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Let the scaremongering begin.........

Guest pelmetman

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It is hard to see how this government will get any worthwhile concessions from the EU when they are so clearly and openly biased towards staying in.


Someone needs to explain to the PM that you can only negotiate successfully from a position of strength and Mr Cameron's repeated undermining of his own case for a better deal does little to inspire my confidence.


Undoubtedly the experienced negotiators in Brussels will be monitoring closely every word that he says looking for the weak spots to exploit and without doubt they will have noticed that Mr Cameron lacks the determination and backbone of the late great Margaret Thatcher when it comes to the UK's best interests.


It kinda makes you want to vote for out just to be contrary and just maybe to leave the EU and then renegotiate re-entry might be an option

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pelmetman - 2015-06-26 4:52 PM



It said the note suggested Mr Cameron believed "people will ultimately vote for the status quo if the alternatives can be made to appear risky".




Well why not a bit of scaremongering.


It worked with our recent election when he successfully scared a lot of people into thinking that the SNP were about to take over at Westminster.


The electorate are very easily led ( or misled - according to your view ).





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Tracker - 2015-06-26 5:26 PM


It kinda makes you want to vote for out just to be contrary and just maybe to leave the EU and then renegotiate re-entry might be an option


That's a good idea Rich, going back in would mean we have to join the euro, then we could rack up a load of debt (more than we have now) by raising pensions 100% or more so us pensioners can have a better standard of spend (oops)......living, then when we can't pay it back when due, keep asking and get lot's more.



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2015-06-26 5:35 PM


pelmetman - 2015-06-26 4:52 PM



It said the note suggested Mr Cameron believed "people will ultimately vote for the status quo if the alternatives can be made to appear risky".




Well why not a bit of scaremongering.


It worked with our recent election when he successfully scared a lot of people into thinking that the SNP were about to take over at Westminster.


The electorate are very easily led ( or misled - according to your view ).






You have a point Malc ;-) ...........Cameron played the Sturgeon card very well *-) .............


But I guess the fact that Sturgeon wants to stay in the EU, is a good enough reason for many English to vote no :D .........



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Guest Peter James
Tracker - 2015-06-26 5:26 PM

the late great Margaret Thatcher


Thatcher, like Churchill, needed an enemy, and the strongest army to fight them with.

When there was no longer an enemy for them to send others to fight, they were exposed for what they were, and were ousted. The 'Iron Lady' didn't cry when they were bringing our lads back from the Falklands in bodybags, but she cried when she lost her job.

Neither showed any negotiating skills, which is what is required here.

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Guest pelmetman
Peter James - 2015-06-26 6:27 PM


Neither showed any negotiating skills, which is what is required here.


Given that Cameron has already declared his hand ;-) .............ie he's happy to maintain the status quo.......


It would appear his much vaunted renegotiation with the EU is just mere flimflam *-) .....


So folks do you really want the same old tune? :-S ............


As a patriot I'll be voting NO B-) .......





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pelmetman - 2015-06-26 7:57 PM


It would appear his much vaunted renegotiation with the EU is just mere flimflam *-) .....



It is not the same old flimflam Dave - it is a very different flimflam from the flimflam that emanated prior to the election and I too am unimpressed.


Disgusted of England.

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However, one could look at it a different way. There are many ways to skin a cat, or so they say. If we exited and re-joined then we would enter as a penniless nation up to our ears in debt, so we would enjoy lots of handouts from the generous EU. After all look at Poland, Romania, Hungary etc. Money pouring in and they now state they will not accept any immigrants. After all they have just got rid of all their 'dross' to us and do not want any more spongers. Germany would give us lots of money just to be friendly to them, as that is what they have done up till now. They keep bailing out Greece even though we all know it is totally bankrupt, but they want them as 'friends'.


Basically, there are those who play the game, and those who play the system. That is the only way the EU works, we just have to wise up to it, and we would be quids in.


Unfortunately, I do not see any of our illutrious politicians ever getting the hang of that one. Evdn Cleggie who was 'trained' by them never got passed the lesson in how to claim expenses, let alone sort things out for the UK.

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Guest pelmetman

Its pretty clear now that DC will do a Neville Chamberlain *-) ...............


He'll return from Europe waving a worthless bit of paper ;-) .............


Then he'll unleash the dogs of scaremongering 8-) ......



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