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Exporting American Motorhome


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hi mitty you will have to ship it to the UK, cost about £3000.00 pay 10% import tax, then pay 17.5% vat, convert it to UK regs £1500?. then get it registered, if its a modern "A" class width could be an major issue. 102" in the states 100.39 over here. And their hot on that at the moment. Olley
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Im sure ive read that if you reside in the states for 6months to a year and have utility bills to prove it then there`s no vat. the 10% is on the price of the invoice which could be anything the dealer puts on. I looked at buying a nearly new model which are vastly reduced in price compared to a new one in the states. Basically to reduce the Vat paid here. The model i looked at was well below half price they sell them over here. Plus as an RV recreational vehicle it does not come under the same rules as an imported car in relation to type approval and conversion to our construction and use regs. You would however as previously stated check the width and weigh some are well over the 7.5 ton ordinary driving licence allowance. The shipping i was quoted at the time was $2000. Takes about 6 weeks to arrive at southampton. Pete Pete
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You are both right - to some degree! Imported motorhomes do not require an SVA test - an exception is made for motorhomes and ambulances (unless they've changed that VERY recently!). However, the import has to be road legal in the UK, which means width and GVW/MAM, as well as lighting regulations. It's no good weighing it, however - it's the plated GVW/MAM (Maximum Aithorised Mass) that counts and has to be under 7500Kgs for the UK C1 licence to apply. Importing anything from a country that is not part of the EU requires payment of the appropriate imprt duty and VAT - and you pay VAT on the shipping cost as well, since it's the total cost landed UK port that counts.
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Hi the basic rules are: out of EC for 12 months, have owned the RV for six, and you cannot dispose of it in this country for 12 months. Do all that and theirs no VAT. or import Duty to pay. this is from UK-RV For anyone looking to import their RV into the UK......... Correct as at April 2005 The link is here: Section 5.1 Quotes :- Can I get relief from duty and tax on transfer of residence? Yes. You can bring in your belongings or vehicle free of duty and tax so long as you: are moving your normal home to the EC; have had your normal home outside the EC for a continuous period of at least 12 months; have possessed and used them for at least 6 months outside the EC before they are imported; did not get them under a duty/tax free scheme (but see paragraph 5.2); declare them to us as explained in paragraph 3.2; will keep them for your personal use; and do not sell, lend, hire out or otherwise dispose of them in the EC within 12 months of importation, unless you notify us first and pay duty and VAT on disposal. Our National Advice Service can tell you how to do this. Belongings include clothing, furniture, portable tools of trade, pets and other household and personal effects, but not alcoholic drinks or tobacco products: you will not get relief on those unless they travel in with you and qualify for the duty-free allowances - see paragraph 2.1. We will normally waive the second and third conditions if you could not meet them due to circumstances beyond your control. Explain the position to our officer when you declare your belongings or vehicle. Generally speaking, "possession" means "to have" rather than "to own", but there are particular restrictions in relation to company vehicles imported by travelling sales representatives. Our National Advice Service can give you full details. See paragraph 5.5 if any of your belongings or vehicle were previously taken out of the EC. Other goods and vehicles imported for commercial purposes will not qualify for this particular relief. However, if you are also transferring your business to the UK, you may be able to claim the alternative relief on imported capital goods. See our Notice 343 Importing capital goods free of duty and VAT. I hope it helps - after all, who wants to pay nearly 30% in taxes to import their RV ? Regards Paul Motorcaravans and ambulances are exempt from SVA. Olley
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