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Are there any musicians out there? I carry my instrument with me in the MH and get it out at every opportunity, normally to good appreciation (if not somewhat alcohol driven!).


Link to my old band (although I play other stuff too!) - http://manxman.ch


Meeting up for a session would be cool.





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Guest JudgeMental
Brock - 2015-07-10 8:52 PM


Try posting on Motorhome Facts or Motorhome Fun. They've both had informal musical gatherings at rallies. Fun have a big turn out at Warners' Shows.


your talents would be appreciated over with the funsters :D

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I play keyboards and have a Yamaha Tyros at home but on the road I take a Yamaha PSR s900 which can be powered from 12 volt with a 12 to 16v converter.


Mostly play for my own amusement but have started many a party when others have come over to listen and sing along.


I have even been asked to get my organ out :$ - now there is a request!


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