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Fire Extinguisher?


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I believe one of the trade associations recommend or even require that all new vans have a fire extinguisher and a smoke alarm but don't think there is a legal requirement in the UK.

Extinguishers are legally compulsory in some European Countries. Personally I carry a 2 Litre foam extinguisher which gives some hope of coping with a small fire. Anything less will probably be of little use. I also have a dual-tech smoke alarm and a fire blanket as welll as a CO detector. Total cost of ALL of these is less than £100 so silly not to carry them. Oh and learn how to use the extinguisher !!

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dragonsden001 - 2015-07-09 5:26 PM


And while we are on the subject of new motorhomes..... our last one came with extinguisher and also a fire blanket - our new one has neither. (it does have the necessary smoke and CO alarms). Do I need to carry extinguishers by law?



My last new Motorhome (2012) had a Fire extinguisher fitted, an Autotrail, what make was yours ? just out of curiosity. was it a UK one ? Ray
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On the following link the AA provides a list of ‘compulsory equipment’ and advisory notes relating to driving outside the UK.




There is no legal requirement for a motorist to carry 'compulsory equipment’ while driving in the UK.


Regarding fire extinguishers, see my posting of 30 June 2015 8:26 AM here




Also worth watching





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Our new van has none either just a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector.

Mind you, the fire extinguisher that has come with the last couple of vans wouldn't have had much effect, probably better off spending the time to get out as soon as you can.


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breakaleg - 2015-07-10 12:23 PM

Mind you, the fire extinguisher that has come with the last couple of vans wouldn't have had much effect, probably better off spending the time to get out as soon as you can.


We are cooking and sleeping (not at the same time!) in small box with diesel, propane and 230v electricity all in close proximity.

Thus we have CO/smoke detector + fire extinguisher + fire blanket. The CO/smoke detector is tested before every trip.

I would only ever fight a fire if

a - everyone was out of the van

b - the fire is VERY small

c - I'm standing in the doorway (i.e clear escape route)

hence our fire extinguisher is by the door.


I'm a fire warden at work. We've had training in evacuating buildings. The advice we've had from the fire service is that if we haven't got everyone out of our two storey office and workshops within 3 minutes of the fire starting, we could easily have casualties/deaths. They say that in a domestic fire, this is reduced to about 2 minutes. Imaging how short a time we are talking about in a motorhome - scary!


The purpose of this type of fire fighting equipment is to either extinguish a fire if you catch it in the first few seconds and/or to aid your escape - not to put out a major fire.

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sshortcircuit - 2015-07-09 6:44 PM


If you join one of the clubs and attend a rally you will need a little red bucket filled with water at the front of your MH and that is law :-D


Legal requirement in a MH, no chance.

Is that to be used in emergency's in the middle of the night and is it communal? *-)
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breakaleg - 2015-07-10 12:23 PM


Our new van has none either just a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector.

Mind you, the fire extinguisher that has come with the last couple of vans wouldn't have had much effect, probably better off spending the time to get out as soon as you can.


I wouldn't worry if your 'van came without a fire extinguisher from new. Actually I'd be more concerned if it did come with one....if you see my reasoning. If you include buying these safety items as a percentage of your overall expenditure including your 'van it would work out at about0.01% of the total at the most.
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It's good advice to read your fire extinguisher instructions before you need it. I remember standing trying to read the instructions when a technician set himself on fire. The extinguisher had to be used upside down!

Things like what to use for a cooking fire, electrical fire or fuel fire.

All I remember is that with an engine fire, don't open the bonnet, but squirt a powder extinguisher through the grill. I think.

But everyone out first in any situation.

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