in your bedroom." Because it is no hassle, I don't have anywhere in my 'van that I could permanently mount a TV so even if I had one I'd have to take it out and set it up. I already own the laptop so why pay out more money for something i don't actually need? I already have a TV in the bedroom at home and it rarely gets switched on. We don't watch TV very much in the 'van anyway so I prefer to use the laptop. D.
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Wehen it comes down to it ,we are all going to have our individual preferences. It's what suits our personal needs best and drives the human race forward. For me a laptop doing multifunctions is preferable option, as it reduces the volume of equipment in the Van. With the cost of a Laptop, to me it makes sense to get maximum use from it and spend the cost of any LCD TV, DVD Player, etc. on fuel to get out and about in the van. That's what we bought it for. As I put in an earlier post, if the sticky fingered B**** take the laptop, they will certaily take the LCD TV and anything else they can get their hands on. So it damage limitation as well. Flicka
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Hi there. just got back from travelling around for a couple of days...the albe worked really well and i went to maplins and got one of them 12 adaptor kits so i could cut the end off. came with a few different connectors so cut the cable about a foot up and put the 12v conector on...worked no problem so still have the original lead to plug into the mains (which drops the voltage to 12v to the set) so yes the albe is 12v and works great....one point,,when i bought it from argos they said you cant use a wall bracket,,,,ignore them because you can..i purcheased one at the same time and it fitted straight on to the back of the set with no probs....really pleased now cause i can use my PDA for internet and e-mail etc and a seperate tv that wont cost as much to replace should the unexpected happen.... (lol)
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